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Full Version: Gus needs to go immediately
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Quote:That's not a huge concern. Gus, if fired, will be paid this year and next whether or not he gets a job, and will probably be a hot DC prospect. All of the assistants would be kept this year if the head coach is fired between now and the end of the season, unless one was considered a negative influence on the team. Most if not all would find jobs elsewhere; those who can't shouldn't be coaching the Jags to begin with.


Unless you are arguing that a coach should never be fired, and teams must be perennially stuck with the Rich Kotites of the world?


So you are arguing that the Jets should have kept Rich Kotite until he died or retired?
Don't mix up my words.


When you don't do your job well enough you can get fired. I know this. That is life.


My gripe is us fans, third parties at best, WISH this kind of stuff on coaches and players all the time.


Would you like it if every time you screwed up (real or perceived) someone was calling for your job?

Sure... these guys get paid from contracts and such, but to act like firing someone doesn't shake up their lives is myopic vision.


I'm not arguing anyone should or shouldn't be fired etc. You can assume whatever you want about coaches and finding jobs elsewhere but it isn't really so easy to just say so and it be.


Otherwise, we'd be good already.
what has the new DC brought to the table?  that game plan for this 3rd preseason game wasn't fooling anybody.  what was new about it?

Quote:This was my thought. If I was performing poorly at my job, I wouldn't be kept on because I have a family... or because I'm a nice guy (that part is open to interpretation).
I'm not saying you should.

I'm saying it's kind of a dick move to wish that upon someone


which there's at least 6 posters on here who do NOTHING BUT wish for heads to roll.


It's all good though. Who needs clear headed level thinking on a message board trolololol
Quote:what has the new DC brought to the table?  that game plan for this 3rd preseason game wasn't fooling anybody.  what was new about it?

Why are you worrying about the third preseason game?
Quote:Why are you worrying about the third preseason game?

worrying? i simply asked a question about the game plan.  is anything new going on?  i honestly dont know and haven't been paying attention to training camp.


hopefully we're just saving the good stuff for the first game, and we purposefully called the same old stuff as last year.

Quote:You don't know what it is like to be forced to transplant a family of five with a sixth member coming soon.
Yup... But I'm certainly willing to try it for millions of dollars.
Quote:Yup... But I'm certainly willing to try it for millions of dollars.


you can say "they make millions I don't feel bad for them"


that doesn't make you right lol


They all know what they are getting into when they get into pro ball. I'm not denying that.

But ya know, that still doesn't make it OK to wish someone's job away, IMO.


I know my opinion won't stop you kids from the constant carrying on. I shouldn't even bother. With all the awesome GMs and coaches on here though, you'd think J-Ville could get a good one.


you can say "they make millions I don't feel bad for them"


that doesn't make you right lol


They all know what they are getting into when they get into pro ball. I'm not denying that.

But ya know, that still doesn't make it OK to wish someone's job away, IMO.


I know my opinion won't stop you kids from the constant carrying on. I shouldn't even bother. With all the awesome GMs and coaches on here though, you'd think J-Ville could get a good one.

what makes it wrong to voice an opinion here that truly has 0 influence on a coaching decision?
Quote:what makes it wrong to voice an opinion here that truly has 0 influence on a coaching decision?
You mean... like to actually have an effect?



But I mean.. if you're OK with being a [BAD WORD REMOVED] then by all means be a [BAD WORD REMOVED].

I have no qualms with that I suppose. I just want everyone to know they are being very dick ish by hoping someone loses their job, that's all.


Bill Cowher even said as much.

Kane is a above and beyond liberal lol 

Quote:Kane is a above and beyond liberal lol 
Except I'm far from it.




Quote:The first two teams were not playoff teams. Cincy is a legit playoff team. We know were we stand, Green Bay is gonna wax the floor w/ the Jags... The Jags defense was horrible tonight, and we could not run the ball against a GOOD NFL team. 


So you tell me...

I didn't realize the playoffs had already started. 
Quote:Except I'm far from it.





If we build the wall, can we throw Gus over the top?
Quote:If we build the wall, can we throw Gus over the top?

No, but we can tunnel underneath it and let him crawl through like everyone else.
Is Brooklyn confirmed TMD?
Quote:Is Brooklyn confirmed TMD?

No, just a poor mans...
Quote:If we build the wall, can we throw Gus over the top?

I'm all in for burying him under it..
Quote:No, just a poor mans...

How so? For speaking the truth.
Quote:Kane is a above and beyond liberal lol 

Don't get started on politics.
Quote:Don't get started on politics.

Shut your face
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