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Quote:Up until it goes bankrupt a year later.

[Image: 86175f1edcc38d3808a0bbdd10d5fa76.jpg]
Quote:Amazing you cannot accept how dumb you just made yourself out to be.

How many jobs has he created in America? He is talking about helping bring jobs to America as president, right? I have a number I have read, but I am curious as to what you think the number is. And we should ignore, of course, the percentage of Trump run businesses that fold suddenly (along with his 4 bankruptcies).
Trump does business around the globe.  It stands to reason, some of that success would be derived from outside of the United States as a result, don't you think? 


I see that you've cherry picked a few of the failures as if that really offsets the reality of the overwhelming professional success he has seen in general.  You know, the greatest hitter in the history of MLB had a league best .366 batting average over the course of a 24 year career.  That means he failed nearly 2/3 of the time he stepped up to the plate. 


The most successful entrepreneurs on the planet will tell you that the majority of their ventures are probably going to fail, but they keep on trying because that's what successful people do.  I know you're a liberal, and this concept probably eludes you, but even if 66% of Trump's business ventures failed, he's managed to become a billionaire based on the 1/3 that succeeded. 


Colonel Harland Sanders had a spotty business career in several attempts.  He founded KFC at the age of 65 and died a millionaire. 


Bill Gates failed in his first attempt before founding Microsoft.


Mark Cuban failed in several career attempts before finally finding his niche and becoming a billionaire.  His famous quote is "I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed. You only have to be right once.”


The point is, it's impossible to dispute the fact that Trump has found a way to be successful in business despite failing in certain ventures.  The only thing Clinton has been successful at is graft and influence peddling.


BTW, Hillary Clinton was a proponent of outsourcing as Secretary of State.  She repeatedly defended the Obama administration policies on the subject saying the president was against protectionism.  In fact, in an appearance in Calcutta while serving as Secretary of State, she told the audience that the United States did indeed benefit from outsourcing.  Here's the video.


Hillary has accepted large donations to her family slush fund from Tata Consulting and Infosys, both of which are leaders in the world of outsourcing. 


Several years ago, Hillary had this much ballyhooed announcement that she was bringing high tech jobs to Buffalo NY through Tata Consulting.  She said it was going to create 200 jobs as Tata was planning to open a tech office in Buffalo.  At the end of the day, they created 10 consulting jobs, and 9 of the 10 were foreign hires from India who were brought here on Visas to do the work. 


There's a trend there if you Google it, although I'm pretty sure you won't because that would simply undermine your spoon fed narrative.  You're pretty much like Pavlov's dog.  Someone rings a Trump bell, and you go nuts. 


As far as being a job creator, I'll take Trump over her any day of the week.  She
Quote:so nobody has told you they're voting for trump because he's an outsider, a nationalist, a leader, applies common sense, doesn't think the answer to islamic terrorism is bringing boatloads of their people here?

you haven't heard those things?
So he's an outsider. It was a black mark (no pun intended) against Obama, but a badge of honor for Trump. What a difference that little R next the the name makes. He's a nationalist? Is that because he says America doesn't win anymore (what that means has not yet been defined or verified). Sounds from his rhetoric that he wants to be an isolationist. I'd certainly call that more accurate. He's a leader? If you say so. Most leaders I know aren't name calling bullies. Technically, Mussolini was a leader. But hey. He resonates with you. Applies common sense. hmmm... I'm gonna need clarification on this one. Common sense to me is immediately disavowing an endorsement from the KKK. That's not what Trump did. Islamic Terrorists. The lynchpin. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Can't wait for the terror color scale to come back. Fear is a great motivator.

How about diplomacy, knowledge of how government works, knowledge of foreign affairs, how the candidate conducts themself, accuracy of statements, prior experience, etc. Those things don't matter.

Trump is woefully unfit when it comes to these and so much more. Your conviction may not waver, but it won't matter when the votes have all been counted. You say you want a leader. Anyone can be a leader if they have followers. Doesn't make them great or terrible. I think you have placed a lot of blind faith in a guy who doesn't have any real answers to questions and has a track record of fraudulent activity. Just because he says to believe him over and over again. He is certainly pressing the right buttons with some, I will give him that much. What those buttons are should be alarming. He is unravelling and his charade will be on full display when he actually needs to debate on real issues and cannot rely on name calling (Little Marco, Crooked Hillary, Lying Ted). It's not concerning at all either that the possible leader of the free world acts like a 2nd grader.
So someone at 538 decides to just spill the beans in an interview with a unknown blogsite, who's blogger remains anonymous and who's blog header looks like a 90's No Limit album cover.  


[Image: 21UiNJE.gif]

Quote:Well, they do let them read uncensored internet comments during a Trump rally, so who knows...


That's the liberal spirit. Take no chances and bash those who do, and if they are successful, distribute their money.

That's not completely true.  They're perfectly fine taking chances with other people's money, especially when it's the evil rich. 


The reality is that anyone who has ever truly succeeded in life has failed more often than they've hit pay dirt.  Even the greats like Henry Ford had 2 car companies fail before he founded Ford Motor Company.  Liberals don't want you to focus on that.  It hurts their narrative.  They need to keep you focused on successful enterprises that had government backing in politically correct fields, like Solyndra. 
Quote:Since you like lists so much, you should print out the 3500 people with lawsuits against Trump.
Do you understand how business works?  Do you know how many large corporations are dealing with a similar number of lawsuits on a daily basis for one reason or another?  Particularly companies that are involved in real estate, whether as developers, property managers, or in sales, as Trump is involved in all 3 areas with his primary business.  It's clear you don't have a clue. 


A company like Walmart has on average about 5,000 lawsuits per year filed against it.  That's not unusual. 

Quote:So he's an outsider. It was a black mark (no pun intended) against Obama, but a badge of honor for Trump. What a difference that little R next the the name makes. He's a nationalist? Is that because he says America doesn't win anymore (what that means has not yet been defined or verified). Sounds from his rhetoric that he wants to be an isolationist. I'd certainly call that more accurate. He's a leader? If you say so. Most leaders I know aren't name calling bullies. Technically, Mussolini was a leader. But hey. He resonates with you. Applies common sense. hmmm... I'm gonna need clarification on this one. Common sense to me is immediately disavowing an endorsement from the KKK. That's not what Trump did. Islamic Terrorists. The lynchpin. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Can't wait for the terror color scale to come back. Fear is a great motivator.

How about diplomacy, knowledge of how government works, knowledge of foreign affairs, how the candidate conducts themself, accuracy of statements, prior experience, etc. Those things don't matter.

Trump is woefully unfit when it comes to these and so much more. Your conviction may not waver, but it won't matter when the votes have all been counted. You say you want a leader. Anyone can be a leader if they have followers. Doesn't make them great or terrible. I think you have placed a lot of blind faith in a guy who doesn't have any real answers to questions and has a track record of fraudulent activity. Just because he says to believe him over and over again. He is certainly pressing the right buttons with some, I will give him that much. What those buttons are should be alarming. He is unravelling and his charade will be on full display when he actually needs to debate on real issues and cannot rely on name calling (Little Marco, Crooked Hillary, Lying Ted). It's not concerning at all either that the possible leader of the free world acts like a 2nd grader.

not once have i ever considered Obama an "outsider" haha. not sure how he would get that label. really dont have time to read this tldr right now. but in the first line you start with false assumption. the rest of this cant be good.
Quote:not once have i ever considered Obama an "outsider" haha. not sure how he would get that label. really dont have time to read this tldr right now. but in the first line you start with false assumption. the rest of this cant be good.
Even if it's not good, Trump can make it great. Believe me.

p.s. - Obama had the 'outsider' label during his first presidential run. Sorry that this term is lost on you.
Quote:So someone at 538 decides to just spill the beans in an interview with a unknown blogsite, who's blogger remains anonymous and who's blog header looks like a 90's No Limit album cover.  


CNN isn't going to run the story that Hillary's support is all fake.  They are in on it.   And that's why nobody trusts them anymore.  I ditched cable years ago but sometimes watch the CBS Evening News just to laugh and count the lies.  It's a nice break from reality.
Quote:Do you understand how business works?  Do you know how many large corporations are dealing with a similar number of lawsuits on a daily basis for one reason or another?  Particularly companies that are involved in real estate, whether as developers, property managers, or in sales, as Trump is involved in all 3 areas with his primary business.  It's clear you don't have a clue. 


A company like Walmart has on average about 5,000 lawsuits per year filed against it.  That's not unusual. 

A company like Walmart has a much higher exposure to potential lawsuits than Trump. Also, a significant number of the lawsuits he's been involved with were initiated by him.

Quote:So why would Trump be a good president?

Because he'd make America great again.  duh !!  don't you pay attention.
Quote: I ditched cable years ago 

Make Cable Great Again !!
Quote:So far I've gathered from this conversation that it's much better to sit on your hands and do nothing than take a risk and possibly fail. Hope you're not passing these feelings on to your kids...

Being a public servant for children in poverty and victims of 9/11 is doing nothing... .(rolls eyes)
The Cheeto Jesus will be taking a complete beat down from the Progressive Pantsuit. To put it another way, a mildly [BLEEP] liberal will be stomping a completely [BLEEP] liberal.
Quote:The most successful entrepreneurs on the planet will tell you that the majority of their ventures are probably going to fail, but they keep on trying because that's what successful people do. I know you're a liberal, and this concept probably eludes you, but even if 66% of Trump's business ventures failed, he's managed to become a billionaire based on the 1/3 that succeeded.

Colonel Harland Sanders had a spotty business career in several attempts. He founded KFC at the age of 65 and died a millionaire.

Bill Gates failed in his first attempt before founding Microsoft.

Mark Cuban failed in several career attempts before finally finding his niche and becoming a billionaire. His famous quote is "I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed. You only have to be right once.”

Haha! You quoted Mark Cuban... You realize that the cubes thinks trump is a moron, right?

Most successful businessmen see trump for what he is...

But he's popular with the uneducated. So he's got that going for him...
Quote:So someone at 538 decides to just spill the beans in an interview with a unknown blogsite, who's blogger remains anonymous and who's blog header looks like a 90's No Limit album cover.

[Image: 21UiNJE.gif]

I still haven't stopped laughing! You win this thread
Quote:The Cheeto Jesus will be taking a complete beat down from the Progressive Pantsuit. To put it another way, a mildly [BLEEP] liberal will be stomping a completely [BLEEP] liberal.

Orange is not the new black.
Quote:Haha! You quoted Mark Cuban... You realize that the cubes thinks trump is a moron, right?

Most successful businessmen see trump for what he is...

But he's popular with the uneducated. So he's got that going for him...

What Cuban thinks of Trump is irrelevant to the point. 


Most successful businessmen see Trump for what he is....another billionaire. 


If Hillary is popular with the educated, that doesn't really speak well for higher education in this country.

3x Emmy winning journalist Amber Lyon says CNN is paid by governments to run some stories and squash others.




ABC news cuts off Trump speech when he says Hillary created ISIS.


Quote:Haha! You quoted Mark Cuban... You realize that the cubes thinks trump is a moron, right?

Most successful businessmen see trump for what he is...

But he's popular with the uneducated. So he's got that going for him...

Is this the same Mark Cuban who threatens and curses out referees on a basketball court in front of 20,000 people? Just want to be clear we are talking about the same guy.


Or is this the hot headed Mark Cuban who forces entrepreneurs to take his deal before listening to other investor deals on his REALITY TELEVISION show? Just want to be clear we are talking about the same guy.

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