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Full Version: ***Official Bears @ Jags Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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Quote:Ramsey for Prez!!!
lol he talks so much trash we would be at war with everyone. Still love the kid though, he is going to be elite i think. 

lol, Gus doesn't know what to do out there after a road win.

We got us a shut down corner boys
Definitely didn't need a win

We still in the hunt for the AFC south title
Ice Cream Party tonight. Sprinkles included.
Ugliest win in franchise history. But it's like the first time in a hundred years that we've won back to back games.

Just think, Bears fans have to go to bed tonight knowing they lost to us. That's tough.

Quote:Just think, Bears fans have to go to bed tonight knowing they lost to us. That's tough.

Yea and it's not like we played a good game.
Got to give it to Bortles at the end, but I hope he improves a great deal sooner than later.

Well, one positive is that they keep fighting. But we still have to deal with these inept playcalling and schemes for a while longer. A win is good though. 2 in a row; so that's some upside!

One of the ugliest wins ever... but man, I'll take it.
Play awful and win...


...imagine if we play well!



Ramsey da GOAT
Quote:Just think, Bears fans have to go to bed tonight knowing they lost to us. That's tough.

A lot are pretty excited; brings them closer to the first overall pick.
Ramsay's athleticism just saved Gus's neck

Not sure how this happened lol

Wow surprised we won....but this win will only have our coaches thinking their philosophy works which isn't the case.