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Full Version: We Love Our 2nd Amendment People, Don't We Folks?
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Quote:To fbt - what about the gun show loophole?

And I think the assault weapon ban should be reinstated along with large round clips.

I also think that if you buy a gun you should have it registered and be responsible for it if it's used in a crime.

Also, there should be an Adam lanza rule that if weapons at to be in a house with a mentally challenged person additional checks should be performed and additional obligations should be placed upon that household.

What's wrong with adding a regulations and rules to gun ownership? The supreme court has confirmed that adding regulations to the 2nd is not unconstitutional
The gun show loophole is a liberal talking point and nothing more.  Dealers selling weapons at gun shows are required to do the same background checks that dealers anywhere else have to comply with.  The "loophole" is nothing more than transactions between private owners and buyers.  It's like saying the used car loophole needs to be eliminated so that a private seller is required to confirm the buyer is a legal driver and has insurance, etc..  Good luck requiring private owners to run background checks on sales. 


I have done private transactions, buying and selling, and in each instance, either I as the seller or the person I was buying from had paperwork documenting the sale.  I even required the guy to provide his license and permit for my records. 


Clips.  Good stuff.  Shows your gun knowledge.  Same thing with the assault weapon ban.  AR-15s aren't assault weapons, so even with your ban, they'd be excluded. 


Your Adam Lanza rule would violate existing HIPAA laws.  Good luck with that. 


Quote:The government passed the most unconstitutional law of all time with The Patriot Act. They will take whatever perceived freedoms they can. The reason it passed is because dumb Americans were made fearful and allowed it to happen. Which is something I cannot forget, especially when a presidential candidate is running a campaign of fear.

The Orlando gunman was known to be on a watch list and was still able to get an assault rifle almost immediately. Actions are being taken to make sure felons are able to get guns. People who have been Baker Act-ed or have been diagnosed as suicidal, homicidal or suffering from delusions like that guy who shot up the abortion clinic.. what law prevents them from having guns? Ask Wayne LaPierre who shouldn't have guns and I am not sure what response you'd get. (Talk about suffering from mental disorders, have you read his Twitter feed?) The absurd notion the government would be able to take away guns (I defy you to present any plan which could successfully accomplish this task) should not eliminate common sense laws which say not everyone should be able to get their hands on guns so easily. I know enough sane people who are patriotic gun owners I do not trust to not discharge their weapons accidentally. I shouldn't have to worry about a guy fresh from a terrorist training camp in Yemen being able to get an assault rifle on his lunch break.

You'll get no argument on the Patriot Act.  It's bad law and sets a dangerous precedent. 


The Orlando gunman was investigated twice by the FBI, and cleared both times.  He wasn't on any list despite the fact that he really should have been.  The agents doing the investigation felt that there was something there, but they were shut down in pursuing it any further.  If you ask Corrine Brown, it's because they were too busy investigating her corruption problems.  Matteen passed background checks and was a licensed conceal carry owner as a result.  In fact, I believe he actually had a more involved background check because of his background in working in security, and needing to carry a firearm for his job.  Even in purchasing the rifle he used to shoot up the Pulse nightclub, the dealer did do the normal background check as required by law before handing the gun over to him. 


Background checks do cover mental health issues, particularly where someone has been Baker acted.  If someone is taking medications that raise flags, they're given more scrutiny, and most likely won't be permitted to buy a gun.  Again, none of this is new.  I asked you to specifically which laws need to be changed.  What you came back with was laws that already exist.  Are you aware of what a background check consists of when purchasing a gun?  Even with my permit, I still have to go through the process of having the background check run.  The process is truncated somewhat because I have passed a federal background check and have my permit, so I can go in and buy any gun in an hour or two.  There are more than enough common sense gun laws already on the books.  This notion that guns are easy to get is just a liberal talking point.  It's not easy to purchase a firearm legally. 


I'm fairly confident, someone "fresh from terrorist training camp" would have all sorts of red flags going off if he tried to legally purchase a firearm.

Quote: This notion that guns are easy to get is just a liberal talking point. 

But I saw Shooters has a gun truck set up right next to The Jalapeno Express trailer in Jax Beach?
Quote:But I saw Shooters has a gun truck set up right next to The Jalapeno Express trailer in Jax Beach?

My friend's son got a minimum mandatory 10 years for firing a gun he got in downtown Jax when he was 17.
Quote:My friend's son got a minimum mandatory 10 years for firing a gun he got in downtown Jax when he was 17.

Sooooo, gun show loophole then?
Quote:My friend's son got a minimum mandatory 10 years for firing a gun he got in downtown Jax when he was 17.
So, was he legally in possession of the firearm?  Did he buy it from a FFL dealer?  Or, did he possess the gun illegally, and demonstrated a lack of maturity in firing the gun off in the middle of the city, and the laws already on the book are working as they should?
Just pointing out how easy it is to get a gun.

It's not much more difficult to get one through legal channels regardless of your background.
Quote:My friend's son got a minimum mandatory 10 years for firing a gun he got in downtown Jax when he was 17.


I thought it's just a liberal talking point...

I thought it's just a liberal talking point...

So they broke the existing law, so we need new law to outlaw the breaking of existing law?


He went to jail for committing a crime. Laws don't STOP people from breaking them, the punish them for it after the fact.
Quote:So they broke the existing law, so we need new law to outlaw the breaking of existing law?

He went to jail for committing a crime. Laws don't STOP people from breaking them, the punish them for it after the fact.

There are too many ways to get a gun too easily.

That should be changed. It needs regulation.

Here's another liberal talking point--- even the majority of nra members agree that there needs to be increased gun control.
Quote:Just pointing out how easy it is to get a gun.

It's not much more difficult to get one through legal channels regardless of your background.
You're ignoring a key detail here.  That gun was clearly obtained ILLEGALLY.  So, how exactly does that apply to LEGALLY purchased firearms? 


This isn't that difficult to grasp for most.  Criminals are going to get guns.  What you're proposing restricts LEGAL purchases from happening.


If only there was a law to prevent this from happening. 

Quote:There are too many ways to get a gun too easily.

That should be changed. It needs regulation.

Here's another liberal talking point--- even the majority of nra members agree that there needs to be increased gun control.
Are there not laws on the book preventing a 17 year old criminal from getting a handgun?  What new law is required there exactly?


If you poll actual NRA members, they're going to agree that enforcement of gun laws is critical.  Again, what law needs to be drafted to prevent a 17 year old from obtaining a firearm ILLEGALLY?
Quote:The gun show loophole is a liberal talking point and nothing more.  Dealers selling weapons at gun shows are required to do the same background checks that dealers anywhere else have to comply with.  The "loophole" is nothing more than transactions between private owners and buyers.  It's like saying the used car loophole needs to be eliminated so that a private seller is required to confirm the buyer is a legal driver and has insurance, etc..  Good luck requiring private owners to run background checks on sales.

In Tennessee, a person selling guns at a gun show is considered a private seller if his or her main income source is not from gun sales, and if they are classified as a private seller no background check is required. I believe the same holds true in Florida. That's the loophole.

I fail to see where restrictions on transfer of gun ownership from one to another owner is in violation of the Second Amendment. It would seem that the government can pose commerce restrictions.
The "loophole" requires the seller to verify the buyer is a Florida resident of legal age.  Also if there's any indication the buyer may be a prohibited person, the sale cannot happen.  I personally would only sell to someone who is a Florida resident with a valid Florida CWL, but I don't ever expect to have that problem since my few old relics are not for sale. 


As for keeping criminals from getting guns, that's difficult since they don't seem to follow laws.  But even if guns didn't exist, criminal violence would be a problem.  A knife, piece of pipe or a ball-peen hammer can be just as deadly as a handgun and much simpler to operate.  The best tool for self defense is not an object or weapon but a comprehensive mindset.  Develop situational awareness.  Don't go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things.  Nothing good happens after midnight.  Adhere to these few basic tenets and your chances of being attacked are greatly reduced.

Unless you work for the Clintons, ammirite?????

I'll be here all night, folks
Quote:Just pointing out how easy it is to get a gun.

It's not much more difficult to get one through legal channels regardless of your background.

Really?  Would a 17 year old be able to legally easily purchase a firearm?

Quote:In Tennessee, a person selling guns at a gun show is considered a private seller if his or her main income source is not from gun sales, and if they are classified as a private seller no background check is required. I believe the same holds true in Florida. That's the loophole.

It's not a loophole, it's a private sale, the same as buying a paperback book at a yard sale.
Quote:I fail to see where restrictions on transfer of gun ownership from one to another owner is in violation of the Second Amendment. It would seem that the government can pose commerce restrictions.

A restriction by commercial requirements is simply a de facto regulation, which is a law, which is an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms.


This isn't complicated, a rose by any other name and such.
Quote:I fail to see where restrictions on transfer of gun ownership from one to another owner is in violation of the Second Amendment. It would seem that the government can pose commerce restrictions.

They can regulate interstate commerce.  That's why you can't sell across state lines without using a FFL and background check, and that's why you CAN sell to a resident of your own state.
Quote:There are too many ways to get a gun too easily.

That should be changed. It needs regulation.

Here's another liberal talking point--- even the majority of nra members agree that there needs to be increased gun control.

Regarding the first part in bold, are we talking about LEGALLY purchasing a firearm?


Regarding the second part in bold, what exactly needs regulation.  The ILLEGAL sale of firearms?
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