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Full Version: Why I Cannot Support BLM
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Guess it's the 1950's...

JFC, I notice that 1981 didn't ask you probing questions about your background to find out why you think JJ is an uncomfortable black man, why is that? Your experiences don't matter? Or could it possibly be that he's trying to dismiss JJ's differing opinion in a very obvious manner?

He goes against the BLM party line, so there must be something wrong with him, right? He's just an uncomfortable black man that needs to prove he's qualified to have an opinion on black matters...

For the record I believe the "Uncle Tom" term is outdated, but very pointed still in today's society


The reason why we (1981 and I) havent had to ask each other about about our backgrounds is because we agree with each other comments on various subjects on the forum.  Common sense. He asked about JJ's life/background because they have a different viewpoint which should be obvious to you. 


You keep making these wild assumptions about him dismissing jj's different opinion when he just merely asked about his life. Do you think for JJ? He is a man of his own and can respond for himself.



Lets get back to the meat of this issue. Why are you so defensive and always insuiate someone calling JJ  "Uncle Tom" when they just want to inquire about his background, why is that?
Quote:Actually, I'm interested in his background as well but I've caught more pieces from his posts already. I know he spent time in NY bit loves here now and is active in his community. You'll note the ppl who throw terms around like uncle Tom and race baiter. I've also stated I agreed with some of the things JJ said in his initial post. You're mind was made up already. You haven't made one comment toward what I said about the black community. There was another guy who told me it was a two way street. I provided one side of the street, he went missing.

What I'm trying to find out, I'm gathering from these posts. JJ provided some of the info I requested privately. There wasn't a negative discourse. He had no problem with it. But you on the other hand have cracked a secret plot to discredit him by me. Great job! Creating an open dialog with JJ is key to me in repairing our community. Now you've entrenched yourself in this belief I'm on a mission to out him as an uncle Tom. Try speaking on your experiences with the black community. I'm interested to know how often you've dealt with us as well especially after you've demonstrated how important it is to you we don't view someone as an uncle Tom. Tell me what you think racism is.


She is going to spin this, watch. 


Quote:She is going to spin this, this watch.

*grabs popcorn*
Quote:Many many protests! The info is out there, ppl either aren't looking or have an agenda.

I find you're every bit as eloquent as JJ, but I've heard ppl here call you a "race baiter" (I can't with these weird terms). No one came to your aid. Must be the difference in viewpoint...

When I tell people the Black community has to take responsibility for our actions, and within the same breath say im against police brutality, racial profiling and that racism is now systematic im called a race baiter.


If you look at both sides of the issue they still label you a racist. 


Quote:When I tell people the Black community has to take responsibility for our actions, and within the same breath say im against police brutality, racial profiling and that racism is now systematic im called a race baiter.

If you look at both sides of the issue they still label you a racist.

They're not interested in the community improving just finger pointing. Some of them don't seem to have first hand experience with our communities but happily hand out opinions about it. Why would you want to speak on something you have secondhand knowledge of? It's ok, that way of thinking is on it's way out. What I've noticed is ppl about 40 yrs and younger share our viewpoint. They are interested in gathering facts, they talk to all walks of life, they see both sides of coin. It's very telling the amount of response that came from my post about our culture and the dynamics.
Quote:They're not interested in the community improving just finger pointing. Some of them don't seem to have first hand experience with our communities but happily hand out opinions about it. Why would you want to speak on something you have secondhand knowledge of? It's ok, that way of thinking is on it's way out. What I've noticed is ppl about 40 yrs and younger share our viewpoint. They are interested in gathering facts, they talk to all walks of life, they see both sides of coin. It's very telling the amount of response that came from my post about our culture and the dynamics.

Things take time and the youth will eventually heal the problems of their parents.  I remember my dad used to say a lot of anti gay stuff, at one point i laughed at him and said "why do you care, how does how they live their lives affect you, they aren't hurting anyone."  My dad kind of realized all this resentment he had was for no good reason and has changed.  There are a lot of people who are just stuck in their ways and we will have to deal with that until the generation dies out and is replaced by people who can see both sides of the coin.


Quote:Things take time and the youth will eventually heal the problems of their parents. I remember my dad used to say a lot of anti gay stuff, at one point i laughed at him and said "why do you care, how does how they live their lives affect you, they aren't hurting anyone." My dad kind of realized all this resentment he had was for no good reason and has changed. There are a lot of people who are just stuck in their ways and we will have to deal with that until the generation dies out and is replaced by people who can see both sides of the coin.

Well said
Quote:Ok, I'll accept that. Can you tell me who these ppl are?

What purpose does that serve? Are denying it or merely deflecting?
Quote:For the record I believe the "Uncle Tom" term is outdated, but very pointed still in today's society


The reason why we (1981 and I) havent had to ask each other about about our backgrounds is because we agree with each other comments on various subjects on the forum.  Common sense. He asked about JJ's life/background because they have a different viewpoint which should be obvious to you. 


You keep making these wild assumptions about him dismissing jj's different opinion when he just merely asked about his life. Do you think for JJ? He is a man of his own and can respond for himself.



Lets get back to the meat of this issue. Why are you so defensive and always insuiate someone calling JJ  "Uncle Tom" when they just want to inquire about his background, why is that?

You and I disagree on nearly everything on this board, and yet you've never asked me to explain my background to you as to why I think the way I do. I didn't see you ask JJ any of that before you decided he was "uncomfortable". Hell, I've never seen you or anyone else ask for a detailed description of someone's history and that of their family just because they have a different opinion. Are you going to claim this is a normal occurrence on here?

I do not think for JJ, it's obvious that he can think for himself. But considering you decided to "translate" his post and tell us what he REALLY meant, you have no problem with trying to think for him.

And the meat of the subject, the real meat is that you are okay with making him have to prove himself before you consider his opinion valid, just because it differs from yours.


Quote:You and I disagree on nearly everything on this board, and yet you've never asked me to explain my background to you as to why I think the way I do. I didn't see you ask JJ any of that before you decided he was "uncomfortable". Hell, I've never seen you or anyone else ask for a detailed description of someone's history and that of their family just because they have a different opinion. Are you going to claim this is a normal occurrence on here?

I do not think for JJ, it's obvious that he can think for himself. But considering you decided to "translate" his post and tell us what he REALLY meant, you have no problem with trying to think for him.

And the meat of the subject, the real meat is that you are okay with making him have to prove himself before you consider his opinion valid, just because it differs from yours.

His opinion was always valid


Quote:Again, you don't speak for the whole community. Obviously there are many among your community who DO in fact take their cues from them.

I'm agreeing with you that I don't speak for the community. Now I'm asking you to tell me who you have talk to that ascribe to what Sharpton, Lee or Jackson have to say?
Quote:You and I disagree on nearly everything on this board, and yet you've never asked me to explain my background to you as to why I think the way I do. I didn't see you ask JJ any of that before you decided he was "uncomfortable". Hell, I've never seen you or anyone else ask for a detailed description of someone's history and that of their family just because they have a different opinion. Are you going to claim this is a normal occurrence on here?

I do not think for JJ, it's obvious that he can think for himself. But considering you decided to "translate" his post and tell us what he REALLY meant, you have no problem with trying to think for him.

And the meat of the subject, the real meat is that you are okay with making him have to prove himself before you consider his opinion valid, just because it differs from yours.

It's because JJ doesn't spout the community approved nonsense that jfc and 1981 do, he must be authenticated.


Quote:It's because JJ doesn't spout the community approved nonsense that jfc and 1981 do, he must be authenticated.

I guess you missed the part where I agreed with some of his post...still waiting to find out who you talked to that listens to Sharpton...
Quote:I'm agreeing with you that I don't speak for the community. Now I'm asking you to tell me who you have talk to that ascribe to what Sharpton, Lee or Jackson have to say?

Why, members of the community of course, I have my fingers on the pulse.


Quote:Why, members of the community of course, I have my fingers on the pulse.

Yeah, you from Jax?
Quote:Yeah, you from Jax?

Not originally.


Quote:Not originally.

Well, I don't live there anymore, but I'll be visiting of course. Maybe we can tailgate and you can introduce them to me.
Quote:Actually, I'm interested in his background as well but I've caught more pieces from his posts already. I know he spent time in NY bit loves here now and is active in his community. You'll note the ppl who throw terms around like uncle Tom and race baiter. I've also stated I agreed with some of the things JJ said in his initial post. You're mind was made up already. You haven't made one comment toward what I said about the black community. There was another guy who told me it was a two way street. I provided one side of the street, he went missing.

What I'm trying to find out, I'm gathering from these posts. JJ provided some of the info I requested privately. There wasn't a negative discourse. He had no problem with it. But you on the other hand have cracked a secret plot to discredit him by me. Great job! Creating an open dialog with JJ is key to me in repairing our community. Now you've entrenched yourself in this belief I'm on a mission to out him as an uncle Tom. Try speaking on your experiences with the black community. I'm interested to know how often you've dealt with us as well especially after you've demonstrated how important it is to you we don't view someone as an uncle Tom. Tell me what you think racism is.
Quote:She is going to spin this, watch.
Quote:*grabs popcorn*

You better hold on tight, because I'm fixing to spin the hell out of this....

Neither I nor anyone else has to give a detailed description of our personal history in order for an opinion to be valid.

See what I did there? I kept the exact same position as I've had through this entire thread. Was that spin-y enough for you?
Quote:Well, I don't live there anymore, but I'll be visiting of course. Maybe we can tailgate and you can introduce them to me.

That would be wonderful.


Quote:You better hold on tight, because I'm fixing to spin the hell out of this....

Neither I nor anyone else has to give a detailed description of our personal history in order for an opinion to be valid.

See what I did there? I kept the exact same position as I've had through this entire thread. Was that spin-y enough for you?

And if JJ had declined it would have been no problem. He was forthcoming tho
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