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Full Version: Why I Cannot Support BLM
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Quote:Great post.


I do find it particularly interesting that the usual suspects on this board have pretty much left this discussion alone.  I wonder why?

I don't support BLM either. I understand that well meaning good people do. It's become the most recognized symbol of Black Protest and Empowerment because the media pushes it on us (HMMM, I wonder why). I simply can't support BLM for 3 reasons:


1. I believe it to be controlled opposition. It was created by George Soros. A major backer for the Clinton. Any movement for people not created by said people can't truly benefit the people.


2. I've seen good people support it, but far and away more idiots and paid operative support for my taste. 


3. I don't need to tell anyone my life matter let alone the lives of my people.


Hope this clears things up.
Quote:First of all, I want to say this: there are a lot of non-black people on this forum that have expressed legitimate, sincere, meaningful and impactful disdain for the concept of innocent black people being hurt shot or killed. I want everyone to know how much that really touches me, on a very personal level. That fundamental level of basic empathy across racial lines is the light of hope not only for our country but the world as a whole. No matter how I might disagree with certain policy or tactics or methods of certain groups I don't want anything to diminish the truly real level of respect, admiration, and pride I take in the fact that so many people who don't look like me really and truly give a [BAD WORD REMOVED] and want to affect positive change.

Having said all that, when it comes to BLM and this current iteration of CIVIL RIGHTS leadership... I'm just not able. Part of me wishes that I could go along to get along, but I'm just not able.

First of all, a little history. Black LIBERATION MOVEMENT (or black liberation theology) has been around for a long time. This isn't really anything new. They just put a new name on it. When you look at the cover page of BLM they freely talk about the fact that they are trying to recreate the height of that movement that included the Black Panthers and other groups more commonly associated with the 60's and 70's.

My ultimate rejection of that ideology is based on one simple truth, the road to a post racial society has nothing to do with racial grievance or as I call it counter-sectarianism. Focusing on our cultural differences promotes divisions not inclusion. Devoting our energy focusing on the sins of our dead great grand parents doesn't promote a clear concise view of what a post racial society looks like or show anyone how to get there. The end result is to promote an environment where we don't focus on skin color.

Moreover, I think that BLM and the current constellation of so called community leaders are using the passions of generations past to scapegoat traditional society and advance a far left agenda as a distraction from certain failures of the far left. Case and point, what the hell does boycotting Israel have to do with holding police accountable? When you follow the money being funneled into these groups the picture becomes more clear.

We were promised a step towards a post racial society. We were promised better schools. We were promised more access to the American dream. 10 trillion dollars in debt later, 30 trillion dollars in federal expenditures during the term of the first black president later we still as a community don't think we have a pot to [BAD WORD REMOVED] in or a window to throw it out of. But i'm supposed to get up and take to the streets because some idiot with a gun got himself shot and someone screams racism through a bullhorn?

You have elected officials in strongholds controlled by monolithic party rule for the better part of a century talking about structural inequalities like they have been held in political exile for the last half century. "Justice, equality, fairness" These are great bumper sticker slogans. They will get the attention of a lot of people. That being said, as a MAN I have to look at you and ask what the hell have you been doing while you were in office the last x number of years. If you have had control of an area for 80 years then why the hell are we chasing some political strawman?

Justice has a symbiotic relationship with truth. You can't have one without the other. You hear the calls for institutional racism as the motivation for police shootings but somehow the fact that Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, the guy in Minnesota, Louisiana, and the gentlemen in Milwaukee all had interactions with officers that were themselves minorities doesn't seem to make its way into the media. I wonder why that is?

Whites represent between 60 to 65% of all crimes committed. They represent between 60 to 65% of all interactions with police and they represent roughly between 60 to 65% of all police involved shootings. Blacks represent between 20 to 25% of all crimes committed, they represent roughly 20 to 25% of all interactions with police and they represent roughly 20 to 25% of all police involved shootings. Is that the pattern of the resurgent SS? When was the last time you heard someone from BLM shout those statistics after shouting for white people to get to the back of the line.

There are over 3 million interactions between citizens and police on any given day in this country, but the voices of the few have allowed a handful of incidents shape the attitudes of a nation. That's not a way forward, that's promoting hysteria.

Some of the most intelligent thoughtful and productive people I have ever met grew up in single parent homes. There are a lot of single mothers and older brothers/sisters stepping up and making things happen. I get that. I don't say this to step on anyone. Having said all that right now in the black community only 25% of all black kids have a father at home. That's not sustainable. Frankly, as a black man, that's pathetic. No matter what happens, tax cuts, infrastructure spending, stimulus, socialism, the second coming, if that number holds over the next 50 years then black America is going to be at the back of the line. Anyone or any group that claims to be advancing a way forward for the black community that doesn't start maintain and finish with the rebuilding of the black family (the foundation of any society) is a LIAR that just wants power money or their 15 minutes of fame. No matter how much they jump shout scream throw stuff or the like they ultimately won't make a damn bit of difference in the life of the average black person. Don't believe me? Just look at the last 50 years.

Sometimes when you want to move forward you have to start at the beginning…

I wish you'd write like this more often.  It's missed around here.  


There's alot here I disagree with.  But there's alot here that I respect and that I can understand why you feel the way you do.
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