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Quote:As soon as the Clinton campaign becomes aware of trumps lead in your poll, say goodbye to the Jags website server.


Now you went and did it. Where am I going to get my fill of genius daily?

Correct the Record is currently creating accounts en masse to flood the polls, break our barriers, and of course correct the record.
Quote:Correct the Record is currently creating accounts en masse to flood the polls, break our barriers, and of course correct the record.
They already stopped me from embedding youtube vids of Hillaries seizures. They will stop at nothing. Ninja
Quote:Really? Really??? Wow - You don't get it.

Jacksonville is a very Republican city. And diverse? Where??

This is the Jorts-wearing, mouth breathing, yokels chugging Miller Lite through their missing teeth REDNECK capital of southern Georgia...

Billy Bob ain't no demmycrat...

Typical liberal.  Using racist stereotypes to describe someone (or a group of people) that they don't agree with.  I'm sure that our black friends and other "people of color" as you liberals like to call them just love to be LABELED as a redneck.
Trumps has almost as many votes as the other options combined. Guess that's what happens when you can't fudge the numbers or vote multiple times.
Quote:Really? Really??? Wow - You don't get it.

Jacksonville is a very Republican city. And diverse? Where??

This is the Jorts-wearing, mouth breathing, yokels chugging Miller Lite through their missing teeth REDNECK capital of southern Georgia...

Billy Bob ain't no demmycrat...

What a conveniently bleak picture you paint.  I guess a black democrat would have no shot at winning a mayoral election in a place like that.  Oh darn, there goes that excuse.


Sarcasm aside, I've lived in Jacksonville my entire life and your "general" description might have fit prior to the 90's, but I would say you're reaching hard to claim that to be the case right now.  I gave thought to creating this poll a week or so ago but decided against it.  I'll be honest, I thought Clinton would be ahead.  Regardless, the poll is unscientific and no conclusions should be drawn from it other than that the majority of those that are paying attention to this topic so far have voted in favor of Trump.

Quote:Typical liberal.  Using racist stereotypes to describe someone (or a group of people) that they don't agree with.  I'm sure that our black friends and other "people of color" as you liberals like to call them just love to be LABELED as a redneck.
What's sad is the double standard. If someone on the right used that type of dialogue to express their views of the left, they would likely be banned or ostracized in  some form or fashion. 


Can you imagine the uproar if someone labeled the left as knuckle dragging, porch sitting, handout leaches of society? It would practically be national news.


I wouldn't be the least surprised if I were taken to task for even writing the words in a way of making an example. I'm sure I'll be labeled as some racist dreg of society for even suggesting something of the sort.

Quote:What's sad is the double standard. If someone on the right used that type of dialogue to express their views of the left, they would likely be banned or ostracized in  some form or fashion. 


Can you imagine the uproar if someone labeled the left as knuckle dragging, porch sitting, handout leaches of society? It would practically be national news.


I wouldn't be the least surprised if I were taken to task for even writing the words in a way of making an example. I'm sure I'll be labeled as some racist dreg of society for even suggesting something of the sort.

Well the thing is, the "n" word I'm sure is in the "banned word list" but redneck is not.  Both words can be used in both a negative and a positive way depending on the context.  I personally have been called a "redneck" simply because I have a bass boat and a blue tick hound dog.  However, I wasn't "born and raised" southern and I'm not white.  I happen to just enjoy the water, enjoy bass fishing and like hounds of all breeds.


The thing is, it seems that the left always seems to "categorize" and separate people based on race, sexual identity, income, etc.


The poster in question is part of the problem.  He/she has to put people into categories and mock the categories that don't align with her/his beliefs.


I didn't "report" her/his post because I believe in free speech and freedom of expression.  He/she can express ignorant views as far as I'm concerned.
[quote name="jagibelieve" post="783481" timestamp="1470866276"

The poster in question is part of the problem. He/she has to put people into categories and mock the categories that don't align with her/his beliefs.

I didn't "report" her/his post because I believe in free speech and freedom of expression. He/she can express ignorant views as far as I'm concerned.[/quote]

"Report" me all you wish...

I make a pretty decent living counting and classifying things (people, pets, colors, Internet IP addresses...). It's what I KNOW - not what I believe.

And if you are really redneck enough to think that the colloquial term redneck is on par with you using the vaunted "N" word - sorry to disappoint.

I am even more in favor of free speech, so feel free to dispute or call me the N word all you wish.

If you have time - check this out:

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://wallethub.com/edu/most-and-least-educated-cities/6656/'>https://wallethub.com/edu/most-and-least-educated-cities/6656/</a>
Quote:Well the thing is, the "n" word I'm sure is in the "banned word list" but redneck is not.  Both words can be used in both a negative and a positive way depending on the context.  I personally have been called a "redneck" simply because I have a bass boat and a blue tick hound dog.  However, I wasn't "born and raised" southern and I'm not white.  I happen to just enjoy the water, enjoy bass fishing and like hounds of all breeds.


The thing is, it seems that the left always seems to "categorize" and separate people based on race, sexual identity, income, etc.


The poster in question is part of the problem.  He/she has to put people into categories and mock the categories that don't align with her/his beliefs.


I didn't "report" her/his post because I believe in free speech and freedom of expression.  He/she can express ignorant views as far as I'm concerned.

The funny thing is didn't you just categorize "The Left"?
The results of this poll are interesting so far. I expect this is a small snapshot of how the rest of the nation feels as well.


If you think about it, there are really only 3 or 4 people making a lot of noise in Hillary's corner on here, but in the grand scheme, she is still getting smoked.


Lets see how this poll unfolds...

Quote:The results of this poll are interesting so far. I expect this is a small snapshot of how the rest of the nation feels as well.

If you think about it, there are really only 3 or 4 people making a lot of noise in Hillary's corner on here, but in the grand scheme, she is still getting smoked.

Lets see how this poll unfolds...
This forum is not a mirror of our diverse make-up of the country. Its a cute poll that tells us That NFL fan in Jacksonville is in favor of Trump.

You can hope and pray the polls are wrong. But there not. The party knows this. That is precisely why Republicans in Senate races are distancing themselves from him.
Quote:This forum is not a mirror of our diverse make-up of the country. Its a cute poll that tells us That NFL fan in Jacksonville is in favor of Trump.

You can hope and pray the polls are wrong. But there not. The party knows this. That is precisely why Republicans in Senate races are distancing themselves from him.

If that is what you want to believe.


Politics are not involved in my prayers. 


Don't lie. You went to the library for an additional vote didn't you?

At least we know this poll is unbiased and numbers aren't fudged.
If Gary Johnson gets 20% of the national votes. I will by a licensed NFL Bortles jersey and raffle off to one of the members of this board.
Quote:If Gary Johnson gets 20% of the national votes. I will by a licensed NFL Bortles jersey and raffle off to one of the members of this board.

I'm a member of a political message board, a Republican one at that, and every poll they have had so far has Hillary first, Johnson second and Trump a distant third. Most sane limited-government conservatives see Trump for what he really is. A fascist, liberal Democrat from New York.
Quote:Interesting that the poll differs from national polling data.

LOL!  Well for a newbie to politics that doesn't understand even how a post convention bump works, I'm not surprised that you find this interesting!!!   :woot:
Quote:As soon as the Clinton campaign becomes aware of trumps lead in your poll, say goodbye to the Jags website server.


Now you went and did it. Where am I going to get my fill of genius daily?

PM me, I'll give you my phone number.  
Quote:PM me, I'll give you my phone number.  
I said genius, not dingus. :whistling:
Quote:LOL!  Well for a newbie to politics that doesn't understand even how a post convention bump works, I'm not surprised that you find this interesting!!!   :woot:

If Clinton were winning this poll, your sthick would be completely different.
Quote:If Clinton were winning this poll, your sthick would be completely different.


I understand statistics. This poll is fun, but it has no relevance to the overall population of the usa.

There are two key flaws to this poll in terms of reflecting the usa.

The sample size is too small. And the sample population is not representative of the usa total population...

This poll accurately reflects jaguar die-hard fans that have way too much time on their hands. That's about it.

It may reflect the thoughts of die hard jaguar fans in the greater Jacksonville area, but I'd put the margin of error around +/-20%...
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