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(07-20-2023, 10:08 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-19-2023, 09:53 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Of course. You guys keep asking for proof... like I can KNOW he was an agent.
I'm using my brain.

1. No you aren't. You're just making dangerous assumptions based on way too little information. 
This is the equivalent of asking me to PROVE Penn and Teller aren't using real magic, and then saying, "See... I knew you couldn't do it," when they don't let you near the stage.

2. It's absolutely nothing like that

I have never said he I can PROVE he was an agent... I'm just looking at the circumstantial evidence. He was on the FBI's most wanted list for a few weeks after the protests, so at least someone thought he committed a crime. He incited a mob, which is a crime.

3. Exactly how much of this riot did Epps "cause" in your mind? Would they not have marched on the Capitol had he not been there? Would they not have entered the Capitol had he not been there?  His name was removed from the most wanted list a few weeks after J6. The FBI had informants and agents in plain clothes during the protests. He wasn't even prosecuted when people, who did MUCH less, were thrown in jail, in solitary confinement.

Grandmothers were sentenced to years in prison.

4. I've known plenty of grandmothers who deserve to be in jail. A dude who only texted to his son that he had his gun was sentenced to 15 years WITHOUT any other proof, and the guy we see inciting the mob and present at the scene of the break in was not even arrested or prosecuted?

5. You mean this guy? https://www.news-journal.com/news/local/...ec2d4.html 
Moreover, the face of the MAGA movement is just getting defended by the MSM? Shouldn't they at LEAST be saying he should be prosecuted, too?

6, So, over 2000 rioters actually entered the building. They have arrested only around 1200 of them. You think they are letting Epps slide even though he's done worse than others? Doesn't add up. 

Those are all legit questions, and you and the other consumers of mass propaganda don't even take the time to let those ideas sink in. Question this [BLEEP], man. It takes collective voices to hold the government accountable, and too many of you are just letting them tell you it's raining while they piss all over you.

7. And too many of you are concocting a bunch of malarkey to suit your chosen narrative of what really happened.

8. What really happened was that Joe Biden won the popular vote in enough states, legitimately, to defeat an egomaniacal wanna-be autocrat. That wanna-be then proceeded to attempt an illegal end around on the results of seven states elections. 

State officials and his own Vice President would NOT play ball with the illegal scheme so he took to fomenting his base into a disruption of the transfer of power. People died and many were injured as a result. 
This ^ is the idea YOU need to let sink in. Scratch that - THESE ARE THE [BLEEP] FACTS you need to let sink in.
Had they not attempted to illegally alter election results and resort to lying to the public about it when it failed, we wouldn't have to worry about Epps, or federal plants, or who deserves arrest or not. 

It's a shame Trump couldn't just lose with a shred of dignity.

1. There is a preponderance of evidence, you just casually act like it doesn't matter. You would if you held a coherent world view. 

2. Of course it is. I am telling you that I suspect things are not what they appear to be. I am giving you a fairly comprehensive list of things that seem to at least project doubt, but the only thing you will allow is the word of the authority in question.

3. Irrelevant. Whether it would have happened or not has nothing to do with the very real and clear evidence he was inciting a breach of the Capitol building for the purpose of stopping the peaceful transition of power. That's what you hate, right? Why aren't you pissed he's not in jail? 

4. Conceded, but the point is that there was an elderly woman (69, recovering from breast cancer, and no prior criminal record) who received 2 months in jail for going into the Capitol Building as a citizen journalist. Seems excessive when we can see Epps contribution to the ordeal. You would like her... she's anti-Trump now. That's all that matters, right?  

5. No. I mean this guy: Lawyer concedes Jan. 6 defendant's partial guilt in closing arguments - POLITICO. He was convicted off a text message he sent to his son saying he had a firearm on his possession, even though he and his lawyer denied it. What about his FACTS™? Here's what we know. He was there. He texted his son that he was carrying, and he wanted to remove Pelosi. Sure. Crime. But the gun charge, on which he was convicted, there's zero real evidence. It's a case built solely on one text, even though he says he was just making tough talk. True or untrue, less burden of proof than you're asking of me for my suspicion that Epps was not a genuine protester. I dare you to find an article that doesn't explicitly claim he had a gun or even say he denied having one. Seriously, Google it. Try to find one. This is why your opinions are so warped. 

6. Ding, ding, ding... we have a winner. Yes. This is my charge. You have a guy who, on video, did much worse than MANY of the people who have been charged. He was on the Most Wanted List. I mean, that's high level stuff. Now he's just free and never got prosecuted. What excuse could he possibly have that would exempt him from arrest? Considering the other evidence, that the FBI and Capitol Police had informants and agents in plain clothes on J6 in the crowd, Epps committed crimes observable on tape, that he was on the FBI's most wanted list for weeks after J6, and that he was largely rejected by other protesters and called a FED, it's at least plausible. It's not this crazy jump to make this assumption. You and everyone who want to disregard this question are the ones with inconsistent world views. Not me.

7. The power to question is the basis of all human progress. -Indira Gandhi. The moderates in this country, who don't ask the questions, are the reason this country is going to [BLEEP]. None of you. Not one, should be ok with the FBI looking at a congressperson and saying, "I can neither confirm nor deny if Epps was working with the federal government." What a load of [BLEEP], either way. Either they did it and aren't admitting it, or they didn't, and they aren't prosecuting a key agitator of the event. 

8. Don't care. That's not the debate.

If someone told you the reason a mosquito landed on your arm but didn't bite you was that it's a government drone I reckon you'd believe them.

Not sure how to debate something when you are randomly connecting dots based on assumptions with no merit.
You intentionally made a ridiculous analogy to make me look stupid, but really belies the fact that you aren't arguing in good faith. Typical reductio ad absurdum argument that doesn't even try to address the points. That's on you, not me. You're intelligent, but dogmatic. You literally have to preclude all of the things we know to make my position asinine. So, let's entertain your terrible analogy....

Is the government known to have the capability to control mosquitos? Is there an expressed purpose for using that capability? Are there any indications that differentiates one mosquito from another? I mean, I could keep going, but it's pointless. If the answer to all those are no, then why do you think I would believe that? Because you think I'm stupid? If the answer to all of those is yes, then it's certainly a probability, and only a blind zealot wouldn't acknowledge it.

The point here is not to say that the government could use mosquitoes in a top-secret way. Rather, it's to point out that you need to use the context around you to determine what is beyond the pale from what is plausible.

We know our government uses plain clothes agents and informants. We have sworn court testimony they did you plain clothes agents. We know that Epps was on the most wanted list. We know that people were arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted for much less serious crimes. Yet, Epps avoided all of that. Why?

I have never said we KNOW he's an agent. Only there is enough evidence for it to be probable. And, with that in mind, agent or not, why are people on the left not outraged he isn't behind bars? That's the only question I'm asking of YOU. Why shouldn't he be prosecuted? Because a news article told you so? You and I should be asking the same questions.
He supports a party that openly supports pedophilia.. What he says should be null and void to the regular human being.
(07-20-2023, 05:29 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You intentionally made a ridiculous analogy to make me look stupid, but really belies the fact that you aren't arguing in good faith. Typical reductio ad absurdum argument that doesn't even try to address the points. That's on you, not me. You're intelligent, but dogmatic. You literally have to preclude all of the things we know to make my position asinine. So, let's entertain your terrible analogy....

Is the government known to have the capability to control mosquitos? Is there an expressed purpose for using that capability? Are there any indications that differentiates one mosquito from another? I mean, I could keep going, but it's pointless. If the answer to all those are no, then why do you think I would believe that? Because you think I'm stupid? If the answer to all of those is yes, then it's certainly a probability, and only a blind zealot wouldn't acknowledge it.

The point here is not to say that the government could use mosquitoes in a top-secret way. Rather, it's to point out that you need to use the context around you to determine what is beyond the pale from what is plausible.

We know our government uses plain clothes agents and informants. We have sworn court testimony they did you plain clothes agents. We know that Epps was on the most wanted list. We know that people were arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted for much less serious crimes. Yet, Epps avoided all of that. Why?

I have never said we KNOW he's an agent. Only there is enough evidence for it to be probable. And, with that in mind, agent or not, why are people on the left not outraged he isn't behind bars? That's the only question I'm asking of YOU. Why shouldn't he be prosecuted? Because a news article told you so? You and I should be asking the same questions.
I apologize for the ridiculous analogy. I was rushing off and didn't have the time or energy to cull through your last post. 

Nonetheless dialogue is akin to how I feel when I tell the kids "sometimes life isn't fair." 
Sometimes you have to just accept a truth that isn't what you'd prefer it to be. 

If you are going to adopt a paranoia about federal plots and schemes and imply alternate motivations behind everything that you don't like - then what is the point here?  You are unwilling too accept reality without an attempt to explain it away with unfounded theories. 

You are unwilling to take facts at face value. You are unwilling to accept that bad people did bad things in the name of Donald Trump because he lied to them about election results. 

It is so simple. People got really angry and worked up because they believed they had been cheated by the American electoral process when the reality is - their guy just simply lost the election. 

There need be no conspiracy.
There need be no Antifa and federal plants. 
There need be no psyops. 
There is no need for me to entertain your assumptions about Epps. 

Americans were lied to and made to believe their votes had not been counted in good faith. 
So they reacted and did some stupid [BLEEP].  
The end.
(07-21-2023, 10:00 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-20-2023, 05:29 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You intentionally made a ridiculous analogy to make me look stupid, but really belies the fact that you aren't arguing in good faith. Typical reductio ad absurdum argument that doesn't even try to address the points. That's on you, not me. You're intelligent, but dogmatic. You literally have to preclude all of the things we know to make my position asinine. So, let's entertain your terrible analogy....

Is the government known to have the capability to control mosquitos? Is there an expressed purpose for using that capability? Are there any indications that differentiates one mosquito from another? I mean, I could keep going, but it's pointless. If the answer to all those are no, then why do you think I would believe that? Because you think I'm stupid? If the answer to all of those is yes, then it's certainly a probability, and only a blind zealot wouldn't acknowledge it.

The point here is not to say that the government could use mosquitoes in a top-secret way. Rather, it's to point out that you need to use the context around you to determine what is beyond the pale from what is plausible.

We know our government uses plain clothes agents and informants. We have sworn court testimony they did you plain clothes agents. We know that Epps was on the most wanted list. We know that people were arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted for much less serious crimes. Yet, Epps avoided all of that. Why?

I have never said we KNOW he's an agent. Only there is enough evidence for it to be probable. And, with that in mind, agent or not, why are people on the left not outraged he isn't behind bars? That's the only question I'm asking of YOU. Why shouldn't he be prosecuted? Because a news article told you so? You and I should be asking the same questions.
I apologize for the ridiculous analogy. I was rushing off and didn't have the time or energy to cull through your last post. 

Nonetheless dialogue is akin to how I feel when I tell the kids "sometimes life isn't fair." 
Sometimes you have to just accept a truth that isn't what you'd prefer it to be. 

If you are going to adopt a paranoia about federal plots and schemes and imply alternate motivations behind everything that you don't like - then what is the point here?  You are unwilling too accept reality without an attempt to explain it away with unfounded theories. 

You are unwilling to take facts at face value. You are unwilling to accept that bad people did bad things in the name of Donald Trump because he lied to them about election results. 

It is so simple. People got really angry and worked up because they believed they had been cheated by the American electoral process when the reality is - their guy just simply lost the election. 

There need be no conspiracy.
There need be no Antifa and federal plants. 
There need be no psyops. 
There is no need for me to entertain your assumptions about Epps. 

Americans were lied to and made to believe their votes had not been counted in good faith. 
So they reacted and did some stupid [BLEEP].  
The end.

What baffles me is that Trump's lies are so transparent, and yet seemingly intelligent people believe what he says.
Our votes were not counted in good faith.
(07-21-2023, 11:09 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Our votes were not counted in good faith.

Consider the source of the comment..
(07-21-2023, 11:09 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Our votes were not counted in good faith.

This is exactly what I mean when I made the "life isn't fair" comparison. 

The votes in states called into question have been confirmed, and reconfirmed time and time again. Challenges to their validity have been shot down time and time again in the courts. 

Your assertion is not based in fact, but rather a result of your inability to accept the reality of what happened. 
It's really strange to me that so many otherwise sensical people (and plenty of really stupid ones) simply choose to believe lies and conspiracy theory instead of accepting the facts.
(07-21-2023, 10:00 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-20-2023, 05:29 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You intentionally made a ridiculous analogy to make me look stupid, but really belies the fact that you aren't arguing in good faith. Typical reductio ad absurdum argument that doesn't even try to address the points. That's on you, not me. You're intelligent, but dogmatic. You literally have to preclude all of the things we know to make my position asinine. So, let's entertain your terrible analogy....

Is the government known to have the capability to control mosquitos? Is there an expressed purpose for using that capability? Are there any indications that differentiates one mosquito from another? I mean, I could keep going, but it's pointless. If the answer to all those are no, then why do you think I would believe that? Because you think I'm stupid? If the answer to all of those is yes, then it's certainly a probability, and only a blind zealot wouldn't acknowledge it.

The point here is not to say that the government could use mosquitoes in a top-secret way. Rather, it's to point out that you need to use the context around you to determine what is beyond the pale from what is plausible.

We know our government uses plain clothes agents and informants. We have sworn court testimony they did you plain clothes agents. We know that Epps was on the most wanted list. We know that people were arrested, charged, prosecuted and convicted for much less serious crimes. Yet, Epps avoided all of that. Why?

I have never said we KNOW he's an agent. Only there is enough evidence for it to be probable. And, with that in mind, agent or not, why are people on the left not outraged he isn't behind bars? That's the only question I'm asking of YOU. Why shouldn't he be prosecuted? Because a news article told you so? You and I should be asking the same questions.
I apologize for the ridiculous analogy. I was rushing off and didn't have the time or energy to cull through your last post. 

Nonetheless dialogue is akin to how I feel when I tell the kids "sometimes life isn't fair." 
Sometimes you have to just accept a truth that isn't what you'd prefer it to be. 

If you are going to adopt a paranoia about federal plots and schemes and imply alternate motivations behind everything that you don't like - then what is the point here?  You are unwilling too accept reality without an attempt to explain it away with unfounded theories. 

You are unwilling to take facts at face value. You are unwilling to accept that bad people did bad things in the name of Donald Trump because he lied to them about election results. 

It is so simple. People got really angry and worked up because they believed they had been cheated by the American electoral process when the reality is - their guy just simply lost the election. 

There need be no conspiracy.
There need be no Antifa and federal plants. 
There need be no psyops. 
There is no need for me to entertain your assumptions about Epps. 

Americans were lied to and made to believe their votes had not been counted in good faith. 
So they reacted and did some stupid [BLEEP].  
The end.

I don't care to argue the election in this thread. Or at least not until we finish what we are discussing. 

The main takeaway (which is where I stand on election fraud, too), is that we get too distracted arguing the what ifs, when there are ideals or questions we would agree on otherwise. My point with Epps is not that HE'S AN AGENT OMG. It's that he should be in jail by the standards that have been established. You and the moderates should watch that video, see incitement and also want him in jail. I get mad when we all agree on a principle, but never collectively push for that principle because we are too busy arguing about speculation. If we both agreed he should be in jail, and put pressure on the government to put him there, then you take away both the possibility of conspiracy and/or corruption.

I don't trust the government. 15 years ago, all of my liberal friends felt the same way. Now, it's reversed, but nothing's changed. I've just gotten older and wiser, and they've just seen their party get power. I think it's foolish to trust what these people say without proper checks and balances, transparency, and accountability. It's just not present in our government. Just like I think we should all agree that Epps should be in jail, I think we should all agree that we want open and transparent elections. For the last 20 years, there has been a dispute after every major election. Something is broken, but instead of trying to clean it up and us, as the collective, pushing for our government to get their act together, we justify it when our side wins and get pissed off about it when they lose. It's a terrible, vicious cycle.
People need to stop the bs.
(07-21-2023, 02:58 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2023, 10:00 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]I apologize for the ridiculous analogy. I was rushing off and didn't have the time or energy to cull through your last post. 

Nonetheless dialogue is akin to how I feel when I tell the kids "sometimes life isn't fair." 
Sometimes you have to just accept a truth that isn't what you'd prefer it to be. 

If you are going to adopt a paranoia about federal plots and schemes and imply alternate motivations behind everything that you don't like - then what is the point here?  You are unwilling too accept reality without an attempt to explain it away with unfounded theories. 

You are unwilling to take facts at face value. You are unwilling to accept that bad people did bad things in the name of Donald Trump because he lied to them about election results. 

It is so simple. People got really angry and worked up because they believed they had been cheated by the American electoral process when the reality is - their guy just simply lost the election. 

There need be no conspiracy.
There need be no Antifa and federal plants. 
There need be no psyops. 
There is no need for me to entertain your assumptions about Epps. 

Americans were lied to and made to believe their votes had not been counted in good faith. 
So they reacted and did some stupid [BLEEP].  
The end.

I don't care to argue the election in this thread. Or at least not until we finish what we are discussing. 

The main takeaway (which is where I stand on election fraud, too), is that we get too distracted arguing the what ifs, when there are ideals or questions we would agree on otherwise. My point with Epps is not that HE'S AN AGENT OMG. It's that he should be in jail by the standards that have been established. You and the moderates should watch that video, see incitement and also want him in jail. I get mad when we all agree on a principle, but never collectively push for that principle because we are too busy arguing about speculation. If we both agreed he should be in jail, and put pressure on the government to put him there, then you take away both the possibility of conspiracy and/or corruption.

I don't trust the government. 15 years ago, all of my liberal friends felt the same way. Now, it's reversed, but nothing's changed. I've just gotten older and wiser, and they've just seen their party get power. I think it's foolish to trust what these people say without proper checks and balances, transparency, and accountability. It's just not present in our government. Just like I think we should all agree that Epps should be in jail, I think we should all agree that we want open and transparent elections. For the last 20 years, there has been a dispute after every major election. Something is broken, but instead of trying to clean it up and us, as the collective, pushing for our government to get their act together, we justify it when our side wins and get pissed off about it when they lose. It's a terrible, vicious cycle.

Be careful what you ask for. There's nothing more Chuck Schumer would like than to push through legislation to federalize elections in order to 'fix' the process.
(07-21-2023, 02:58 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2023, 10:00 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]I apologize for the ridiculous analogy. I was rushing off and didn't have the time or energy to cull through your last post. 

Nonetheless dialogue is akin to how I feel when I tell the kids "sometimes life isn't fair." 
Sometimes you have to just accept a truth that isn't what you'd prefer it to be. 

If you are going to adopt a paranoia about federal plots and schemes and imply alternate motivations behind everything that you don't like - then what is the point here?  You are unwilling too accept reality without an attempt to explain it away with unfounded theories. 

You are unwilling to take facts at face value. You are unwilling to accept that bad people did bad things in the name of Donald Trump because he lied to them about election results. 

It is so simple. People got really angry and worked up because they believed they had been cheated by the American electoral process when the reality is - their guy just simply lost the election. 

There need be no conspiracy.
There need be no Antifa and federal plants. 
There need be no psyops. 
There is no need for me to entertain your assumptions about Epps. 

Americans were lied to and made to believe their votes had not been counted in good faith. 
So they reacted and did some stupid [BLEEP].  
The end.

I don't care to argue the election in this thread. Or at least not until we finish what we are discussing. 

The main takeaway (which is where I stand on election fraud, too), is that we get too distracted arguing the what ifs, when there are ideals or questions we would agree on otherwise. My point with Epps is not that HE'S AN AGENT OMG. It's that he should be in jail by the standards that have been established. You and the moderates should watch that video, see incitement and also want him in jail. I get mad when we all agree on a principle, but never collectively push for that principle because we are too busy arguing about speculation. If we both agreed he should be in jail, and put pressure on the government to put him there, then you take away both the possibility of conspiracy and/or corruption.

I don't trust the government. 15 years ago, all of my liberal friends felt the same way. Now, it's reversed, but nothing's changed. I've just gotten older and wiser, and they've just seen their party get power. I think it's foolish to trust what these people say without proper checks and balances, transparency, and accountability. It's just not present in our government. Just like I think we should all agree that Epps should be in jail, I think we should all agree that we want open and transparent elections. For the last 20 years, there has been a dispute after every major election. Something is broken, but instead of trying to clean it up and us, as the collective, pushing for our government to get their act together, we justify it when our side wins and get pissed off about it when they lose. It's a terrible, vicious cycle.

We do have open and transparent elections.
That's why you were able to do that quixotic deep dive on precinct level data that you did.
Bumping this thread as we get closer to a tipping point with domestic terrorism threatening to grow beyond the pace of federal agency investigation and subsequent quelling.


Judges and jurors involved in the indictments against Trump are now facing death threats and at least one arrest has already been made.

We are at a very dangerous time regarding domestic terror and political violence.

Even those posting here seem to be willing it into action at times.

The tone of the media and the existence of the internet/social media and other digital platforms make the threat much worse than surges of discontent our country may have experienced in the past.
A bitter paradox of technology is it has pushed our society closer to idiocracy than at any time in human history.
(08-17-2023, 08:55 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]A bitter paradox of technology is it has pushed our society closer to idiocracy than at any time in human history.

Very true. 

And very sad.
(08-17-2023, 08:45 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Bumping this thread as we get closer to a tipping point with domestic terrorism threatening to grow beyond the pace of federal agency investigation and subsequent quelling.


Judges and jurors involved in the indictments against Trump are now facing death threats and at least one arrest has already been made.

We are at a very dangerous time regarding domestic terror and political violence.

Even those posting here seem to be willing it into action at times.

The tone of the media and the existence of the internet/social media and other digital platforms make the threat much worse than surges of discontent our country may have experienced in the past.

Of course the government says that people who oppose the government are terrorists. That's what Banana Republics do right before they start filing charges against their political opponen----. Oh, I guess we're a bit past that point already, aren't we.
(08-17-2023, 09:01 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2023, 08:45 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Bumping this thread as we get closer to a tipping point with domestic terrorism threatening to grow beyond the pace of federal agency investigation and subsequent quelling.


Judges and jurors involved in the indictments against Trump are now facing death threats and at least one arrest has already been made.

We are at a very dangerous time regarding domestic terror and political violence.

Even those posting here seem to be willing it into action at times.

The tone of the media and the existence of the internet/social media and other digital platforms make the threat much worse than surges of discontent our country may have experienced in the past.

Of course the government says that people who oppose the government are terrorists. That's what Banana Republics do right before they start filing charges against their political opponen----. Oh, I guess we're a bit past that point already, aren't we.

Name a government that doesn't call citizens who use violence or threats of violence to oppose it terrorists and insurgents.
I'll wait.
Scalia had a lot to say about this issue.
(08-17-2023, 09:04 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2023, 09:01 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Of course the government says that people who oppose the government are terrorists. That's what Banana Republics do right before they start filing charges against their political opponen----. Oh, I guess we're a bit past that point already, aren't we.

Name a government that doesn't call citizens who use violence or threats of violence to oppose it terrorists and insurgents.
I'll wait.
Scalia had a lot to say about this issue.

Why would I need to do that? I agree with you that they pretty much all do it. But, as you know, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, but in either case he's still an enemy of the government.
(08-17-2023, 09:46 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2023, 09:04 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Name a government that doesn't call citizens who use violence or threats of violence to oppose it terrorists and insurgents.
I'll wait.
Scalia had a lot to say about this issue.

Why would I need to do that? I agree with you that they pretty much all do it. But, as you know, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, but in either case he's still an enemy of the government.

Freedom fighters by definition only exist in places that aren't free.  You are free.  You can spout your nonsense about the election to anyone except for certain election officials who are in the process of performing their duties.  And you won't be punished.  If you are already free, you are not a freedom fighter.
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