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Full Version: Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State
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Quote:he's a KNOWN LIAR.  Hillary if anything, is an HONEST human being who would never hurt a soul.


if i had to use one word to describe her, it's HONEST.

What are you trying to become a comedian now?  LOL.


And yes, I do understand that your comment was sarcasm.   :thumbsup:

So it was deal already in the works, Obama administration made it better. And the Clinton Foundation received cash after already passed!


Yeah, because the cash coming just after the deal rather than just before proves ... what exactly?

badger, you will never get Shill4Hillary to admit any negligent, shady, or criminal activity by his queen. Emails could reveal her as an accomplice of Bin Laden and he would find a way to spin it as a positive. I could see him now...

"Bin Laden was a warrior of peace! He helped fight back the Soviet Union!"

From your article

"The deal had originally been negotiated by the administration of former President George W. Bush, and the Obama administration won changes on labor and environmental issues not included in the original deal.

Just months after Congress approved the agreement, IBT reported, Giustra helped raise $1 million for the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, supported by Pacific Rubiales.

So it was deal already in the works, Obama administration made it better. And the Clinton Foundation received cash after already passed!

My lord you like to stretch the truth don't ya?
She was against it before she was for it after the money arrived at the family slush fund.  It's not that difficult to grasp, unless you're so in the bag for Hillary you can tell us how well she digests her meals.
Quote:She was against it before she was for it after the money arrived at the family slush fund. It's not that difficult to grasp, unless you're so in the bag for Hillary you can tell us how well she digests her meals.

So never mind this deal was well under way and she couldn't stop it if she wanted too. That's the funny thing it was getting done with or without Hillary!
Quote:Do you even know anything about Uranium One?

Do you know the Uranium cannot leave the US?

Maybe confused with Uranus?
Stop picking on her!


[Image: 1470281412632.jpg]

Quote:What play did Donald get for his pay?


Quote:probably some meaningless real estate ruling that has 0 affect on the american people


meanwhile Hillary makes a deal to give Russia control on most of the world's Uranium.  as you can see, that's clearly a meaningless, frivolous thing.  no worries.


Quote:Amazing you miss the hypocrisy of your own assertions. Shocking. It's what Republicans do

Ah the uranium lie is still going around? Yeah newsflash it's wasn't even Hillary who could fully authorize that. But hey believe the YouTube video. It must be real it's in the interweb.

I had to stop and re post this...  


You guys act as though this corruption is solely a Clinton thing. It's all around us and in both parties!! Open up your eyes.  Just a quick example:  Chris Christie was appointed AG of New Jersey because of his major campaign contributions during the W. Bush campaign of 2000. Pay to play lives.


You know how you get rid of it?  Campaign finance reform.  Over-turn Citizen's United...  


Jeez, you guys that are making this a big deal have a right to do so.  But you guys act as though this is brand new.  It's not.  
Quote:How so? Who got something, and what did they get?


And before you say access, join the real world. That's how it works. Large donors get phone calls, or an occasional face time visit. Whoopee.


Did someone get a contract or free land or something?


I don't care for The Queen myself, but all the Trumpsters are praying, praying, praying that they can win on Clinton's bad deeds because they don't have much to sell - especially since Donald will sell out his positions in a heart beat.

I was out of town yesterday so I didn't get the chance to reply but others have and said pretty much what was on my mind. Usually when something looks bad, smells bad, and tastes bad it IS bad. The Clinton Foundation reeks of the Clinton Stench as well as anything she and Bill touches.
Quote:I had to stop and re post this...  


You guys act as though this corruption is solely a Clinton thing. It's all around us and in both parties!! Open up your eyes.  Just a quick example:  Chris Christie was appointed AG of New Jersey because of his major campaign contributions during the W. Bush campaign of 2000. Pay to play lives.


You know how you get rid of it?  Campaign finance reform.  Over-turn Citizen's United...  


Jeez, you guys that are making this a big deal have a right to do so.  But you guys act as though this is brand new.  It's not.  

you didn't read my follow up post i guess
Quote:you didn't read my follow up post i guess

Your hyperbolic attempt to over exaggerate Clinton's pay for play and minimize trump's?


As I said, the only way to fix this is by public financing and over turning citizens United.
Quote:Your hyperbolic attempt to over exaggerate Clinton's pay for play and minimize trump's?


As I said, the only way to fix this is by public financing and over turning citizens United.

i guess the post was over your head.  let me dumb it down:  Hillary not alone in corruption.  Just like her, other politicians are corrupt and need to be replaced with new blood.  Continuing to vote for a corrupt politician like Hillary will only yield the same results.
Quote:Your hyperbolic attempt to over exaggerate Clinton's pay for play and minimize trump's?


As I said, the only way to fix this is by public financing and over turning citizens United.

Citizens United has nothing to do with play for pay. Do you even understand what the so-called "corporation" was?

Quote:Citizens United has nothing to do with play for pay. Do you even understand what the so-called "corporation" was?

The more money you can give, the more willing an elected official is gonna be willing to take a meeting with you and allow you to express your position on the topic you are passionate about.
Quote:The more money you can give, the more willing an elected official is gonna be willing to take a meeting with you and allow you to express your position on the topic you are passionate about.

You're arguing about a whole other issue.  When the sitting Secretary of State has influence on a deal concerning national security is getting paid through a slush fund, that's a serious issue.  It has nothing to do with campaign finance reform.
Quote:You're arguing about a whole other issue. When the sitting Secretary of State has influence on a deal concerning national security is getting paid through a slush fund, that's a serious issue. It has nothing to do with campaign finance reform.
I disagree. In my mind it's all interrelated.

Also, from news reports, 89% of donations to the Clinton foundation actually goes to the work of the charity. It's hardly a slush fund.

The problem is that money is overtly influencing the decisions of elected officials. Money is becoming a quantifier of speech; to the point that it is corrupting our system in favor of those with the most money.

Buckley v valeo and citizens United are the rulings that allow this to happen....
Quote:I disagree. In my mind it's all interrelated.

Also, from news reports, 89% of donations to the Clinton foundation actually goes to the work of the charity. It's hardly a slush fund.

The problem is that money is overtly influencing the decisions of elected officials. Money is becoming a quantifier of speech; to the point that it is corrupting our system in favor of those with the most money.

Buckley v valeo and citizens United are the rulings that allow this to happen....

Care to cite one of the news reports that have the facts on the part in bold from your statement?
Quote:Care to cite one of the news reports that have the facts on the part in bold from your statement?

You don't have google?  I'm getting pretty tired of having to teach you everything.  I've already educated you on political conventions, statistical analysis, and now you want me to teach you how to google?  


C'mon man.


I dare you to try and google.  You might be able to actually call me out on being wrong!  From my google research, I actually overstated The clinton foundation efficiency by 1% - 9% based on how you interpret efficiency.


So I apologize for being off a bit.  Either way, they are rated as a legit charity that gives over 80% of thier money to the work of the charity.  Hardly a slush fund.
Here is the choice: vote for a crook, or vote for Donald Trump.   I cannot vote for Trump.   He is an absolute disaster.   He's a thin-skinned, reckless, know-nothing megalomaniac.   Plus I completely disagree with all his stated policies.   Deporting 11 million people, building a wall on the border with Mexico, renegotiating the national debt, refusing to do anything about entitlements, endorsing eminent domain, closing the borders to an entire religion, abandoning our Nato allies-  these ideas are all crazy and stupid.   Demanding the President of the United States show his birth certificate to prove he's a citizen!  Idiotic.   Plus I can't stand the guy personally.   He's incredibly irritating.  


So I am forced to vote for a crook.   So be it. 
Quote:Here is the choice: vote for a crook, or vote for Donald Trump.   I cannot vote for Trump.   He is an absolute disaster.   He's a thin-skinned, reckless, know-nothing megalomaniac.   Plus I completely disagree with all his stated policies.   Deporting 11 million people, building a wall on the border with Mexico, renegotiating the national debt, refusing to do anything about entitlements, endorsing eminent domain, closing the borders to an entire religion, abandoning our Nato allies-  these ideas are all crazy and stupid.   Demanding the President of the United States show his birth certificate to prove he's a citizen!  Idiotic.   Plus I can't stand the guy personally.   He's incredibly irritating.  


So I am forced to vote for a crook.   So be it. 

I'm curious, Marty...  What's your definition of a crook.  The reason I ask is that I would never vote for a criminal, especially one that I would think is a treasonous criminal that is gonna sell me and my nation out.


Obviously, by the strict standard of innocent until proven guilty, Hillary is not a criminal.  And I think you (and alot of folks, really) are trying to line up your beliefs with the facts and that is why you are using the term "crook" as opposed to "criminal".  And I think that's the correct approach.


To me, the term "crook" is describing a political animal that has become corrupted by the game that creates corruption no matter your political affiliation.  I think it's clear that no matter what side of the aisle you are on, the system as it is now set up creates corruption.  If you want to be a successful politician in D.C., you have to play the game.  And the Clinton's are the best at the game.  And therefore have the most dirt on their jerseys, so to speak.


I agree, with the premise you bring up.  It's a choice between a lifetime politician that won't completely sink the ship but is probably going to maintain the status quo, with the help of a republican congress there will be gridlock and things pretty much stay as is.  Or we can elect a mad man that has no real policies, flip flops from day to day on everything, has incited the worst in a lot of his supporters, and cannot help but to instigate fights via his speeches or tweets that could lead to catastrophe at home and with foreign leaders.



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