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(05-18-2018, 01:23 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 01:19 PM)TurndownforWatt Wrote: [ -> ]It's not really one generation, but a steady deterioraion of the American family from one generation to the next. People are so detached today, especially with two income households today and the reluctance to even use corporal punishment anymore. When I was growing up it was extremely common to go out to the store or restaurant and witness a public *** whipping...I can't remember the last time I saw one of those. Hell when I was growing up you could even catch a ***  whipping from someone who wasn't a parent. Parents as a whole don't discipline anymore and kids are socially [BLEEP] sucked into their phones, tablets, and other electronic devices...they don't develop real face to face social skills.
Totally agree here. This is why I refuse to let my son use our tablet. He's 2 and has no reason to use it but I see many parents out there who just give the phone or tablet to keep them quiet.

I just disagree with some posters who are trying to pin the blame on one generation. One generation is influenced by the previous one. These millenials were taught my the generation before them so they should be partially to blame as well right?

How many boomers were school shooters? Zero. Well I guess that guy in the clocktower in Texas.

How many Gen X'ers were school shooters? Zero.

How many millennials? like 3 or 4?

Now Gen Y or Z whatever it is... is going insane.

It's the deterioration of America.
(05-18-2018, 01:23 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 01:19 PM)TurndownforWatt Wrote: [ -> ]It's not really one generation, but a steady deterioraion of the American family from one generation to the next. People are so detached today, especially with two income households today and the reluctance to even use corporal punishment anymore. When I was growing up it was extremely common to go out to the store or restaurant and witness a public *** whipping...I can't remember the last time I saw one of those. Hell when I was growing up you could even catch a ***  whipping from someone who wasn't a parent. Parents as a whole don't discipline anymore and kids are socially [BLEEP] sucked into their phones, tablets, and other electronic devices...they don't develop real face to face social skills.
Totally agree here. This is why I refuse to let my son use our tablet. He's 2 and has no reason to use it but I see many parents out there who just give the phone or tablet to keep them quiet.

I just disagree with some posters who are trying to pin the blame on one generation. One generation is influenced by the previous one. These millenials were taught my the generation before them so they should be partially to blame as well right?

I believe Millenials have been done a great disservice.  A lot of the mistrust and skepticism they have of those before them have been earned.  So, it's very difficult for them to understand fact from fiction, the dangerous and destructive from that which has been proven good.  There's been a distinct shift from being led by intellect to being lead by emotion.  The interesting thing being, we've become more irrational in the age where technology/logic plays a greater role in our lives.
(05-18-2018, 01:42 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 01:23 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Totally agree here. This is why I refuse to let my son use our tablet. He's 2 and has no reason to use it but I see many parents out there who just give the phone or tablet to keep them quiet.

I just disagree with some posters who are trying to pin the blame on one generation. One generation is influenced by the previous one. These millenials were taught my the generation before them so they should be partially to blame as well right?

I believe Millenials have been done a great disservice.  A lot of the mistrust and skepticism they have of those before them have been earned.  So, it's very difficult for them to understand fact from fiction, the dangerous and destructive from that which has been proven good.  There's been a distinct shift from being led by intellect to being lead by emotion.  The interesting thing being, we've become more irrational in the age where technology/logic plays a greater role in our lives.

That's the big issue..

People using emotion instead of logical, rational thought.

We have become a nation of feelers rather than thinkers.
The common thread is these shooters are nutjobs. We need to do our best to figure out why and how to prevent more nutjobs.

Even West Virginia Ninja knows... don't go ninja'in' nobody don't need ninja'in'.


No one wants to be responsible for anything, including themselves, any longer. There's always a call for "someone" to "do something." That's too late and it's treating the symptom - not the disease. Fix what led to the creation of the nutjob.
(05-18-2018, 01:51 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]The common thread is these shooters are nutjobs.  We need to do our best to figure out why and how to prevent more nutjobs.

Even West Virginia Ninja knows... don't go ninja'in' nobody don't need ninja'in'.


No one wants to be responsible for anything, including themselves, any longer.  There's always a call for "someone" to "do something."  That's too late and it's treating the symptom - not the disease.  Fix what led to the creation of the nutjob.

He sure does have one mean Judy chop!
(05-18-2018, 01:27 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 01:23 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Totally agree here. This is why I refuse to let my son use our tablet. He's 2 and has no reason to use it but I see many parents out there who just give the phone or tablet to keep them quiet.

I just disagree with some posters who are trying to pin the blame on one generation. One generation is influenced by the previous one. These millenials were taught my the generation before them so they should be partially to blame as well right?

How many boomers were school shooters? Zero. Well I guess that guy in the clocktower in Texas.

How many Gen X'ers were school shooters? Zero.

How many millennials? like 3 or 4?

Now Gen Y or Z whatever it is... is going insane.

It's the deterioration of America.

There's a lot more people living in this country today in comparison to the Baby Boomer and Generation X eras. That doesn't excuse what's going on today though. Not one bit. But we're certainly getting crowded as a society and we're depending more and more on technology and less and less on old school tradition and values. 

It's certainly deteriorating though society wise. I don't know if we want to say it's because most parents bit off more than they could chew or they simply lost a good job or opportunity due to economical hits and it's forcing parents to spend more time working than actually taking care of their children at home. I've cited this before in more detail in other threads. 

Gun laws won't change much. But I still feel like we're not as violent as other countries or people here want to paint us out to be. I really do get tired of the comparisons to other countries and their polices when their populations are equal or just a tad bit higher than some of our major cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, etc. 

It's a [BLEEP] mess here. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets even remotely close to getting any better.
2 questions I just want to ask with a yes or no answer for the board.

Are their illegal guns out there?

Are the gun laws too lax?
Yes. People own guns that have since been banned prior to or before ownership. Folks also have illegally modified their guns, some treat that as a hobby. Criminals love to remove serial numbers, which also renders the gun illegal. There are also felons and others who own guns illegally.

Laws don't prevent crimes.

No. Gun laws are not too lax. Criminals have no intention of following them no matter how many or what type they are, and regardless of penalty (life or death, doesn't matter.)
(05-18-2018, 12:56 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 12:12 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]Millennials are the parents of these kids.
Awesome. And who were the parents of these millennials?

You're trying to blame one demographic here which is utterly absurd.

It’s more than absurd,it’s unrealistic. 

What about the kids who don’t have parents & were born into the foster system, ppl who’s parents may have died, or who’s parents did a good job raising their children to the best of their ability. 

People who all of a sudden want to blame the parents for children who become violent are just being lazy by taking the convient path for excuses and don’t want to address the bigger issue.
(05-18-2018, 03:27 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]2 questions I just want to ask with a yes or no answer for the board.

Are their illegal guns out there? Yes

Are the gun laws too lax? No
(05-18-2018, 03:27 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]2 questions I just want to ask with a yes or no answer for the board.

Are their illegal guns out there?

Are the gun laws too lax?

Of course we have illegals guns out there. Just like we have illegal drugs and other people doing illegal things. It's unavoidable in virtually every single country or society. So, YES. To make it simple. LOL. 

The guns laws vary from state to state from my understanding. It may or may not be too relaxed in some states. Chicago has some of the toughest laws out there by all accounts yet they still see some of the highest gun related incidents in the country if not THE highest. So I honestly can't give you a direct or firm yes or no to that question. Unfortunately. 

I still think mental health isn't taken seriously enough in our modern society. Especially here in our own Country. And that plays a much bigger role in why these shootings are happening today on a level that's never been seen before. I still circle back to too much technology and lack of traditional values at home. Just my opinion.
(05-18-2018, 03:33 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 12:56 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome. And who were the parents of these millennials?

You're trying to blame one demographic here which is utterly absurd.

It’s more than absurd,it’s unrealistic. 

What about the kids who don’t have parents & were born into the foster system, ppl who’s parents may have died, or who’s parents did a good job raising their children to the best of their ability. 

People who all of a sudden want to blame the parents for children who become violent are just being lazy by taking the convient path for excuses and don’t want to address the bigger issue.

Practice what you preach.  The concept of bad people is the bigger issue you're avoiding by pointing the finger elsewhere.  It's all about responsibility and fully grasping it.
Study the whack jobs for about a year to see if any insight might be gained in weeding out future nut job punks then afterwards carry out their death penalty for the hideous crimes they committed. What's that? You cannot execute the crazy? Bull crap. Change the laws then. There should be laws that allow permanent gene pool removal of folks that are that crazy.
These kinda kids used to look up to astronauts and astrophysicists.

Now they see school shooters as heroes.

Feels like the story of John LaRue (can't remember if that's his name or not...) should be studied more.
(05-18-2018, 03:33 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]People who all of a sudden want to blame the parents for children who become violent are just being lazy by taking the convient path for excuses and don’t want to address the bigger issue.

So parents who aren't responsible enough to secure their own firearms shouldn't hold any blame? Because I'm starting to see a reoccurring theme in cases like this and I think it's time to start giving these people jail time and serious fines.

This kid didn't buy these firearms (shotgun and .38 revolver)..his dad did and his dad failed to control possession of them. For Christ's sake buy a damn gun safe and keep your wacko son away from the firearms.

Same thing happened with the waffle house shooter who had his guns confiscated and given to his father only to have his father turn around and give them right back. Both of these cases were entirely avoidable if the parents were simply more responsible. Gun ownership is a privilege and a great responsibility..if these people can't handle it then they deserve legal recourse and the loss of that responsibility.

Control your weapons and lock your guns up.
(05-18-2018, 03:57 PM)TurndownforWatt Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 03:33 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]People who all of a sudden want to blame the parents for children who become violent are just being lazy by taking the convient path for excuses and don’t want to address the bigger issue.

So parents who aren't responsible enough to secure their own firearms shouldn't hold any blame? Because I'm starting to see a reoccurring theme in cases like this and I think it's time to start giving these people jail time and serious fines.

This kid didn't buy these firearms (shotgun and .38 revolver)..his dad did and his dad failed to control possession of them. For Christ's sake buy a damn gun safe and keep your wacko son away from the firearms.

Same thing happened with the waffle house shooter who had his guns confiscated and given to his father only to have his father turn around and give them right back. Both of these cases were entirely avoidable if the parents were simply more responsible. Gun ownership is a privilege and a great responsibility..if these people can't handle it then they deserve legal recourse and the loss of that responsibility.

Control your weapons and lock your guns up.

110% agreed with all of the above. It should be common sense. But, you may get into a battle of "he said/she said". If I keep my items locked up tight or sealed away but somehow the little brat figured out a way to jailbreak it or flat out unlock it than what else can you do?
(05-18-2018, 03:57 PM)TurndownforWatt Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 03:33 PM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]People who all of a sudden want to blame the parents for children who become violent are just being lazy by taking the convient path for excuses and don’t want to address the bigger issue.

So parents who aren't responsible enough to secure their own firearms shouldn't hold any blame? Because I'm starting to see a reoccurring theme in cases like this and I think it's time to start giving these people jail time and serious fines.

This kid didn't buy these firearms (shotgun and .38 revolver)..his dad did and his dad failed to control possession of them. For Christ's sake buy a damn gun safe and keep your wacko son away from the firearms.

Gun ownership is a privilege

Wrong, Gun ownership is a RIGHT as outlined in the Constitution, a Little thing called the 2nd amendment. Driving is a privilege that can be taken away from you
(05-18-2018, 03:46 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]These kinda kids used to look up to astronauts and astrophysicists.

Now they see school shooters as heroes.

Feels like the story of John LaRue (can't remember if that's his name or not...) should be studied more.
You make the most absurd comments.

99% of the kids in this country are not looking up to shooters as heroes. They’re scared to even go to school.
(05-18-2018, 04:29 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 03:46 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]These kinda kids used to look up to astronauts and astrophysicists.

Now they see school shooters as heroes.

Feels like the story of John LaRue (can't remember if that's his name or not...) should be studied more.
You make the most absurd comments.

99% of the kids in this country are not looking up to shooters as heroes. They’re scared to even go to school.

You're intellectually dishonest if you think the sensationalizing of these shootings aren't fueling the copycats we're currently seeing.
(05-18-2018, 04:32 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2018, 04:29 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]You make the most absurd comments.

99% of the kids in this country are not looking up to shooters as heroes. They’re scared to even go to school.

You're intellectually dishonest if you think the sensationalizing of these shootings aren't fueling the copycats we're currently seeing.
That’s not the point. The point is that most kids are not looking at these shooters are heroes.

For a small group of kids who have serious issues, yes, they might look up to them.

But the majority do not.
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