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Full Version: History Teacher Stomps on American Flag in Classroom
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Quote:Not according to polls, but maybe they will. Regardless, that wasn't my point. Saying anybody should vote based on the color of their skin or background is inherently anti-American. People are free to vote however they want.

People absolutely should vote their conscience. But plenty of people knowingly or unknowingly vote against their best interests.
Quote:Ah the typical lefty spin (not American, by the way). Where did I advocate for him to be assaulted? When I said I didn't care?


Your desire for an over-regulated private sector (economic safety nets, environmental, and bailouts) is very un-American historically.

Dude, I used the Socratic method to point out that you advocate and are fine with physical assault.  Just 1 page ago you finally conceded that you are totally satisfied with a person kicking the [BLEEP] of a worm that stomped on a flag that the worm bought himself.


Next, you say that I want to over-regulate the private sector, then you mention economic safety nets and environmental regulations.  So you think that burning lakes is American?  So you think that unemployment insurance, social security, Medicare, and public education is anti-American?  Really? You think that strengthening the American fabric is un-American???  Please explain.


Lastly, I have mentioned many times that the bank bailouts were not something I agreed with.


So you're not even really paying attention to what I've been saying.


So like I said...  I've listened to you, and you're lying to yourself and to me if you say you don't care about people that disrespect the American flag.  You'd prefer people to get beat up for burning or stomping on the flag in protest.  Accepting violence because of trivial political metaphors is authoritarian and down right fascist.  



And as an educational service to you------ wanting to keep the environment pristine is actually a conservative ideology.  Unless you think Theodore Roosevelt was a lefty liberal demo-rat that you all despise.
Quote:Like 98% of blacks that are voting will vote Democrat FWIW..
I have been holding back trying frame this argument but this post has kind of forced my hand.  So, on with the show:


How is that working for them?  Let's be honest here.  A black democrat is currently in the White House and in the 7+ years that he has been there how have the lives of black American's improved?


I am not black and I can only imagine what it is like; however, it seems to me that the opportunity to advance in life is there for everyone regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation.  There are far too many success stories of minority's regardless of affiliation succeeding in life at all levels that tell me this line of thinking that the white man is keeping me down is pure bunk.  Life owes us nothing we get out of it what we put in.  Pure and simple.  


Voting for any party or anyone for that matter that will promise to give you more free stuff to continue voting for them is self induced slavery.  You have given up your own freedom to be anything you desire or aspire to be so that someone can take care of you.  To me that is insane.
Quote:Depends on who its on..
[Image: 3ef9300ad19682be74769d1c79a4088f9e5e5b4d.jpg]
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WingerDinger" data-cid="828634" data-time="1474587136">

Depends on who its on..
[Image: 3ef9300ad19682be74769d1c79a4088f9e5e5b4d.jpg]</blockquote>

Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WingerDinger" data-cid="828634" data-time="1474587136">

Depends on who its on..
[Image: 3ef9300ad19682be74769d1c79a4088f9e5e5b4d.jpg]</blockquote>

You read my mind...
Quote:What do you guys think of American flag bikinis?
Not a fan regardless of how rockin' that body might be.  Same for trunks and don't get me started on beach towels.


  If a teacher stood at the head of a classroom, took out a rainbow flag and started stomping on it, there would be a wave of outrage coming from our progressive friends that would end up with people updating their profile pics with rainbow flags, demands and real pressure directed at school administrators to fire the teacher, and they wouldn't stop with their outrage until the teacher was forced out of their position.

Or if a white teacher wore a KKK uniform to class.
Clown has no regrets and wants the student who took the picture punished. He is placed on administrative leave.


"The teacher who desecrated the American flag inside a North Carolina classroom told me he has no regrets and wants the student who photographed him to be punished."



Quote:I have been holding back trying frame this argument but this post has kind of forced my hand. So, on with the show:

How is that working for them? Let's be honest here. A black democrat is currently in the White House and in the 7+ years that he has been there how have the lives of black American's improved?

I am not black and I can only imagine what it is like; however, it seems to me that the opportunity to advance in life is there for everyone regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation. There are far too many success stories of minority's regardless of affiliation succeeding in life at all levels that tell me this line of thinking that the white man is keeping me down is pure bunk. Life owes us nothing we get out of it what we put in. Pure and simple.

Voting for any party or anyone for that matter that will promise to give you more free stuff to continue voting for them is self induced slavery. You have given up your own freedom to be anything you desire or aspire to be so that someone can take care of you. To me that is insane.
I don't think it's that black people are voting for free stuff when they vote Democrat. I think it's that they are voting for a party they feel they can be part of (did you see the black Trump supporter punched at a rally by other Trump supporters?). The DNC was a very diverse mix of people and the RNC had almost no color (unless you count the white people holding signs written in a bad translation of Spanish). You can argue the Dems have not done enough to advance black people in America and I could point out a few examples of things they actually have done (or at least tried). Then I would point out how Republicans have been systematically trying to suppress black voters (which you would likely deny -- it's real enough to them to not vote GOP in many cases). Black lives in America are significantly better than they were 50 years ago. I wouldn't necessarily say they improved greatly under Obama. Not sure if there is any correlation to the fact the entire Right side of the country has been conditioned to loathe anything the black guy running the country says or does. It could be just a coincidence and stagnant policies.

Then I would flip the script on you and talk about poor white people, especially in middle America who show extreme loyalty (or blindness) and consistently vote for a Republican party that has done nothing for them in my lifetime. This demographic comes out to vote "R" time and time again. And what have they gotten out of it? Maybe.. like the blacks, they tend to vote for a party they feel they can be part of. Or they just like the taste of boiled shoe soup.
Quote:Or if a white teacher wore a KKK uniform to class.

Or for example locally, Clay High kids were kinda protesting because the school was making a kid take down his Confederate flag. You really can't pick and choose who gets to keep their freedom of speech rights and who has to give them up. You have to have consistency in this matter. Do away with it all or suck it up and look the other way.
Good point WingerDinger...good point.


Most progressives I know would not be outraged...

Example, when the kkk does a march you don't see a whole bunch of outrage. You get people that go out to protest against them.

But I've never heard a progressive wish for violent actions during those marches...

But I get your point. Some may feel different about it than me. I'm just not sure if any progressive would be wishing for a physical assault on a dude that was burning or stepping on a rainbow flag.

Look at some of the bile filled comments directed at those who aren't as supportive of LBGT causes based on their personal beliefs and you'll see violence threatened by a small group. To act like progressives are incapable of threatening violence is pretty naive. Especially when BLM activists have regularly used violence to push their cause.
Quote:Especially when BLM activists have regularly used violence to push their cause.

Media propaganda. These nice, law-respecting individuals are just helping the cops change a flat tire.


[Image: 141125_POL_Ferguson_Protests_14.jpg.CROP...iginal.jpg]
It's just a flag, next you will be complaining about cartoons...
Quote:Media propaganda. These nice, law-respecting individuals are just helping the cops change a flat tire.

[Image: 141125_POL_Ferguson_Protests_14.jpg.CROP...iginal.jpg]

I think I see TAM in there..
Whether it's stomping on the American flag or printing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammad, people are just looking for stuff to get outraged about, and their opinion leaders are feeding them these incidents in order to control them.  


Wake up, people.  You're being manipulated. 

Quote:It's just a flag, next you will be complaining about cartoons...

Are you really that clueless about what it represents, or are you just being deliberately obtuse?
No I get it, just like the Muslims who get upset by mocking of their prophet in cartoons.
Quote:No I get it, just like the Muslims who get upset by mocking of their prophet in cartoons.

If somebody stomped on a picture of your mother and said she's a dirty whore, would you be offended?
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