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Quote:You mean the question that was brought up because you accused JJ of not being part of the solution to a problem in his community? When you call out someone for not contributing, you don't think someone is going to ask what you're doing to help? That's a far cry from someone demanding your life experience history because you hold a different opinion than they do, don't you think?

Actually, I explained there were some things he said I agreed with. I would also be willing to part with some of my life history as well. I also explained it could have been anyone who started the thread and it wasn't specific to JJ.


Quote:Like I said, you're trying to make him prove he's black enough to have an actual opinion on the matter.

No, I'm trying to find out what he experienced to bring him to this opinion. I also told you the "black enough" thing doesn't exist with the adults in the community. I'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, I must've missed it.


Quote:That's the problem. Black white red or yellow pure emotion leads to violence chaos hatred war death etc. Looking back at the overarching theme of my original post, the criticism that I have with the current regime or iteration of civil rights leadership/community leadership is that we focus far too much on how we FEEL. Justice is synonymous with truth is it not? Truth is objective and subject to proof and reason. So the path to Justice, has to married to truth and reason not divorced from it.

Thank you for responding. Looking forward to finding out more about you.
Quote:You mean the question that was brought up because you accused JJ of not being part of the solution to a problem in his community? When you call out someone for not contributing, you don't think someone is going to ask what you're doing to help? That's a far cry from someone demanding your life experience history because you hold a different opinion than they do, don't you think?

I'm sure 1981 can speak for himself but he wasn't "demanding" him to provide his life experiences.

In a separate discussion in another thread I had wth JJ he brought up his life and background which was unsolicited. That helped me understand his perspectives even though I may disagree with them.
Quote:That's not what it reads like...

Can you explain what it reads like in your POV unfiltered.
Quote:So now he has to prove he's "black enough" to you? Insulting much?
Quote:Can you explain what it reads like in your POV unfiltered.

I guessed you missed it the first time.


93% of black homicides are from other blacks. 



Do black lives matter to black people?


Quote:93% of black homicides are from other blacks.

Do black lives matter to black people?

Of course, but are you aware the number is high whites as well. It's not because those lives don't matter but more a reflection of blacks being around blacks and whites being around whites.


Quote:I guessed you missed it the first time.

We don't even use terms like "uncle Tom", this isn't the 50's
Quote:I guessed you missed it the first time.

I didn't miss anything, that's why I asked for a unfiltered response.

Let me say this. There are N-words. Black people & Uncle Toms.

You and others seem to think for whatever reason that a black person who ask another black person (who has a conservative viewpoint) about their background is all of a sudden "attacking" or eluding to said person as a "Uncle Tom", which often times is not he case.

I can't remember the thread but if you go back and look JJ and I had a healthy dialog. There was no insults or name calling and again I came out with a clearer understanding of his viewpoints.

You seem to get very defensive and insuiate someone calling JJ & "Uncle Tom" when they just want to inquire about his background, why is that?
Quote:93% of black homicides are from other blacks.

Do black lives matter to black people?

Yes and there have been protest about it.


Quote:Yes and there have been protest about it.

Many many protests! The info is out there, ppl either aren't looking or have an agenda.

I find you're every bit as eloquent as JJ, but I've heard ppl here call you a "race baiter" (I can't with these weird terms). No one came to your aid. Must be the difference in viewpoint...
Quote:We don't even use terms like "uncle Tom", this isn't the 50's

Yeah, unless you're Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or any of the other nationally known race hucksters.


Quote:Yeah, unless you're Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or any of the other nationally known race hucksters.

You think we take cues from them??? Clueless
Quote:We don't even use terms like "uncle Tom", this isn't the 50's
Quote:I didn't miss anything, that's why I asked for a unfiltered response.
Let me say this. There are N-words. Black people & Uncle Toms.

You and others seem to think for whatever reason that a black person who ask another black person (who has a conservative viewpoint) about their background is all of a sudden "attacking" or eluding to said person as a "Uncle Tom", which often times is not he case.

I can't remember the thread but if you go back and look JJ and I had a healthy dialog. There was no insults or name calling and again I came out with a clearer understanding of his viewpoints.

You seem to get very defensive and insuiate someone calling JJ & "Uncle Tom" when they just want to inquire about his background, why is that?

Guess it's the 1950's...

JFC, I notice that 1981 didn't ask you probing questions about your background to find out why you think JJ is an uncomfortable black man, why is that? Your experiences don't matter? Or could it possibly be that he's trying to dismiss JJ's differing opinion in a very obvious manner?

He goes against the BLM party line, so there must be something wrong with him, right? He's just an uncomfortable black man that needs to prove he's qualified to have an opinion on black matters...
Quote:You think we take cues from them??? Clueless

Again, you don't speak for the whole community. Obviously there are many among your community who DO in fact take their cues from them.


Quote:Guess it's the 1950's...

JFC, I notice that 1981 didn't ask you probing questions about your background to find out why you think JJ is an uncomfortable black man, why is that? Your experiences don't matter? Or could it possibly be that he's trying to dismiss JJ's differing opinion in a very obvious manner?

He goes against the BLM party line, so there must be something wrong with him, right? He's just an uncomfortable black man that needs to prove he's qualified to have an opinion on black matters...

Actually, I'm interested in his background as well but I've caught more pieces from his posts already. I know he spent time in NY bit loves here now and is active in his community. You'll note the ppl who throw terms around like uncle Tom and race baiter. I've also stated I agreed with some of the things JJ said in his initial post. You're mind was made up already. You haven't made one comment toward what I said about the black community. There was another guy who told me it was a two way street. I provided one side of the street, he went missing.

What I'm trying to find out, I'm gathering from these posts. JJ provided some of the info I requested privately. There wasn't a negative discourse. He had no problem with it. But you on the other hand have cracked a secret plot to discredit him by me. Great job! Creating an open dialog with JJ is key to me in repairing our community. Now you've entrenched yourself in this belief I'm on a mission to out him as an uncle Tom. Try speaking on your experiences with the black community. I'm interested to know how often you've dealt with us as well especially after you've demonstrated how important it is to you we don't view someone as an uncle Tom. Tell me what you think racism is.


Quote:Again, you don't speak for the whole community. Obviously there are many among your community who DO in fact take their cues from them.

Ok, I'll accept that. Can you tell me who these ppl are?
I think the problem with social media is it is too easy to just assume an entire community agrees with everything a self proclaimed voice of the community says.

I'm a white male but have a variety of black friends and it makes me happy to see that none of those friends support Black Lives Matter as an organization.  They support the idea that the system hasn't exactly helped their community but they don't want to go around shooting cops because of it.  They aren't asking for reparations for something that happened to their ancestors 150+ years ago.  Mainly they are looking for the same opportunities as everyone else.

A crappy thing happened in baton rouge.  Police felt the need to shoot a guy.  So then 3 baton rouge officers get killed.  Now fast forward to the flooding thats been happening, I hate to say it but as awful as the flood is it has done more to repair that community than anything.  Cops, whites, blacks all working together to find and rescue people in the flood.  Then Black Lives Matter comes to protest the cops instead of helping the flood victims.

I'm all for civil rights and movements to protect those rights, but to me that isn't what BLM is.  They just appear to be a bunch of bullies who then cry woah is me, there is no accountability and if something doesn't fit the exact narrative they want it isn't used.

Marin Luther King Jr.,  Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, George Washington Carver.  These are all men to be admired they should be the face of any movement not a couple of criminals who got killed as the result of their actions.  

I would really like to see black people come together in a more positive MLK jr. style movement that focuses on rebuilding their broken communities from within.


Quote:I think the problem with social media is it is too easy to just assume an entire community agrees with everything a self proclaimed voice of the community says.

I'm a white male but have a variety of black friends and it makes me happy to see that none of those friends support Black Lives Matter as an organization. They support the idea that the system hasn't exactly helped their community but they don't want to go around shooting cops because of it. They aren't asking for reparations for something that happened to their ancestors 150+ years ago. Mainly they are looking for the same opportunities as everyone

Thank you. It's amazing no one buys into this.
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