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Full Version: The Walking Dead, Season 7 (spoilers)
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That would help slow the story down...

Quote:I know the main characters of the group are dead, but didn't another group of them get out of Alexandria with some of their weapons?

Yes, no telling how many there are out there, but the plot has moved on and I don't expect they'll go backwards.
Quote:Told yall
He was a sniveling little snit anyway so good riddance.
Quote:Yes, no telling how many there are out there, but the plot has moved on and I don't expect they'll go backwards.
The mysterious taped up boot perhaps?
Quote:The mysterious taped up boot perhaps?

Could be but I figure its the next big threat from the comics or the Oceanside group.
Quote:Could be but I figure its the next big threat from the comics or the Oceanside group.
Realistically, that's probably who it is.
Just seems early for them...


Maybe it's the oceansiders...that could slow it down an episode or two.

Has anyone looked into the "ppp" card Tara found at the end of her episode when she went back for Heath and he was gone?


Basically, 'ppp' is a music dynamic that has to do with the loudness of a note. ppp in music stands for pianississimo, which means very, very soft... as soft as a whisper.


That, plus the boots... they're definitely teasing the Whisperers. They probably kidnapped Heath and he told them about Alexandria.

Hmmm, good info. Forgot about that card.

It's back!
I hope we at least find out who the lurker is
Quote:I hope we at least find out who the lurker is

[Image: 61816_1_1421645640.jpg]
solid episode, probably better than any episode in the first half., the didnt feel like typical drag your feet twd

Quote: probably better than any episode in the first half.

Not sure I agree there. Was a pretty good one though.
I have no idea who this new group is supposed to be.
Yeah I don't know what's up with the new group either at the last second. It was funny seeing Rick smile about the encounter though. He must seem fairly confident he'll be able to convince them to fight Negan and his Saviors. 

Quote:Yeah I don't know what's up with the new group either at the last second. It was funny seeing Rick smile about the encounter though. He must seem fairly confident he'll be able to convince them to fight Negan and his Saviors.

I think that's what it is. He saw them and thought "these are exactly the people we need, we can do this with them"

At least IMO amyway
Quote:I have no idea who this new group is supposed to be.

I thought it was those chicks Tera met up with, since I think they were all females. 
Quote:I thought it was those chicks Tera met up with, since I think they were all females. 

Was thinking that too but I think it ties back to the boat scene and that area. Unless they've got a wide range or scope out there. We'll see. 
It's Heath and Gabe with the group that picked Heath up by the bridge.

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