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I’ll tell you one thing.

Relaxing today because Jags already got that Dub!
(12-23-2022, 03:47 PM)carp8dm Wrote: [ -> ]You know when I was freaking out? 

It was after London...  We should have won that game, and Trevor Lawrence was the main reason.  I realized, it was partly my fault for using that stupid nick name where you use the first letter of his first name and then the first 3 letters of his last name.

I told myself, If I'm going to be a better fan, I need to respect the QB.  Since then, I've only called him only by his given name.  Trevor Lawrence. 

After all, how can I expect a true professional QB if I'm not going to refer to him professionally.


If you didn't feel this way after London, you're lying to yourself.  But!  I didn't lose faith where I gave up.  It was just time to give the team some tough love.  And you know, the rumors are that the team gave Trevor a tough speech too.  This game, this embarrasment to Trevor was his turning point.

And then, Trevor became the leader and was able to call out the team in Detriot.

But London,  London was the game where Trevor Lawrence was held accountable.  And instead of flinching or denying his accountability.  He accepted it and did something about it!

You have to respect a man like him.  I hope he never loses this as he gains more and more success.

Where are you hearing this?  Gotta be honest, it sounds made up.  Not necessarily saying you’re making it up which is why I’m curious where you heard it.  Maybe it was out there and I missed it.  Regardless, there were several players responsible for different losses this year, so for anyone on the team to have had a talking to to Lawrence specifically as you suggest and for that to now be credited as the reason for the turn around in this team’s fortunes has me chuckling over here.
(12-25-2022, 02:13 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-23-2022, 03:47 PM)carp8dm Wrote: [ -> ]You know when I was freaking out? 

It was after London...  We should have won that game, and Trevor Lawrence was the main reason.  I realized, it was partly my fault for using that stupid nick name where you use the first letter of his first name and then the first 3 letters of his last name.

I told myself, If I'm going to be a better fan, I need to respect the QB.  Since then, I've only called him only by his given name.  Trevor Lawrence. 

After all, how can I expect a true professional QB if I'm not going to refer to him professionally.


If you didn't feel this way after London, you're lying to yourself.  But!  I didn't lose faith where I gave up.  It was just time to give the team some tough love.  And you know, the rumors are that the team gave Trevor a tough speech too.  This game, this embarrasment to Trevor was his turning point.

And then, Trevor became the leader and was able to call out the team in Detriot.

But London,  London was the game where Trevor Lawrence was held accountable.  And instead of flinching or denying his accountability.  He accepted it and did something about it!

You have to respect a man like him.  I hope he never loses this as he gains more and more success.

Where are you hearing this?  Gotta be honest, it sounds made up.  Not necessarily saying you’re making it up which is why I’m curious where you heard it.  Maybe it was out there and I missed it.  Regardless, there were several players responsible for different losses this year, so for anyone on the team to have had a talking to to Lawrence specifically as you suggest and for that to now be credited as the reason for the turn around in this team’s fortunes has me chuckling over here.

I swear to God, I'm not crazy.  There were several discussions on AM 620 and FM 92.6, and on the Youtube channel Locked On Jaguars, not to mention Action Sports Jax with Dan Hicken...   

Honestly, it's hard to pin point the exact quotes, but I clearly remember that within the entirety of October there was grumblings.  And then, somewhere around after the Raiders win, several radio personalities that have youtube channels started talking about how Trevor was confronted by team-mates and told that he's gotta play better because they rely on him. 

I'm not making it up.  Swear to god, I heard it several times after we started turning the corner... 

The comeback win against the Raiders was when Locked on Jaguars first said he heard that players were coming up to Trevor... 

We lost at the Chiefs, but it wasn't because of Trevor.  And then there were a couple more personalities that said that Trevor had some hard conversations about his play in London and that's why Trevor's play had gotten so much better.

I honestly don't think I'm the only one that heard about this.  But if I am, I guess it's up to me to prove.  

I take the challenge.  I know I heard it.  Unless I dreamed it up and kept having the same dream for 4 weeks....
I mean, seriously, if you are a real fan that's been watching the entire season.  There was a change between London and the rest of the season.

You guys are questioning me, but have you not seen a huge a leap he made after London?  Even Trevor mentions London.  

Maybe tomorrow when I have some time, I'll try to find some of the quotes I heard.  The problem is that Jaguars.com and 1010XL and Action Sports Jacksonville often delete out their daily broadcasts after a certain amount of time...  But I'll try.
(12-25-2022, 03:00 PM)carp8dm Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-25-2022, 02:13 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]Where are you hearing this?  Gotta be honest, it sounds made up.  Not necessarily saying you’re making it up which is why I’m curious where you heard it.  Maybe it was out there and I missed it.  Regardless, there were several players responsible for different losses this year, so for anyone on the team to have had a talking to to Lawrence specifically as you suggest and for that to now be credited as the reason for the turn around in this team’s fortunes has me chuckling over here.

I swear to God, I'm not crazy.  There were several discussions on AM 620 and FM 92.6, and on the Youtube channel Locked On Jaguars, not to mention Action Sports Jax with Dan Hicken...   

Honestly, it's hard to pin point the exact quotes, but I clearly remember that within the entirety of October there was grumblings.  And then, somewhere around after the Raiders win, several radio personalities that have youtube channels started talking about how Trevor was confronted by team-mates and told that he's gotta play better because they rely on him. 

I'm not making it up.  Swear to god, I heard it several times after we started turning the corner... 

The comeback win against the Raiders was when Locked on Jaguars first said he heard that players were coming up to Trevor... 

We lost at the Chiefs, but it wasn't because of Trevor.  And then there were a couple more personalities that said that Trevor had some hard conversations about his play in London and that's why Trevor's play had gotten so much better.

I honestly don't think I'm the only one that heard about this.  But if I am, I guess it's up to me to prove.  

I take the challenge.  I know I heard it.  Unless I dreamed it up and kept having the same dream for 4 weeks....
I mean, seriously, if you are a real fan that's been watching the entire season.  There was a change between London and the rest of the season.

You guys are questioning me, but have you not seen a huge a leap he made after London?  Even Trevor mentions London.  

Maybe tomorrow when I have some time, I'll try to find some of the quotes I heard.  The problem is that Jaguars.com and 1010XL and Action Sports Jacksonville often delete out their daily broadcasts after a certain amount of time...  But I'll try.

The problem is that you are trying to attribute his recent good play to some miraculous turnaround when millions of NFL fans recognize it as just a young QB acclimating to the league. They all do it a bit differently but most of them have a period of struggling, or learning behind a vet before they settle in and perform comfortably under pressure. 

We've seen it time and time again and we expected TL to get to this point. None of us knew exactly when it would happen, but many felt confident it would indeed happen DESPITE the October games. 

You decided he might not get there and lost patience. That's on you.
Now you think some miracle has occurred  - but really we're just seeing a very young player take a step forward in a normal process of acclimation. 

Rumors of a locker room talking to are fine and all, and maybe some teammates indeed motivated him to dig deeper. 
But that changes nothing about him simply getting comfortable in this offense (after 10 games in a new system) and showing us he's the guy we always thought he was. 

You doubted him and think everyone should have doubted him, but you are wrong and you were impatient. 
So was Dan Hicken. LOL
My thing is, no one has the clout in that locker room to have a “bro, you [BLEEP] killing us” conversation with him if that’s what anyone actually even thought. The only person above reproach for any loss this year is Logan Cooke.

“Keep your chin up, you’re doing the right things and it’ll all come together for you soon. I know you got this.” type of encouraging comments? Sure. But that’s not what I think of when I hear the term “a talking to”.
(12-25-2022, 03:58 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]My thing is, no one has the clout in that locker room to have a “bro, you [BLEEP] killing us” conversation with him if that’s what anyone actually even thought.  The only person above reproach for any loss this year is Logan Cooke.

“Keep your chin up, you’re doing the right things and it’ll all come together for you soon.  I know you got this.” type of encouraging comments?  Sure.  But that’s not what I think of when I hear the term “a talking to”.


It's doubtful anything of that nature ever occurred. At least not from players. Maybe from Doug. 
Doug mentioned that after the London game TL was leaning on CJ a bit more and getting into the film work a bit more.
Perhaps that was encouraged from McCoy and/or Pederson. 

Maybe that stuff was part of the equation, but to me it is readily apparent that he's more calm and comfortable out there running this system than he had been prior to the hot streak.
Its all just Lawrence, working through it himself and needing the ups and downs of all of last season and October of this season. He has shown a side of him that a lot of us probably never thought he had, just because of his stoic demeanor. He is Super competitive and very determined.

He probably looked back at all the high priced, high-pick Jaguars QBs that flamed-out and decided he was not going to be one of them
I heard a titans reporter asked some titans players about how they felt about the jags getting closer and the players were shocked and didn't know the jags were that near in the standings. Oops
(12-25-2022, 05:00 PM)Jag88 Wrote: [ -> ]I heard a titans reporter asked some titans players about how they felt about the jags getting closer and the players were shocked and didn't know the jags were that near in the standings. Oops

Well, there's focusing on the task at hand and taking it one game at a time, and then there's not being dialed in to the status of your own team - walking around with your head up your own [BLEEP] if you will.
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