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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Raiders Game Day Thread***
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Pickin on Cyp
Game over.
Quote:Nortman is a free agent signing by a different GM.


Anger is a buc, dude.  Ketchup.

It was a joke...  I know, not a good one
Get a stop. Carr is good
Gotta key Crab here.
Another hold. 1st was a tackle that 1 was a hooked jersey. Refs letting Oakland play.
This is JDR's house and he's going to rub Gus's nose in it.
lol damn he had that one too

Thankfully he dropped that
That was a nice toss to Roberts. Wasn't good for the Jags, but, gotta admire a pretty throw like that.


Well we held them to 3...  That's good


Carr's wind up and accuracy makes me jealous

Saved by a drop
Carr got it all
That was a nice toss to Roberts. Wasn't good for the Jags, but, gotta admire a pretty throw like that.

See ya next week....Game Set Match. We can't come back from this.
That was a close drive...glad he wasnt able to catch that one...

Is 3-0 insurmountable?
That was a nice toss to Roberts. Wasn't good for the Jags, but, gotta admire a pretty throw like that.