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Full Version: Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State
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Her donors met her at State?  Dang, I had no idea she even ran track.

Quote:First, no I don't believe she sold US foreign policy for personal gain. I think your nuts period.

Second, if she did I fully expect she wouldn't be running for President. Since 1994 the Republicans have been investigating the Clintons and as always it continues to be a waste of taxpayer money.

Do you miss Jeb yet?

You're right.  She would never sell her policy views to the highest bidder for personal gain.

Quote:you dont see a difference between representing the public taxpayer and operating as a private business man?
It's not that they don't see it.  They simply have to ignore the differences because they're so heavily invested in supporting their pantsuit princess.  There is CLEARLY a difference, but you're never going to get the cankle grabbing leftists on the board to admit to this...until after she's elected.


They don't think all of these pay-for-play schemes could possibly come back to haunt Clinton, or how it endangers national security.  They only care about their entitlements, and who is cutting the biggest check by "punishing the rich" while simultaneously fleecing the same evil rich to assure them that all the talk about punishing them was simply empty rhetoric.  Four years from now, when the income gap between the have and have nots is even bigger than it is now, these same leftists will buy into a campaign slogan promising to punish the rich and give them more free stuff.  At some point, they have to realize the promises are nothing more than lip service.  But they'll still vote for them because an empty promise of free stuff beats having to work for it any day of the week in their mind.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/238313-clinton-changed-stance-on-trade-deal-after-donations-to'>You're right. She would never sell her policy views to the highest bidder for personal gain.</a>

From your article

"The deal had originally been negotiated by the administration of former President George W. Bush, and the Obama administration won changes on labor and environmental issues not included in the original deal.

Just months after Congress approved the agreement, IBT reported, Giustra helped raise $1 million for the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, supported by Pacific Rubiales.

So it was deal already in the works, Obama administration made it better. And the Clinton Foundation received cash after already passed!

My lord you like to stretch the truth don't ya?
Quote:It's not that they don't see it.  They simply have to ignore the differences because they're so heavily invested in supporting their pantsuit princess.  There is CLEARLY a difference, but you're never going to get the cankle grabbing leftists on the board to admit to this...until after she's elected.


They don't think all of these pay-for-play schemes could possibly come back to haunt Clinton, or how it endangers national security.  They only care about their entitlements, and who is cutting the biggest check by "punishing the rich" while simultaneously fleecing the same evil rich to assure them that all the talk about punishing them was simply empty rhetoric.  Four years from now, when the income gap between the have and have nots is even bigger than it is now, these same leftists will buy into a campaign slogan promising to punish the rich and give them more free stuff.  At some point, they have to realize the promises are nothing more than lip service.  But they'll still vote for them because an empty promise of free stuff beats having to work for it any day of the week in their mind.

They don't, and they won't. Unfortunately, these people our breeding at a faster pace than regular people. Sadly, it's only a matter of time before a complete socialist like Bernie actually gets elected. 
any time the Clinton Foundation got a big donation followed by a corresponding legislative decision in favor of the donor... it was a coincidence.  All 50 times it happened... all coincidences.  CASE CLOSED


oh did you see that Trump is now for letting young innocent illegals stay if they pass a test? WOW. let's dissect that until the end of time!

Quote:any time the Clinton Foundation got a big donation followed by a corresponding legislative decision in favor of the donor... it was a coincidence. All 50 times it happened... all coincidences. CASE CLOSED

oh did you see that Trump is now for letting young innocent illegals stay if they pass a test? WOW. let's dissect that until the end of time!

What play did Donald get for his pay?
Quote:What play did Donald get for his pay?

probably some meaningless real estate ruling that has 0 affect on the american people


meanwhile Hillary makes a deal to give Russia control on most of the world's Uranium.  as you can see, that's clearly a meaningless, frivolous thing.  no worries.

Quote:probably some meaningless real estate ruling that has 0 affect on the american people
Amazing you miss the hypocrisy of your own assertions. Shocking. It's what Republicans do

Ah the uranium lie is still going around? Yeah newsflash it's wasn't even Hillary who could fully authorize that. But hey believe the YouTube video. It must be real it's in the interweb.
Quote:Amazing you miss the hypocrisy of your own assertions. Shocking. It's what Republicans do.

you're right.  Trump donated 100k for favorable treatment for his hotels.  that's obviously more important than Hillary's nuclear weapons dealings around the planet


i mean, what's a big deal? nuclear weapons or hotels?  clearly, the answer is hotels.


if somebody is getting paid for who can or cant have nukes... who cares?  what i want to know is who bought or sold the hotels in my area.  that is really the important thing here.

Quote:you're right. Trump donated 100k for favorable treatment for his hotels. that's obviously more important than Hillary's nuclear weapons dealings around the planet

i mean, what's a big deal? nuclear weapons or hotels? clearly, the answer is hotels.

if somebody is getting paid for who can or cant have nukes... who cares? what i want to know is who bought or sold the hotels in my area. that is really the important thing here.
You really have no clue what you're talking about. You're acting like Hillary Clinton alone generated a deal which is about as far off base as you can get. This was not something the Secretary of State could have approved without many other channels of the government.

You might want to do a little research other than read Clinton Cash. that book alone has been debunked.
Quote:You really have no clue what you're talking about. You're acting like Hillary Clinton alone generated a deal which is about as far off base as you can get. This was not something the Secretary of State could have approved without many other channels of the government.

You might want to do a little research other than read Clinton Cash. that book alone has been debunked.

Hillary not alone.  She's a swell lady and has a group of GREAT politicians around her.  Because as we KNOW FOR SURE. the politicians who have held office for the past couple decades are SWELL.


What i dont want to hear about is how Hillary oversaw the transfer of weapons into the hands of ISIS.  that's not important. what difference does it make?!  what's important is whether or not Trump made a $5,000 donation to Hillary.

Quote:Hillary not alone. She's a swell lady and has a group of GREAT politicians around her. Because as we KNOW FOR SURE. the politicians who have held office for the past couple decades are SWELL.

Do you even know anything about Uranium One?

Do you know the Uranium cannot leave the US?
Quote:Do you even know anything about Uranium One?

Do you know the Uranium cannot leave the US?

Do you know where Trump's hotel is?  Do you even know who the bellboy is?!


Hillary signed off on giving weapons to ISIS to fight Assad. but that's not my concern.  who is that damn bellboy?  i want his name. i want it now!

Quote:Do you know where Trump's hotel is? Do you even know who the bellboy is?!

Hillary signed off on giving weapons to ISIS to fight Assad. but that's not my concern. who is that damn bellboy? i want his name. i want it now!

Sure because Trump said she did. Or the supposed wiki leaks emails that have yet to be produced?
Quote:Sure because Trump said she did. Or the supposed wiki leaks emails that have yet to be produced?

Hillary is ON RECORD supporting the arming of "moderate rebels" to fight in the Syrian civil war.  figure it out Sherlock.  before Assange ever claimed to have the smoking gun proof, people have known about this.


but Clinton's camp did say it was a CONSPIRACY THEORY... so, ya I would side with them.  If we know anything about Hillary, it;s that she's never lied about anything.  Assange, OTOH, dirty liar who never told the truth.  That's what history says anyway.
Quote:Hillary is ON RECORD supporting the arming of "moderate rebels" to fight in the Syrian civil war. figure it out Sherlock. before Assange ever claimed to have the smoking gun proof, people have known about this.

but Clinton's camp did say it was a CONSPIRACY THEORY... so, ya I would side with them. If we know anything about Hillary, it;s that she's never lied about anything. Assange, OTOH, dirty liar who never told the truth. That's what history says anyway.

He usually produces evidence. Odd he didn't
Quote:He usually produces evidence. Odd he didn't

he's a KNOWN LIAR.  Hillary if anything, is an HONEST human being who would never hurt a soul.


if i had to use one word to describe her, it's HONEST.
Quote:he's a KNOWN LIAR. Hillary if anything, is an HONEST human being who would never hurt a soul.

if i had to use one word to describe her, it's HONEST.

He is a rapist? Does that count?
Quote:He is a rapist? Does that count?

Yes, of course.  had we known about this all the other times he released information, it could have been debunked.
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