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Full Version: Trump lies & exaggerations - par for the course?
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Quote:So Obama did found ISIS and Hillary was the co-founder?

Way to whoosh past the validity of Trump's comments. You are priceless (as in your thoughts and opinions have no worth).

ISIS started with Obama as POTUS and Hillary as SecState. "Enabled" is probably a better work than "founded," but you're picking nits here.


Enabled - which is also bogus - and founded are 2 completely different things, Malabar.

Founded means he actively participated in the inception.

Dude, you guys just can't admit the most obvious things! This was another trump lie. And you guys are sitting here trying to defend it lie a bunch of beaten housewives...
Quote:100% true, sweet cheeks..

ISIS was established in 1999. Obama took office a decade later. Declaration of Islamic State (caliphate) was 2006. You are either a troll or a moron. I'm leaning towards both.
Quote:ISIS was established in 1999. Obama took office a decade later. Declaration of Islamic State (caliphate) was 2006. You are either a troll or a moron. I'm leaning towards both.

Whatever you say, Kotex
Quote:Whatever you say, Kotex

Apparently it's whatever Trump says.
Quote:Apparently it's whatever Trump says.

Hillary’s jock is lonely.. Better hop to it.
Quote:Hillary’s jock is lonely.. Better hop to it.
Couldn't possibly be as lonely as that space between your ears.

p.s. - Google still works.
Quote:Apparently it's whatever Trump says.

Trump followers lack critical thinking skills. Also they decide the facts to their liking.
He's trolling. Making a donkey of yourself in public is protected by the Constitution.
Quote:ISIS started with Obama as POTUS and Hillary as SecState. "Enabled" is probably a better work than "founded," but you're picking nits here.


No, ISIS was founded way before Obama became President.  

Quote:No, ISIS was founded way before Obama became President.  

and didn't have this much power until after.  That's the point.  Anybody with a working brain should be able to figure out that he isn't saying Obama filed the papers and LITERALLY founded ISIS.


He's saying our leadership has led to the growth and ARMING of ISIS and he is 100% correct.

people are still oblivious to what is going over there.  thank God Trump has people within his inner circle telling him what's going on.  people still are ignorant about it even though it's staring them right in the face.














hello? anybody home? wake the hell up.


You also have the former DIA Chief Michael Flynn telling the American people on main stream news that the Obama admin had intel on ISIS before it exploded.  They ignored it.

Quote:people are still oblivious to what is going over there. thank God Trump has people within his inner circle telling him what's going on. people still are ignorant about it even though it's staring them right in the face.







hello? anybody home? wake the hell up.

You also have the former DIA Chief Michael Flynn telling the American people on main stream news that the Obama admin had intel on ISIS before it exploded. They ignored it.

Isis is just a JV Team. I wouldn't worry about that
So apparently donnie, along with all his other weaknesses, has a terrible grasp on the English language.

Thank the gods on high for our trumpette brethren for volunteering their translation services!

So, if I have this straight, then "founded" in donnie's syphilitic mind means not doing enough to destroy them and letting them grow in power.

Well that makes sense... thanks trumpettes!!!

One thing--- apparently little donnie had an interview with a radio host that ran this interpretation of "founded" by Der Fuhrer himself. Incredibly, trump told the interviewer that, no, he meant "founded" in the sense normal people use it...

Oh dear... whatever can we make of such a twist of fate???
I'm bored of terrorism and the middle east already. Bring on the gigantic nuke firing robot wars already!
however he said it is actually irrelevant.  he's not the one arming ISIS, is he?  is he the one having a hand in the toppling of regime after regime creating vaccums for radical muslims to take over?

Republican Party is just about ready to ditch Donald Trump. The next few days they will stop funding his campaign.
let's focus on how Trump says it rather than focusing on what actually is HAPPENING

Quote:Republican Party is just about ready to ditch Donald Trump. The next few days they will stop funding his campaign.

I never got that memo..
Quote:and didn't have this much power until after. That's the point. Anybody with a working brain should be able to figure out that he isn't saying Obama filed the papers and LITERALLY founded ISIS.

They formed a caliphate three years before he took office. ...but I'm sure you and Trump are right.
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