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Florida followed the law. Gore sued because they wouldn't violate the law. The Supreme Court said "Follow the law" and liberals have never been the same since, as evidenced by your completely faulty recollection of the historical facts of the case.

Before I get into another argument with you... didn't you just imply that Florida was rigged?

Now you're saying they followed the law?

Are you having a schizophrenic episode??? : confused:
Quote:Before I get into another argument with you... didn't you just imply that Florida was rigged?

Now you're saying they followed the law?

Are you having a schizophrenic episode??? : confused:

No, Gore implied that it was rigged. Marty said no candidate had ever said that before, I demonstrated that Gore not only said it, he sued over it just 16 years ago.


I know they're rigged, always have been and always will be, but in Florida in 2000 they got it right. Gore had the legal option to recount the entire state but he didn't want that, he wanted a special consideration of just a few counties. The State said no, he sued and the Florida Supreme Court and SCOTUS rightly determined that State election law was correctly applied. End of story (unless you're a lefty).

Quote:Trump isn't losing. Also, Hillary doesn't deserve the type of respect represented in that letter.

Cute! I am glad you still hold on to your fantasies.
Quote:No, Gore implied that it was rigged. Marty said no candidate had ever said that before, I demonstrated that Gore not only said it, he sued over it just 16 years ago.

I know they're rigged, always have been and always will be, but in Florida in 2000 they got it right. Gore had the legal option to recount the entire state but he didn't want that, he wanted a special consideration of just a few counties. The State said no, he sued and the Florida Supreme Court and SCOTUS rightly determined that State election law was correctly applied. End of story (unless you're a lefty).

I feel like you're leaving out alot of important facts to that piece of history...

I'm too tired right now to go back and review it...
Quote:I feel like you're leaving out alot of important facts to that piece of history...

I'm too tired right now to go back and review it...

I think it was more like he was allowed to only count some counties, but the counting couldn't be completed before the state mandated deadline or something similar to that if I remember correctly.
Quote:I think it was more like he was allowed to only count some counties, but the counting couldn't be completed before the state mandated deadline or something similar to that if I remember correctly.

Gore could have recounted the entire state.   He chose to recount just a few counties, thinking that was his best chance. 


He did everything legally, and when he lost in the Supreme Court, he graciously accepted the result and conceded.   Gore did not try to delegitimize the election.   He asked for a recount, and he went to court over some aspects of the recount.   When it was all over, he congratulated Bush and said it was over and we need to unite behind Bush.  


What Trump is saying is that the election is going to be rigged.    That goes so far beyond what Gore did that there is no comparison.


Here is Al Gore's concession speech:




"Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I <i>strongly</i> disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new President-elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends."


"While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party. We will stand together behind our new president."


What Trump is saying is, "the election is going to be stolen from us."   He is saying the result is not going to be legitimate.   He is telling the world the United States is so corrupt that even our most sacred democratic processes are a sham.  


I can't vote for a presidential candidate who says things like that. 

Quote:Gore could have recounted the entire state.   He chose to recount just a few counties, thinking that was his best chance. 


He did everything legally, and when he lost in the Supreme Court, he graciously accepted the result and conceded.   Gore did not try to delegitimize the election.   He asked for a recount, and he went to court over some aspects of the recount.   When it was all over, he congratulated Bush and said it was over and we need to unite behind Bush.  


What Trump is saying is that the election is going to be rigged.    That goes so far beyond what Gore did that there is no comparison.


Here is Al Gore's concession speech:




"Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I <i>strongly</i> disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new President-elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends."


"While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party. We will stand together behind our new president."


What Trump is saying is, "the election is going to be stolen from us."   He is saying the result is not going to be legitimate.   He is telling the world the United States is so corrupt that even our most sacred democratic processes are a sham.  


I can't vote for a presidential candidate who says things like that. 
The leaked emails provided proof of his allegations. ask Bernie, he will tell you.
Golly, they were trying to determine intent in the "hanging chads".

That one always made me go hmmmm.
Quote:Golly, they were trying to determine intent in the "hanging chads".

That one always made me go hmmmm.

Google butterfly ballot.... it took me a few seconds to figure that out!
Quote:The leaked emails provided proof of his allegations. ask Bernie, he will tell you.

Ok, I'll bite.

Which leaked emails, exactly?
Quote:Google butterfly ballot.... it took me a few seconds to figure that out!

I know. And it was only 2000. With 1950 ballots
Quote:Ok, I'll bite.

Which leaked emails, exactly?
You know exactly what emails. Don't play coy.
Katherine Harris and the disqualification of black votes in Florida lost the election for Gore. Not to mention a system where the popular vote is not the deciding factor. That election was a sham and gave us one of the most inept presidents in our history.
Quote:Katherine Harris and the disqualification of black votes in Florida lost the election for Gore. Not to mention a system where the popular vote is not the deciding factor. That election was a sham and gave us one of the most inept presidents in our history.

No, it was not a sham.   You're doing exactly what Trump is doing.   It was a legal election, it went to a recount, there was a court case, it was decided, and we moved on.  
Your candidate wins = election good and legal


Your candidate loses = election rigged and a sham. Ahhhhh, Murica.

Quote:No, it was not a sham. You're doing exactly what Trump is doing. It was a legal election, it went to a recount, there was a court case, it was decided, and we moved on.

We moved on. But it was complete manure and the catalyst for how we moved on was a woman in a position of power who was born into a rich family with plenty of political influence. She is a religious zealot who served up the party win and was effectively abandoned by that same party years later. She had her fingerprints all over disqualification of votes that would have given Gore the White House. Don't be a revisionist. The fix was in.
Quote:Katherine Harris and the disqualification of black votes in Florida lost the election for Gore. Not to mention a system where the popular vote is not the deciding factor. That election was a sham and gave us one of the most inept presidents in our history.

Do you know why those black votes were disqualified?  Because they voted for Bush AND Gore.
Quote:Your candidate wins = election good and legal


Your candidate loses = election rigged and a sham. Ahhhhh, Murica.

My candidate never wins = the American two party political system disenfranchises a significant portion of the population which means the elections are rigged and a sham.
Quote:My candidate never wins = the American two party political system disenfranchises a significant portion of the population which means the elections are rigged and a sham.

What happened to all that "American exceptionalism" the Republican Party is supposed to represent?   It sounds like you don't think this country is very exceptional, since our elections are all "rigged" according to you. 
he's a libertarian

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