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Quote:The sample size is too small. And the sample population is not representative of the usa total population...


That's what she said?
Quote:Really? Really??? Wow - You don't get it.

Jacksonville is a very Republican city. And diverse? Where??

This is the Jorts-wearing, mouth breathing, yokels chugging Miller Lite through their missing teeth REDNECK capital of southern Georgia...

Billy Bob ain't no demmycrat...

Even if this was true, not all of us are from Jacksonville.
Gary Johnson "surging"

Quote:"That's what she said" - Michael Scott

^^ The_Anchorman
That ought to do it
Quote:This forum is not a mirror of our diverse make-up of the country. Its a cute poll that tells us That NFL fan in Jacksonville is in favor of Trump.

You can hope and pray the polls are wrong. But there not. The party knows this. That is precisely why Republicans in Senate races are distancing themselves from him.

Yes. This. Exactly.

It's very counter productive to assume that everyone across this great nation feels similar to those stuck in Jacksonville Florida (of all places). Jax is a repub city by a large margin. Miami is dem. It is what it is.
Quote:Even if this was true, not all of us are from Jacksonville.

Exactly - myself included. But the MAJORITY are. Which is why the sample and results were easy to guess. I promise there are many more republican-leaning posters on here than any other affiliation.

Yeah, sure, there are some that claim not to blindy tow the party line but magically still support the Repub NO MATTER WHAT. Same with the dem side too.

It's why politics are funny to discuss -

Everybody thinks the "other candidate" is Satan
Johnson "surging" is also what she said

Quote:Johnson "surging" is also what she said

Yeah. Lol @ GJ. He will poll at 10-15 and get 3 in November.
Quote:Yeah, sure, there are some that claim not to blindy tow the party line but magically still support the Repub NO MATTER WHAT. Same with the dem side too.

Too large a percentage of my friends and family are exactly this. It's like beating your head against the wall trying to talk politics with people like that.
Johnson is tied with Crooked Hillary. Interesting.

this board does have alot of libertarians

Johnson is stealing more votes from Hillary than Trump.  He's not really a Libertarian. 

i just mean he is the candidate for the party

Quote:Johnson is stealing more votes from Hillary than Trump.  He's not really a Libertarian. 

Any step in the libertarian direction is a good one IMO
Quote:Johnson is stealing more votes from Hillary than Trump. He's not really a Libertarian.

How do you know that for sure?
Quote:Any step in the libertarian direction is a good one IMO

It's cute people call Gary Johnson a Libertarian. When what they really did was recruit a major party politician to try and legitimize theirs. Of course they won't get more than 3% of the national votes anyhow.
So we have an election where the Libertarian isn't really a Libertarian, the Republican isn't a Republican, and one of the Democrats wasn't really a Democrat.


I'm voting for Hilary.  In the ultimate of ironies, she's the only honest one. :teehee:

The real question is, how many fake accounts did Anchor create to rig the poll?

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