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Looks like my un-pc talk triggered my good friend, Stroud.

Just remember that your fuhrer has said that our president founded a terrorist organization that has beheaded Americans, attacked and killed europeans, and has claimed war on the usa.

Think about that...
Hitler was voted in by a landslide. His rhetoric was to blame everybody else- especially the current government- for the woes of the country. He promised, "I can fix it by myself" over and over...

You have to try hard not to make the connection.
Quote:Are you familiar with the real clear politics website?

They provide a composite of like 10 different polls.

So are you saying the entire polling and statistical analyst system is rigged?

That the entire system is out to get trump?

Absolutely the entire system is out to get Trump.  Absolutely the MSM polls are rigged.  Reuters was just caught rigging their poll to provide a post-convention Clinton bump that didn't exist.  They even added the 9-point bump to previous polls, then deleted all the earlier polls which would illuminate the new bias. 


The entire Federal government is in the bag for Hillary - note Loretta Lynch recently squashed an FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation, saying they looked at the issue A YEAR AGO (before the incriminating emails were released) and found no case. 


The current ABC Live poll with 37,000 votes shows Trump at 74%, Jill Stein at 15%, Gary Johnson at 7% and Hillary at 4%. 


There no support for Hillary in the real world.
Quote:Hitler was voted in by a landslide. His rhetoric was to blame everybody else- especially the current government- for the woes of the country. He promised, "I can fix it by myself" over and over...

You have to try hard not to make the connection.

no, you have to be a completely brain dead, brainwashed media zombie to think something so stupid


Anchorman is just trolling.  you probably actually believe that he's Hitler.  that takes real dumb.

If you have to "try hard" not to compare Trump with someone that exterminated millions of people without batting an eye then its probably not going out on a limb to say life is probably too hard for you in general.
Quote:There are always only 2 correct answers...

Answer 1 = 42

Andwer 2 = 69


Quote:no, you have to be a completely brain dead, brainwashed media zombie to think something so stupid

Anchorman is just trolling. you probably actually believe that he's Hitler. that takes real dumb.
I would not say I'm trolling... but I am using playfulness to make what I believe is a pretty darn good point.

Trump uses words in a disrespectful manner. Calling Obama the founder of Isis is repugnant. Yes, there can be arguments made that our policies in terms of leaving Iraq to quickly were mistakes, etc.

But calling our president the founder means he's committing treason and waging war on the usa from within.

It is a lie and worse still it smears the memory of those Americans that have been murdered by the hands of Isis.

Why is it, then, that when trump is referenced to as Hitler the trumpettes get offended and make reference to the holocaust.

Yet the disgusting thought that Obama founded Isis and thus is responsible for the gruesome and heartbreaking beheadings and other murders must be defended at all costs.

It's that point that I'm trying to make. I wouldn't call that trolling so much, but I'm definitely trying to poke at some of you guys in order to make my point.


Cankle_Craver is FBT's alter ego...

Quote:I would not say in trolling... but I am using playfulness to make what I believe is pretty darn good point.

Trump uses words in a disrespectful manner. Calling Obama the founder of Isis is repugnant. Yes, there can be arguments made that our policies in terms of leaving Iraq to quickly, etc.

But calling our president the founder means he's committing treason and waging war on the usa from within.

It is a lie and worse still it smears the memory of those Americans that have been murdered by the hands of Isis.

Why is it, then, that when trump is referenced to as Hitler the trumpettes get offended and make reference to the holocaust.

Yet the disgusting thought that Obama founded Isis and thus is responsible the gruesome and heartbreaking beheadings and other murders must be defended at all costs.

It's that point that I'm trying to make. I wouldn't call that trolling so much, but I'm definitely trying to poke at some of you guys in order to make my point.

Are you willing to at least concede that Barry is guilty of actions that helped ISIS grow to what they are today? Not necessarily the same as being the "founder" though, I agree.
Quote:I would not say in trolling... but I am using playfulness to make what I believe is pretty darn good point.

Trump uses words in a disrespectful manner. Calling Obama the founder of Isis is repugnant. Yes, there can be arguments made that our policies in terms of leaving Iraq to quickly, etc.

But calling our president the founder means he's committing treason and waging war on the usa from within.

It is a lie and worse still it smears the memory of those Americans that have been murdered by the hands of Isis.

Why is it, then, that when trump is referenced to as Hitler the trumpettes get offended and make reference to the holocaust.

Yet the disgusting thought that Obama founded Isis and thus is responsible the gruesome and heartbreaking beheadings and other murders must be defended at all costs.

It's that point that I'm trying to make. I wouldn't call that trolling so much, but I'm definitely trying to poke at some of you guys in order to make my point.

People were calling Trump Hitler, Mussolini, whatever way before his Obama comment. They called him Hitler because he wanted to build a wall on the Mexican border or suspend immigration. How stupid do you have to be to put that connection together? Yet it was being done by idiots across the country (and in the media).


Hillary called Donald Trump a sergeant of ISIS recruiting in April. Where was the coverage? Will you disavow?
Quote:Are you willing to at least concede that Barry is guilty of actions that helped ISIS grow to what they are today? Not necessarily the same as being the "founder" though, I agree.

Looking back on it, I don't think I could make a strong enough argument that I'd be willing to defend in regards to Isis and the fact that they gained strength as we left.

I think there were alot of factors that made our leaving inevitable, but that wasn't your question.

The answer to your specific question is, that I would concede that leaving Iraq resulted in Isis growing in strength---but it's complicated.
Quote:People were calling Trump Hitler, Mussolini, whatever way before his Obama comment. They called him Hitler because he wanted to build a wall on the Mexican border or suspend immigration. How stupid do you have to be to put that connection together? Yet it was being done by idiots across the country (and in the media).

Hillary called Donald Trump a sergeant of ISIS recruiting in April. Where was the coverage? Will you disavow?

I disagree, this founder statement is not the first time he's used words carelessly. I think my point is very valid. Words can have severe consequences. And what trump has said made me call him what I did.

As for Hillary. I never heard her call trump a sergeant for Isis recruiting, but I did hear her say that trump's words against Muslims is being used to recruit Isis followers. And there is proof of that, so he is a tool for Isis recruiting. There's nothing to disavow there.
Quote:I disagree, this founder statement is not the first time he's used words carelessly. I think my point is very valid. Words can have severe consequences. And what trump has said made me call him what I did.

As for Hillary. I never heard her call trump a sergeant for Isis recruiting, but I did hear her say that trump's words against Muslims is being used to recruit Isis followers. And there is proof of that, so he is a tool for Isis recruiting. There's nothing to disavow there.

Just like DT used "founder of ISIS" as a metaphor for Obama/HRC failed foreign policies creating a power vacuum in Iraq leading to the foundation of ISIS, Hillary uses "recruiting sergeant for ISIS" (http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/04/0...eant-isis/) as a metaphor to claim Donald Trump's rhetoric makes Muslims more likely to embrace ISIS. Donald Trump isn't literally in the ranks of ISIS ushering in and looking for new ISIS recruits, nor is Obama/HRC literally sitting the middle-east developing the blueprints for the ISIS organization.


If you want to take issue with one, you have to take issue with the other. Same with the media. You can't pretend Hillary's poop doesn't stink when she says things just as politically incorrect.
Quote:Just like DT used "founder of ISIS" as a metaphor for Obama/HRC failed foreign policies creating a power vacuum in Iraq leading to the foundation of ISIS, Hillary uses "recruiting sergeant for ISIS" (<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/04/03/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-recruiting-sergeant-isis/'>http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/04/03/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-recruiting-sergeant-isis/</a>) as a metaphor to claim Donald Trump's rhetoric makes Muslims more likely to embrace ISIS. Donald Trump isn't literally in the ranks of ISIS ushering in and looking for new ISIS recruits, nor is Obama/HRC literally sitting the middle-east developing the blueprints for the ISIS organization.

If you want to take issue with one, you have to take issue with the other. Same with the media. You can't pretend Hillary's poop doesn't stink when she says things just as politically incorrect.

No dude, I'm sorry, but you got it wrong.

He was given the opportunity multiple times to clarify the founded comment. He never made that clarification.

And it's categorically a lie.

On the other hand, there are actual Isis videos that use trumps anti Muslim statements. So calling trump's words as a tool for Isis recruiting is an accurate statement...
Quote:No dude, I'm sorry, but you got it wrong.

He was given the opportunity multiple times to clarify the founded comment. He never made that clarification.

And it's categorically a lie.

On the other hand, there are actual Isis videos that use trumps anti Muslim statements. So calling trump's words as a tool for Isis recruiting is an accurate statement...

What is categorically a lie? That the Obama administration did indeed oversee the formation of ISIS?


There are multiple claims from foreign policy officials that the Obama administration's method of abandoning Iraq lead to the formation of ISIS. There is evidence of US gun-running missions to Muslim rebels in the middle-east that have joined ISIS. There is evidence of us training Muslim rebels that have joined ISIS.


Quote:What is categorically a lie? That the Obama administration did indeed oversee the formation of ISIS?

There are multiple claims from foreign policy officials that the Obama administration's method of abandoning Iraq lead to the formation of ISIS. There is evidence of US gun-running missions to Muslim rebels in the middle-east that have joined ISIS. There is evidence of us training Muslim rebels that have joined ISIS.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/08/12/fact-check-obama-hillary-founders-isis-bet/'>http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/08/12/fact-check-obama-hillary-founders-isis-bet/</a>

Ok, bro. Whatever you want to believe.

I feel like you have missed the point I've been making for like 5 pages.

Your idiot candidate was given the chance to clarify, and he doubled down and said , no they founded it.

Accept that as the fact, and then we'll move on to the real discussion.
Bill and Opus


Because.... Why Not!

Obama called ISIS the "junior varsity" and told the American public they were providing weapons and training for ISIS.  BTW, ISIS / ISIL is Obama's cutesy name for the group we previously called "Al Qaeda in Iraq".  And yesterday we found the leaders at CENTCOM were altering their own intel reports to mask the spread of ISIS into Syria, Iraq and Libya because Obama at the same time was telling us they had ISIS on the run and they were controlled.  ISIS is Obama's baby all right, and Hillary sent weapons from Libya to ISIS in Syria.  Once again Trump was right, and the MSM pretends to be shocked and outraged at the allegations.

Quote:Ok, bro. Whatever you want to believe.

I feel like you have missed the point I've been making for like 5 pages.

Your idiot candidate was given the chance to clarify, and he doubled down and said , no they founded it.

Accept that as the fact, and then we'll move on to the real discussion.
Just because Trump is an inarticulate idiot doesn't make the fact that ISIS exploded under your dear ruler any less true.  He and his Secretary of State not only dumped gasoline on the dumpster fire in the Middle East, but then he brought in industrial fans to make sure the flames spread for the Arab Spring.  He didn't lift a finger to object the complete withdrawal from Iraq when they insisted upon it, and decided not to leave supplemental troops there just to serve as a deterrent.  The end result was ISIS sweeping in, taking over a huge chunk of Iraq, including securing and profiting from their oil reserves.  They stole the equipment left behind for the Iraqi defense force, and took the money from the oil business to finance the expansion of their Caliphate.  This is pretty well documented, and hard to deny.  The fact that Trump can't seem to articulate it clearly doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I forgot about how gung-ho the entire country was to remain in Iraq after 7 years of occupying that country based on lies.

Thanks for setting me straight.

The whole thing in the middle east is a total cluster.

But your position appears to be that it's all President Obama's fault. If that is your position, you are so blinded by hatred that you have destroyed you ability to understand the world as it is.

So, is Isis all President Obama's fault, fbt?
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