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Full Version: ***Official Bears @ Jags Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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There is your classic Jags.

Damnit bortles
Bortles gonna Bortle.
Spoke too soon again
Ay Bortles.
Once we abandon the terrible schemes on both sides of the ball, we become competitive....
Quote:Bortles isn't the problem you inept people. He should have 2 TDs now

He is great!
Should've taken that shower
Quote:I have 2 NFL scouts in the family. Don't really care what redneck Jags fans think. The coaching staff is the worst in the NFL.
Hey champ, how do you explain what just happened?


I'm out of excuses for BB5
Hurns was open again, just ignored him lol. Allen or Henne time yet? 

Where's spacecoastjag? Did your inept scouts like that play?
Game over guys

Ive never seen a qb do that
The screen would've worked there BTW.
Hype aside this is probably the worst offense in the league still.

Go away bortles