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Full Version: History Teacher Stomps on American Flag in Classroom
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So this clown can stand in front of a class and stomp a flag in a public tax payer funded school under the guise of a lesson while the kids that attend it would more than likely be suspended/sent home to change or face punishment for attire with that same flag on it?


What if one of his students had asserted their 1st amendment rights and called this clown a disrespectful piece of [BLEEP]? No consequence? I doubt it.


The guy should be fired.

Quote:i didn't say such a thing, but if the guy is ACTUALLY beat up for this by a bunch of patriots let me know and i will join you in condemning them
I'll start a Go-Fund-Me for their bail.
Quote:I'll start a Go-Fund-Me for their bail.

Trump doesn't have this one also?
Quote:I'll start a Go-Fund-Me for their bail.

that could be worth millions
Trump living rent free in folks minds. Gold Jerry, Gold.


Quote:Trump doesn't have this one also?
Quote:It's a valuable lesson in application of the First Amendment. If the school district chooses to fire the teacher, it would be a valuable lesson in accountability for your actions. If the union tries to block a firing made on the grounds of what the district might consider unacceptable conduct in the workplace, then it's a great lesson on union meddling in private business dealings, and why unions should be abolished.

Are you feeling alright TJB?  I pretty much agree with you here.
Quote:It's a valuable lesson in application of the First Amendment. If the school district chooses to fire the teacher, it would be a valuable lesson in accountability for your actions. If the union tries to block a firing made on the grounds of what the district might consider unacceptable conduct in the workplace, then it's a great lesson on union meddling in private business dealings, and why unions should be abolished.

Was this a private school?
Quote:Are you feeling alright TJB? I pretty much agree with you here.
I have chlamydia, if that's what you're getting at.
Quote:I have chlamydia, if that's what you're getting at.

You shouldn't be fooling around with TAM.   :woot:
Who cares?  The teacher has every right to stomp the flag to his heart's content no matter who it might offend.  It's his constitutional right to do so. 


After seeing Drifter's comment about stomping on a rainbow flag, he has a point.  If a teacher stood at the head of a classroom, took out a rainbow flag and started stomping on it, there would be a wave of outrage coming from our progressive friends that would end up with people updating their profile pics with rainbow flags, demands and real pressure directed at school administrators to fire the teacher, and they wouldn't stop with their outrage until the teacher was forced out of their position.

Quote:The point of my reply was to state interest in your comparison. I actually support TJBender's position. Personally, if someone stood up and socked the guy in the face for being a worm, I wouldn't have an issue. I also wouldn't have an issue if the person who socked him was convicted of assault.

You think the appropriate response to stomping on an inanimate object is assault?

Say it out loud. I think it may sound ok on your head, but say it out loud. Maybe that will help you hear how stupid that it actually sounds.

Assaulting a person for damaging their own property, even a flag, is against the law. Your keyboard warrior antics really impress all of us, I'm sure. But I suggest using that muscle that is protected in your skull. It's more useful in this situation.

Quote:Who cares? The teacher has every right to stomp the flag to his heart's content no matter who it might offend. It's his constitutional right to do so.

After seeing Drifter's comment about stomping on a rainbow flag, he has a point. If a teacher stood at the head of a classroom, took out a rainbow flag and started stomping on it, there would be a wave of outrage coming from our progressive friends that would end up with people updating their profile pics with rainbow flags, demands and real pressure directed at school administrators to fire the teacher, and they wouldn't stop with their outrage until the teacher was forced out of their position.

I don't think so... But whatever.

I wouldn't be outraged by it. And I know for a fact that I would not be acting like a fool and advocating violence for those stomping on a rainbow flag.
Quote:You think the appropriate response to stomping on an inanimate object is assault?

Say it out loud. I think it may sound ok on your head, but say it out loud. Maybe that will help you hear how stupid that it actually sounds.

Assaulting a person for damaging their own property, even a flag, is against the law. Your keyboard warrior antics really impress all of us, I'm sure. But I suggest using that muscle that is protected in your skull. It's more useful in this situation.


I don't think its appropriate or inappropriate. I just don't care. If he gets socked, he deserved it. If he doesn't, then he doesn't. Either way, he is just another bully who gets his kicks off of tormenting patriotic Americans.

Quote:You shouldn't be fooling around with TAM. :woot:

You realize you just insulted tjbender by calling him a homosexual, right?

Quote:I don't think so... But whatever.

I wouldn't be outraged by it. And I know for a fact that I would not be acting like a fool and advocating violence for those stomping on a rainbow flag.
Maybe not you personally but FBT's response has merit.  You know exactly how this would be treated by progressive media.
Quote:I don't think its appropriate or inappropriate. I just don't care.

Uh huh. You are so apathetic to it that you are cool with assault.

Not sure that proves you don't care.
Quote:Uh huh. You are so apathetic to it that you are cool with assault.

Not sure that proves you don't care.

Assaulting someone disrespecting the flag? Yep, don't care. Just hope the assaulter is prepared for the legal battle.
Quote:Maybe not you personally but FBT's response has merit. You know exactly how this would be treated by progressive media.


Most progressives I know would not be outraged...

Example, when the kkk does a march you don't see a whole bunch of outrage. You get people that go out to protest against them.

But I've never heard a progressive wish for violent actions during those marches...

But I get your point. Some may feel different about it than me. I'm just not sure if any progressive would be wishing for a physical assault on a dude that was burning or stepping on a rainbow flag.

Most progressives I know would not be outraged...

Example, when the kkk does a march you don't see a whole bunch of outrage. You get people that go out to protest against them.

But I've never heard a progressive wish for violent actions during those marches...

But I get your point. Some may feel different about it than me. I'm just not sure if any progressive would be wishing for a physical assault on a dude that was burning or stepping on a rainbow flag.

Ah the rainbow flag, the historic symbol of honor, freedom, and republicanism flown over many a war. Lest we not forget the millions who died to protect everything it stands for. God bless it.
Quote:Assaulting someone disrespecting the flag? Yep, don't care. Just hope the assaulter is prepared for the legal battle.
Lol, so you do care.

You care enough to be fine with assault.

Stop lying to yourself. You care. You care enough to be good with another human being's pain and suffering. Over a flag.

Say it. Say it out loud. Cuz to a normal American, hurting and possibly crippling a person that is exercising their free speech sounds really stupid.
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