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Full Version: *** Official Game Day Thread - Week 1 - Jags @ tinhorns***
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Worst NFL team contenders!
Why are we called for holding so much? I've seen Houston hold on almost every down so far and not one yet... Just call it the same for both teams you weasel [BLEEP] refs... Jesus.
I want to see that hold on that run.
I don't care if we get called for holding. Can we see the replay? The first holding call was trash. They show the jags talking, but not the run?
Urban already looks full of regret
why call a timeout there, its practically the end of the quarter..
[BLEEP] is this game
(09-12-2021, 01:48 PM)JagsFanSince95 Wrote: [ -> ]Why are we called for holding so much? I've seen Houston hold on almost every down so far and not one yet... Just call it the same for both teams you weasel [BLEEP] refs... Jesus.
#BecauseJaguars #BecauseJacksonville
I don't know how you can see holding in there everyone piled up in the middle.
Jags keep shooting themselves in the foot
Offense could be pretty good once they clean up the mistakes.
Refs probably thinking if Carlos Hyde ran for 8 yards, there must have been some sort of shenanigans.
If there's anything that makes me not want to watch the NFL, it's the refs. So sick of this business model that favors big teams.
Holding is such a tough call. I see holding on the Texans not being called. However, we apparently make it too easy to see.
Does Urban know you only have a set amount of timeouts in the NFL?
(09-12-2021, 01:47 PM)JaguarJosh2 Wrote: [ -> ]Why are we called for holding every time we have a good run?

You'd think the NFL would want goldy locks to have a good start to his career. Looks like no Tom Brady testament for us yet.
(09-12-2021, 01:48 PM)Dimson Wrote: [ -> ]I want to see that hold on that run.

I went back and re watched it and saw nothing, Texans player gave up and fell and our guy landed on him... That's not holding though.
21-0 here we come
Screw. Just throw it down field for a bomb every time.