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I wish the Libertarians had a more serious candidate.  With the Left and Right moving farther and farther to their extremes, the Libertarian party has a great opportunity to capture all the people that want a fiscally responsible gov't that is socially reasonable.  But if they spend all their time talking about drugs, prostitution, and burying their head in the sand when it comes to foreign affairs, they'll never be taken seriously as a legitimate 3rd option.  Shame too because if there was ever a year for a 3rd party to crash the party, this was it.  Not sure a better opportunity will present itself in a long time.

Quote:Aww, you mad! You mad! Also, I'm 6'3". Hardly little, outside of basketball.

In fact, with the average male height in the US being 5' 9.5", I want you to refer to me as big man from here on out. Got it lefty?

Also, there are people on here from all over the country. The perfect sample!!

This guy is triggered, think it might have been the little man comment. Typical--

PS - I was referring to your "size" not height...
Quote:I wish the Libertarians had a more serious candidate.  With the Left and Right moving farther and farther to their extremes, the Libertarian party has a great opportunity to capture all the people that want a fiscally responsible gov't that is socially reasonable.  But if they spend all their time talking about drugs, prostitution, and burying their head in the sand when it comes to foreign affairs, they'll never be taken seriously as a legitimate 3rd option.  Shame too because if there was ever a year for a 3rd party to crash the party, this was it.  Not sure a better opportunity will present itself in a long time.

I voted Libertarian in 2012 and am a Libertarian at heart, but over the past four years I have realized that to operate in a Libertarian-styled society you need a populace which is either informed or responsible. The US populace as a whole is neither. In the long run, the only thing can save us from dystopia is the Super AI or a rocket off this god-forsaken rock :thumbsup:.
Quote:Gary Johnson "surging"

[Image: 1358110693_l.jpg]

Quote:I voted Libertarian in 2012 and am a Libertarian at heart, but over the past four years I have realized that to operate in a Libertarian-styled society you need a populace which is either informed or responsible. The US populace as a whole is neither. In the long run, the only thing can save us from dystopia is the Super AI or a rocket off this god-forsaken rock  doesn't care.

... or this  ^^
Clinton and it is not even close for me.


Would have strongly considered Kasich if he had gotten the nomination, and I really like Johnson as well.  However, under no circumstances can I make a statement vote in a two party election when one of the candidates is Donald Trump.  

So, is this poll closed now? Trump wins by 11 points?

Would have thought it would be closer, considering the make up of the message board.

So are you in on the avatar bet, Stroud?
Quote:Really? Really??? Wow - You don't get it.

Jacksonville is a very Republican city. And diverse? Where??

This is the Jorts-wearing, mouth breathing, yokels chugging Miller Lite through their missing teeth REDNECK capital of southern Georgia...

Billy Bob ain't no demmycrat...

That third paragraph makes me so proud
Quote:That third paragraph makes me so proud

Clearly he's never been to Gainesville.
Quote:I wish the Libertarians had a more serious candidate.  

Or even a libertarian candidate.

Quote:Or even a libertarian candidate.


You mean the candidate who agrees with 73% of Bernie Sander's policies isn't libertarian? Hmm.


I would take an 80yo Ron Paul over the two goons currently running on the Libertarian ticket.
Quote:You mean the candidate who agrees with 73% of Bernie Sander's policies isn't libertarian? Hmm.


I would take an 80yo Ron Paul over the two goons currently running on the Libertarian ticket.



I voted for Ron Paul in 1988, and in the primaries in 2012.

Quote:Really? Really??? Wow - You don't get it.

Jacksonville is a very Republican city. And diverse? Where??

This is the Jorts-wearing, mouth breathing, yokels chugging Miller Lite through their missing teeth REDNECK capital of southern Georgia...

Billy Bob ain't no demmycrat...
If you looked at the last election cycle Jacksonville voted for Obama...so you are wrong
Quote:If you looked at the last election cycle Jacksonville voted for Obama...so you are wrong

Shhh no words, no facts. Only tears
Umm.................not! {url}http://www.politico.com/2012-election/re...t/florida/{/url}


Regards....................the Chiefjag

Quote:Umm.................not! {url}http://www.politico.com/2012-election/re...t/florida/{/url}


Regards....................the Chiefjag

Dangit CSO14 I trusted you.
Quote:If you looked at the last election cycle Jacksonville voted for Obama...so you are wrong

Quote:Dangit CSO14 I trusted you.

You seem to consistently trust incorrect sources & false information.

Hate to say I told you so again.
Gary Johnson sticking his nose out there!

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