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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Raiders Game Day Thread***
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Kool-aid speech at halftime?
Lol cyp
Of course on CYP
How bad is Cyprien in coverage? Never looks for the ball
Crabtree is a has been
fixed my sig for our offense

Sack fumble to incoming
Quote:Whoa, so thats what a real QB looks like.

Tight throwing motion, good footwork. 


Good coaching.  Good passion by the team.  Yeah, everytime we play a mediocre team, we see how far we are from being mediocre
Phantom call glad it was overturned
We're never complete........ Last year offense was good, defense bad. Now defense is good (for the most part), offense is horrible......




It was accepted last season. Just along for the bumpy, missing track of a roller coaster ride
Lol. Prince is getting schooled by Crabtree.
Lol crab is a beast
Prince has been awful
Wow put House in
Prince is getting abused and spit on.
You saw that beautiful quick slant throw, bortles cant do that
You people should be ashamed of your team.
Amukamara is getting abused. By a sorry a** receiver like Crabtree.

Quote:Why not switch Ramsey onto Crabtree?

I mean, I'm no coach... Clearly I'm not smart enough... But I was thinking, hey, let's put our best against thiers...

I guess they think Cooper is their best WR.

It doesn't matter. If they put Jalen on Crabtree,, then Copper will go off.