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Just two more episodes until this half season is finally flushed down the toilet. 

Quote:I would love to read the comics but RollerJag said the font is too small on the Kindle, which is what I have, and to pay for that or the books right now is not an expense I can justify.

Just go to Barnes and Noble and pull them from shelves in 30-60 minute blocks.
Love the Oceanside community. Great episode. Nice to see they are sprinkling stuff in that isn't in the graphic novels. It works in TWD, yet FTWD is like watching Scrappy Doo.
Quote:Just go to Barnes and Noble and pull them from shelves in 30-60 minute blocks.
I would love to except we don't have a bookstore in my small town. But that is a great idea. Lol. Maybe RJ can take that advice.
Quote:Love the Oceanside community. Great episode. Nice to see they are sprinkling stuff in that isn't in the graphic novels. It works in TWD, yet FTWD is like watching Scrappy Doo.
Watching FTWD is worse than watching paint dry. My husband likes to watch it so I suffer and watch it with him. He has NO idea how much I love him. Lol
Quote:Watching FTWD is worse than watching paint dry. My husband likes to watch it so I suffer and watch it with him. He has NO idea how much I love him. Lol

I tend to agree.  I made it through Season 1 and a part of Season 2 prior to realizing that I didn't like any of the characters and was just hoping they all died.
Quote:I tend to agree.  I made it through Season 1 and a part of Season 2 prior to realizing that I didn't like any of the characters and was just hoping they all died.

Same here.
The Oceanside setup is an odd twist. I get the feeling the granddaughter is gonna end up with the group. 


Or with a bat upside her head. Either way... lol

Tara is probably my least favorite character... and she gets her own episode?!?!


She infuriates me because her chest size is inversely proportional to her likability.


That's not supposed to happen.

Quote:Tara is probably my least favorite character... and she gets her own episode?!?!


She infuriates me because her chest size is inversely proportional to her likability.


That's not supposed to happen.
Especially after her new baby. Wowza
Quote:Especially after her new baby. Wowza
For real. A lot of people were knocking the actress for 'getting fat'. HELLO people, she's pregnant! Even though I never saw her pregger belly (the show did a good job of hiding it) I knew she was preggers. The weight gain in her face and neck made it obvious, at least to me it did. 


As for the episode, I like her well enough but not enough for her own episode. I realize it was a way for the show to introduce the new community who will obviously be a part of the War To Come, but having her be the focus was different. As for the community, I kept waiting for Diana AKA Wonder Woman to show up among the group of women. It just reminded me of an Amazon colony. Some other folks were calling it the feminazi community but that was before they watched the whole thing and realized [spoiler]why the men and boys were all gone.[/spoiler]
I thought it was a solid episode and Tara plays a good comic relief role. She's better than the whole cast of FTWD.
Yeah, she had a few bits of humor in there. I thought it was a good episode, especially since it had been 9 months (coincidence? I think not) since she was on the show.

Quote:I thought it was a solid episode and Tara plays a good comic relief role. She's better than the whole cast of FTWD.
Definitely. I liked her in the episode I just don't know how I feel about her carrying a full episode. I may warm up to it upon a second viewing. I do like that she didn't say anything to Rosita. 
It was kinda boring IMO, like the Beth/Darryl episodes earlier on, but doable.

It was a bit of a snooze fest. But I understand why they have to do it. Why they have to develop other characters and go off the beating path here and there to create a story. It does seem like it's getting very, very crowded though. I suspect the next two episodes will just set the table for "All Out War" when they return next year in February. I am hoping by the end of next season that they decide to kill off a bunch of characters that don't seem important to the grand scheme of things. Just pull of a super fast budget cut in one massive scene like they did last year in Game of Thrones. Carl's future is the most intriguing right now in the show. I know he's pivotal in the comic series. But the kid that plays as him, Chandler Riggs and his dad have been dropping little subtle hints here and there through twitter and facebook that may not bode well for his character in the show and could have huge, HUGE story arch twists and developments that differ greatly from the comic series here soon enough. Riggs mentioned his seven year contract is up, that he's been accepted to Auburn and his father made it seem like he was done and quickly removed his comments but people were fast enough to capture them and save them. Nobody has really come forward about that since then. SO, we'll see. 

Quote:It was a bit of a snooze fest. But I understand why they have to do it. Why they have to develop other characters and go off the beating path here and there to create a story. It does seem like it's getting very, very crowded though. I suspect the next two episodes will just set the table for "All Out War" when they return next year in February. I am hoping by the end of next season that they decide to kill off a bunch of characters that don't seem important to the grand scheme of things. Just pull of a super fast budget cut in one massive scene like they did last year in Game of Thrones. Carl's future is the most intriguing right now in the show. I know he's pivotal in the comic series. But the kid that plays as him, Chandler Riggs and his dad have been dropping little subtle hints here and there through twitter and facebook that may not bode well for his character in the show and could have huge, HUGE story arch twists and developments that differ greatly from the comic series here soon enough. Riggs mentioned his seven year contract is up, that he's been accepted to Auburn and his father made it seem like he was done and quickly removed his comments but people were fast enough to capture them and save them. Nobody has really come forward about that since then. SO, we'll see. 

Carl's aging is disconcerting when compared to Judith. That baby needs some growth hormones.
The Tara episode was better than the Darryl episode.  But it still felt like the story had stalled.  Combine the Tara and Darryl episode into one episode, and you probably get a better episode overall.

Quote:Carl's aging is disconcerting when compared to Judith. That baby needs some growth hormones.

Judith will replace Coral as the primary kid at the end of the season. They'll time jump about 5 years and she'll be 10 years old, the perfect age to take up the comic storyline.
Quote:Judith will replace Coral as the primary kid at the end of the season. They'll time jump about 5 years and she'll be 10 years old, the perfect age to take up the comic storyline.

That would be interesting. 
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