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Full Version: State of Florida 2016 Ballot Measures
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Quote:So you're saying that a failed ballot initiative should be a permanent muzzle that prevents discussion of issues for a second time?

I never said that. My point is just two years are not enough for the state population to change significantly to the point that a different result on the same issue should be expected. If they wait 10 years, it would be a different story.
Quote:I never said that. My point is just two years are not enough for the state population to change significantly to the point that a different result on the same issue should be expected. If they wait 10 years, it would be a different story.

They could have tweaked the bill some and got rid of parts of it that caused people to vote no on it the first time. If you had a medical condition that could be improved or alleviated with medical marijuana, would you want to have to wait 10 years for it to come up again?
They need an additional 4% after previously winning a simple majority. THat coupled with succeses in other states means it should pass this time pretty easily.
Wish we would hurry up and pass federal law banning the feds from dictating narcotic control all together. It's a state issue anyways but at this point we have to pass amendments to take power back from the feds.
Quote:They could have tweaked the bill some and got rid of parts of it that caused people to vote no on it the first time. If you had a medical condition that could be improved or alleviated with medical marijuana, would you want to have to wait 10 years for it to come up again?

I never heard of any medical condition that can only be treated by smoking pot. There are legal drugs for almost everything.
Quote:I never heard of any medical condition that can only be treated by smoking pot. There are legal drugs for almost everything.
Marijuana helps with nausea after receiving chemo, allowing that person to be able to keep food down, therefore not getting even weaker than the chemo alreaady makes them. And a lot of prescribed medication has worse side effects than what they are trying to cure.

Just because you've never heard about it, doesn't mean it's not true.
Derail I know but I didn't start it. for J-dub



The only difference between legal and illegal drugs is legislation.


Otherwise, they are one and the same.


They ALL are taken for both specific medical purposes and for recreation.

Bunnie, are you voting for Issue 2?

Quote:Bunnie, are you voting for Issue 2?

I am voting for it, yes.
Quote:Marijuana helps with nausea after receiving chemo, allowing that person to be able to keep food down, therefore not getting even weaker than the chemo alreaady makes them. And a lot of prescribed medication has worse side effects than what they are trying to cure.

Just because you've never heard about it, doesn't mean it's not true.

Not to mention the many kids who's seizures can only be controlled by medical THC.. Has my vote right there alone..

I'm such a softy.
Quote:Not to mention the many kids who's seizures can only be controlled by medical THC.. Has my vote right there alone..

I'm such a softy.

I totally forgot it being beneficial for epilepsy, good point.
Quote:I totally forgot it being beneficial for epilepsy, good point.

I've been a big advocate for legalization just for that reason alone.

They can legalize it for recreational use or not, don't care either way, but some of them kids need it for medicinal purposes and it's asinine that our government turns a blind eye to it.
The solar one is definitely shady in what it does/ "protects"  But ya I'm okay with tax breaks for all sorts of people, the homestead exemption is not enough
Quote:I totally forgot it being beneficial for epilepsy, good point.

I have epilepsy. It is relatively controlled by two FDA-approved drugs. Most patients are able to do this with varying degrees of success. Many drugs exist to control seizures. I know way too much about this subject to believe epileptic people, regardless of what type of seizures they get or the disorder's severity, should smoke marijuana instead of pop pills into their mouths. This is from personal experience and knowing other people with epilepsy, so take my word for it.


Fun fact: Former Steelers, Jets, and Cardinals LG Alan Faneca takes one of the same epilepsy medications I used to take for years. He is one of the few lucky people who has been seizure-free since his first treatment.
Quote:I have epilepsy. It is relatively controlled by two FDA-approved drugs. Most patients are able to do this with varying degrees of success. Many drugs exist to control seizures. I know way too much about this subject to believe epileptic people, regardless of what type of seizures they get or the disorder's severity, should smoke marijuana instead of pop pills into their mouths. This is from personal experience and knowing other people with epilepsy, so take my word for it.


Fun fact: Former Steelers, Jets, and Cardinals LG Alan Faneca takes one of the same epilepsy medications I used to take for years. He is one of the few lucky people who has been seizure-free since his first treatment.

Medical marijuana can come in pill form, it doesn't have to be smoked. You should really read up on it before you make up your mind on something you obviously know nothing about.
Quote:Medical marijuana can come in pill form, it doesn't have to be smoked. You should really read up on it before you make up your mind on something you obviously know nothing about.

That is good to know. The fact that an issue must be put on the ballot to legalize medical use of a drug known to help people with a variety of medical conditions by putting it in the state Constitution (as opposed to the FDA approved drugs in all 50 states)  is a mental barrier. First of all, is smoking marijuana excluded for this, so that nobody is harming others by medicating himself? How would the state prevent people from using it recreationally on top of the prescribed doses?
Quote:That is good to know. The fact that an issue must be put on the ballot to legalize medical use of a drug known to help people with a variety of medical conditions by putting it in the state Constitution (as opposed to the FDA approved drugs in all 50 states)  is a mental barrier. First of all, is smoking marijuana excluded for this, so that nobody is harming others by medicating himself? How would the state prevent people from using it recreationally on top of the prescribed doses?

The medical part means you have to have a prescription for it, it doesn't legalize the use of recreational smoking from your local drug dealer on a street corner.
The State has no business stopping people from using it recreationally. The FDA is a competition control mechanism, nothing more. And drug laws were born out of racism, so someone get JFC and Snake on it pronto.
Quote:The medical part means you have to have a prescription for it, it doesn't legalize the use of recreational smoking from your local drug dealer on a street corner.

Would you ask her to explain how medicating yourself harms others in her mind?
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