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Quote:Do you know why those black votes were disqualified? Because they voted for Bush AND Gore.

A lot of those disqualified votes were from Duval County.  On the church-sponsored bus ride to the polls, the people were instructed to "vote on every page".  Bush and Gore were on different pages.  The T-U did a story about this during the recount mess.

Quote:Gore could have recounted the entire state.   He chose to recount just a few counties, thinking that was his best chance. 


He did everything legally, and when he lost in the Supreme Court, he graciously accepted the result and conceded.   Gore did not try to delegitimize the election.   He asked for a recount, and he went to court over some aspects of the recount.   When it was all over, he congratulated Bush and said it was over and we need to unite behind Bush.  


What Trump is saying is that the election is going to be rigged.    That goes so far beyond what Gore did that there is no comparison.


Here is Al Gore's concession speech:




"Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I <i>strongly</i> disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new President-elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends."


"While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party. We will stand together behind our new president."


What Trump is saying is, "the election is going to be stolen from us."   He is saying the result is not going to be legitimate.   He is telling the world the United States is so corrupt that even our most sacred democratic processes are a sham.  


I can't vote for a presidential candidate who says things like that. 

I was a child at the time so I can't speak from first hand experience although I do not believe that Al Gore was a bad candidate. When compared to who we have on that same ticket not just now, but the last two elections Al Gore looks a whole lot better!  Also there was not such a divide between the parties and it's not like this country was in the shape back then that it is currently in. 


With that said, I believe Obama has been a disaster for this country. It is still difficult for me to understand how our country elected and then re-elected this guy. It's like I don't want to believe that we have been dumbed down to such a low level, it would almost be easier to accept that the election was rigged because I still have faith in the American people.


Enter Hillary Clinton who will no doubt be nothing less than more of the same ole Obama. If she wins, I would rather believe that the election was rigged opposed to the American people electing her. 


I do admit that Trump's actions are child like and I do not condone them however considering the circumstances it's almost like you would rather not believe that the people are doing this to themselves. 
Quote:What happened to all that "American exceptionalism" the Republican Party is supposed to represent?   It sounds like you don't think this country is very exceptional, since our elections are all "rigged" according to you. 

The System presents us with a false choice between More Bigger Government and Well, Maybe Just A Little Less Government Than The Other Guy But Still More Than Before.


Corrupt big government politician vs Corrupt big government politician lite


The rigging is in the similarity, not the difference.
Quote:A lot of those disqualified votes were from Duval County.  On the church-sponsored bus ride to the polls, the people were instructed to "vote on every page".  Bush and Gore were on different pages.  The T-U did a story about this during the recount mess.

Stop, you're scaring them with the Truth. It's evil Rethuglicans who cheat in elections, not moral upstanding people like the Clintons.
Another rigged poll.  Note the poll was run by a company associated with Clinton Global Initiative.  In 4 minutes they took 40% from Trump and added 37% to Hillary.

[Image: NBsqfy.jpg]

I don't know what I'm supposed to be upset about here. Can you explain further?

What's CA?

And how come you guys don't provide links anymore?
Quote:I don't know what I'm supposed to be upset about here. Can you explain further?

What's CA?

And how come you guys don't provide links anymore?

The maker of the worst help desk software ever created, among other things.


Quote:I don't know what I'm supposed to be upset about here. Can you explain further?

What's CA?

And how come you guys don't provide links anymore?

quick google search tells you CA and Clinton Foundation do business together.
Quote:quick google search tells you CA and Clinton Foundation do business together.


lol. you dont see that as a conflict of interest?
Quote:lol. you dont see that as a conflict of interest?

Asking a blind man to see?
Quote:lol. you dont see that as a conflict of interest?

It's a live, online, real time poll.

I would give it as much concern, as I would Fox news IT division running a live online, real time poll that had trump ahead instead of Clinton.

I would find it interesting, but would not be freaking out over it.

It's the trend and the cumulative effect of all polling over time that provides the picture.

But I'm not one that discounts wall street journal or Fox polls just because they are a biased news organization.

Maybe I'm different in that way...
So CA is running the online poll.  That's why we've said the MSM polling cannot be trusted.  It also indicates the true numbers are terrible for Hillary because they wouldn't risk criminal charges to bump it just a few percent.  Did I say criminal charges?  Not while Loretta Lynch is the so-called Justice Department.  So get used to 30+ points added to the Hillary side of every poll. 


Every day there is new evidence of collusion, criminality, fraud, lies.  Whistle blowers are emboldened even though some get killed for it.  Even the U.S. Treasure is ratting out Obama:




Treasury Department admits the $400 million to Iran was ransom for hostages.  Obama looked right at you and lied, and so did all his minions.  How many U.S. and International laws did Obama break? 


You mean Trump was right about the hostage transfer being a ransom payment?  You mean there was even a video of the pallet of money just like Trump said? 
So an online poll is linked somehow to the 400 million we owed Iran that coincided with the nuclear deal and the hostage release?




That would be like me getting mad at a Fox News poll and linking that to the pardoning of Scooter Libby.


Try to keep your conspiracy theories seperated out, otherwise it's hard for the rest of us to follow along.
Quote:So an online poll is linked somehow to the 400 million we owed Iran that coincided with the nuclear deal and the hostage release?




That would be like me getting mad at a Fox News poll and linking that to the pardoning of Scooter Libby.


Try to keep your conspiracy theories seperated out, otherwise it's hard for the rest of us to follow along.

Read for content.
I don't trust any polls (not even this one), however:


Latest LA/USC poll - Trump +2


[Image: Y9dkUS9.jpg]

[Image: hF3vPKi.png]


What is fascinating about this is that while Hillary holds double digit margins in the BA+ field, she is getting killed by people who actually earn an income (which are people with no or some college).



That la times poll that came out today is interesting.

There was also a state poll for Ohio that came out today as well.

That one was also interesting.

I'm looking forward to the real clear politics polling that will be posted on Monday and Tuesday.

After what can only be described as a good week, let's see how much of the gap trump has closed.
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