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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Raiders Game Day Thread***
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Take the fg. Bortles sucks
That scared call lol.
Wht the hell was that man
what the hell kind of play is that on 3rd and goal?

playing scared when you're trailing

Awful ugh
7 yards for Bortles hahha

That wasn't catchable by JT? Put your hands out? Dive?

Blake Bortles is the worst QB in football

Sorry 3 points
Nice. We need 10. We throw it 5. I guess when Bortles is your QB that's the best play.
I'm ready to shoot bb5 and gus out of a gas filled cannon
That BB5 stat lineĀ  Sick

Shoulda gone to Hurns

Shake your head all you want bortles. They dony trust you
We in it.

Put Henne in.

Atleast we aren't shut out.

Come on defense.
MYERS!!!!!!!! Yessssssss lets goooooo!!!!