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Full Version: Trump lies & exaggerations - par for the course?
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Quote:I never got that memo..

Guess you and Reince aren't as close as you thought.
Quote:however he said it is actually irrelevant. he's not the one arming ISIS, is he? is he the one having a hand in the toppling of regime after regime creating vaccums for radical muslims to take over?

Lol, trump, a child that was given everything in life, never served in the military, never held public office, has only a history of being a reality star and a mediocre at best real estate developer has no real tangible public work to discuss.

So all we really have is his words. And based on his words, he's a crazy person who has no idea what he's doing, and doesn't even understand the definition of the word, "founded"
Quote:Guess you and Reince aren't as close as you thought.

Once again, I'm glad the final decision is up to the people and not the career politicians.
Quote:Lol, trump, a child that was given everything in life, never served in the military, never held public office, has only a history of being a reality star and a mediocre at best real estate developer has no real tangible public work to discuss.

So all we really have is his words. And based on his words, he's a crazy person who has no idea what he's doing, and doesn't even understand the definition of the word, "founded"

it doesn't take a genius to know that arming "moderate rebels" is a bad idea.  they were either incredibly stupid or incredibly devious. i think its the latter.


common sense is what has been lacking for a really long time.  that should be obvious, but i guess it's still a concept lost on many Americans.
Quote:I never got that memo..

You didn't get the memo? I even got the memo!

It's not good news if you're a trumpette
Quote:They formed a caliphate three years before he took office. ...but I'm sure you and Trump are right.

and how have they gained such a strong foothold in Syria?  magic?
Quote:it doesn't take a genius to know that arming "moderate rebels" is a bad idea. they were either incredibly stupid or incredibly devious. i think its the latter.

common sense is what has been lacking for a really long time. that should be obvious, but i guess it's still a concept lost on many Americans.

Common sense is indeed lacking. For instance I just read four or five jungle posters try and revise the definition of a word, even though common sense would have made them recognize that trying to put lipstick on a pig is an exercise in futility.

I'm with you. There needs to be more common sense.
Trump is an inarticulate rube, so while he's continuing to say Obama founded ISIS, the reality is, ISIS was actually started in 1999.  That being said, he is right in stating that Obama is responsible for the expansion of ISIS to the extent they have achieved over the past few years.  The vacuum created in Iraq with his complete withdrawal allowed ISIS to come in and fill that void.  As a result, they were able to commandeer all of the arms and equipment the US left behind for Iraqi defense forces to use.  Once they were able to get proper weaponry, they were able to take over a large portion of Iraq,and eventually gain control over oil revenue that allowed them to finance their expansion.  This JV team reversed gains in Iraq so severely that Obama had to send forces back in so that they could help wrestle control back from ISIS over large swaths of Iraq. 


Trump seems to have an inability to articulate the reality, which seems to be a constant struggle for him.  It requires interpretation.  But, he recognizes the reality, which is a step ahead of his opponent.

Quote:Trump is an inarticulate rube, so while he's continuing to say Obama founded ISIS, the reality is, ISIS was actually started in 1999.  That being said, he is right in stating that Obama is responsible for the expansion of ISIS to the extent they have achieved over the past few years.  The vacuum created in Iraq with his complete withdrawal allowed ISIS to come in and fill that void.  As a result, they were able to commandeer all of the arms and equipment the US left behind for Iraqi defense forces to use.  Once they were able to get proper weaponry, they were able to take over a large portion of Iraq,and eventually gain control over oil revenue that allowed them to finance their expansion.  This JV team reversed gains in Iraq so severely that Obama had to send forces back in so that they could help wrestle control back from ISIS over large swaths of Iraq. 


Trump seems to have an inability to articulate the reality, which seems to be a constant struggle for him.  It requires interpretation.  But, he recognizes the reality, which is a step ahead of his opponent.
That is the definition of confirmation bias. 
Trump is probably smarter than any body gives him credit. He said this on purpose because he knew it would create a stir, but in creating a stir, he draws attention to a real problem that the Obama admin helped grow.
Quote:Trump is probably smarter than any body gives him credit. He said this on purpose because he knew it would create a stir, but in creating a stir, he draws attention to a real problem that the Obama admin helped grow.

uh huh...  Cuz just beginning to talk about the subject in an intellectual way would be bad, how?


The media hangs on every word he says.  If he just critiqued the ISIS strategy it would get play without the sideshow, which would actually you know...  Make him look presidential.  Instead, he just looks like a clown that has no idea how to form a thought.
Let's not forget, and I understand the short term memory of most Americans, that Obama campaigned in 2008 that he would get our boys and girls out of Iraq after 6 years of war, 5000 fatalities and 30,000 casualties, and bring them home. The American people sent him to the White House to do just that and he did it.


That's what the American citizenry wanted in 2008, that's what they got. Now he's blamed by Trump for starting ISIS when he did what the American public wanted. Go figure.


Regards................the Chiefjag

Quote:Let's not forget, and I understand the short term memory of most Americans, that Obama campaigned in 2008 that he would get our boys and girls out of Iraq after 6 years of war, 5000 fatalities and 30,000 casualties, and bring them home. The American people sent him to the White House to do just that and he did it.


That's what the American citizenry wanted in 2008, that's what they got. Now he's blamed by Trump for starting ISIS when he did what the American public wanted. Go figure.


Regards................the Chiefjag

You left out alot that's happened since then.  The Arab Spring, Libya, Syria.  We didn't just pull troops out.  There is more going on here.


Did you all know that donnie trump was for the pull out of Iraq before he was against it?  There's video of him saying we need to get out of Iraq.  Basically, trump would have done the same thing.  Because, you know, America was tired of the occupation.  


hmmm....  interesting...  


But yeah, let's go with Obama and Clinton founded ISIS.  That's a good one.  
Quote:and didn't have this much power until after.  That's the point.  Anybody with a working brain should be able to figure out that he isn't saying Obama filed the papers and LITERALLY founded ISIS.


He's saying our leadership has led to the growth and ARMING of ISIS and he is 100% correct.

And yet, when he was interviewed By Hugh Hewitt, and Hewitt tried to interpret what he said the way you said it, Trump said, no, I really meant he was the founder of ISIS.  


Trump is so incompetent, he keep stepping on his own dick and making the election all about himself, when his best strategy would be to make the election about Clinton.  
Quote:Trump is probably smarter than any body gives him credit. He said this on purpose because he knew it would create a stir, but in creating a stir, he draws attention to a real problem that the Obama admin helped grow.

No, by creating a stir, as you put it, he takes the focus off of any legitimate point he's trying to make and puts the focus on himself.  


It's a totally incompetent way to run a campaign and it makes people think he would also be an incompetent President. 
Quote:and how have they gained such a strong foothold in Syria? magic?

I would say they built on their foundation.
Quote:I would say they built on their foundation.

Ya, and they took their CIA training with them
Quote:Ya, and they took their CIA training with them


you are truly oblivious. it's worse than i thought.
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