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Full Version: History Teacher Stomps on American Flag in Classroom
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Quote:i really lost all hope for this country. its going to continue to devolve into more chaos until it completely destroys itself.  i know, it could be worse.  i believe it will get worse.

Ammo, water, food, and land. I am already preparing my family for an exodus to the deep country in the near future regardless of the president elected. Fortunately my career allows for easy remote work to be found. The times, they are a changin'. The cultural revolution is upon us.

Just to put a face to this punk



[Image: 1474471767667.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]

It's a valuable lesson in application of the First Amendment. If the school district chooses to fire the teacher, it would be a valuable lesson in accountability for your actions. If the union tries to block a firing made on the grounds of what the district might consider unacceptable conduct in the workplace, then it's a great lesson on union meddling in private business dealings, and why unions should be abolished.
Yeah, don't stomp on a rainbow flag...that may actually offend somebody.

Quote:It's a valuable lesson in application of the First Amendment. If the school district chooses to fire the teacher, it would be a valuable lesson in accountability for your actions. If the union tries to block a firing made on the grounds of what the district might consider unacceptable conduct in the workplace, then it's a great lesson on union meddling in private business dealings, and why unions should be abolished.

This is like, we have an entire country of 330 million people, and the Internet, which makes it so easy for us to find something to get all outraged about. Our daily outrage. "It just shows, the country is going to hell in a hand basket!"

Well, now, some teacher somewhere stomped on an American flag to make a point about the First Amendment.

Big deal.

You people are being manipulated.
Quote:This is like, we have an entire country of 330 million people, and the Internet, which makes it so easy for us to find something to get all outraged about. Our daily outrage. "It just shows, the country is going to hell in a hand basket!"

Well, now, some teacher somewhere stomped on an American flag to make a point about the First Amendment.

Big deal.

You people are being manipulated.

so how many riots and bombings will have to take place before you consider it a big deal?
I don't think it's a "big deal" to stomp on the American flag...but I don't think it should be taught in our American school systems.

Quote:This is like, we have an entire country of 330 million people, and the Internet, which makes it so easy for us to find something to get all outraged about. Our daily outrage. "It just shows, the country is going to hell in a hand basket!"

Well, now, some teacher somewhere stomped on an American flag to make a point about the First Amendment.

Big deal.

You people are being manipulated.
What the hell you talking about manipulated?  We're just people commenting on a message board about a news article. Exactly like you just did by the way.


Manipulated? Foolishness.
ignorance is bliss. the internet doesn't allow us to be so anymore. we see everything.

We hate riots but advocating violence against people stomping on a flag is a-okay. What a strange dichotomy. 

Quote:We hate riots but advocating violence against people stomping on a flag is a-okay. What a strange dichotomy.

Just think how they respond when muslims get upset when their prophet is mocked.
Quote:Just think how they respond when muslims get upset when their prophet is mocked.

Islamophobic comment. you need to take a four hour course on tolerance.
Wish there was more to the story than what is written (it's FOX, so the intent is simply to get people riled up -success-). I'd like to know why the teacher felt the need to give that example. I am all for teaching about freedoms and questioning authority, but I don't know the context the teacher was using. At any rate, the act seems to have been done for shock value and will likely get him in very hot water. I get where kids in the class would be hurt and offended. Whatever the lesson he was trying to teach is, I feel he would have been able to make a more impactful statement by engaging in a dialogue on the subject with students instead of making a spectacle of himself.
Quote:We hate riots but advocating violence against people stomping on a flag is a-okay. What a strange dichotomy. 

Interesting that you compare fantasizing on a message board about punching a guy in the face for being a disrespectful worm to millions of patriots




actual ongoing looting and vandalizing of businesses while assaulting totally un-related street folk in outrage over legally justified law enforcement.

Quote:Interesting that you compare fantasizing on a message board about punching a guy in the face for being a disrespectful worm to millions of patriots




actual ongoing looting and vandalizing of businesses while assaulting totally un-related street folk in outrage over legally justified law enforcement.
Well some of us, me, would never condone any violence wether it's rioting or because someone hurt my star-spangled sensibilities.. Other people, like in this thread, like and approve of violence when it serves their purpose or helps their positions. 


Do you support violence of this nature? Is that the point of your reply?
Quote:Well some of us, me, would never condone any violence wether it's rioting or because someone hurt my star-spangled sensibilities.. Other people, like in this thread, like and approve of violence when it serves their purpose or helps their positions. 


Do you support violence of this nature? Is that the point of your reply?

The point of my reply was to state interest in your comparison. I actually support TJBender's position. Personally, if someone stood up and socked the guy in the face for being a worm, I wouldn't have an issue. I also wouldn't have an issue if the person who socked him was convicted of assault.
Quote:The point of my reply was to state interest in your comparison. I actually support TJBender's position. Personally, if someone stood up and socked the guy in the face for being a worm, I wouldn't have an issue. I also wouldn't have an issue if the person who socked him was convicted of assault.
It surprises me how many will support violence behind a cause they deem worthy. That was the point of my comparison. 
Quote:It surprises me how many will support violence behind a cause they deem worthy. That was the point of my comparison. 

We're all just a bunch of uncivilized barbarians.
i didn't say such a thing, but if the guy is ACTUALLY beat up for this by a bunch of patriots let me know and i will join you in condemning them

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