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Quote:So.. because Bill had a wandering phallus, Hillary is not good for women.

But making abortion illegal is.

Saying "what did you expect when you put men and women together?" about the 238 sexual assault convictions in the military isn't blaming the victim or holding women to a different standard.

Saying contestants who won on the Apprentice were dependent on their sex appeal isn't demeaning to overachieving business women who happen to be uggos?

Saying bad press doesn't matter so long as you have a beautiful piece of [donkey] isn't misogyny.

Saying female journalists wouldn't have their jobs unless they were beautiful isn't insulting their capabilities (Sorry Greta Van Susteren).

Calling a lawyer disgusting for asking for a break to pump breast milk shows how much he understands lactation and the discomfort women feel when they are "too full" in early child care.

Randomly telling an attractive female interviewer she would make a great wife (that would be #4) isn't inappropriate or misogyny.

Name one other presidential candidate who has publicly said a woman had the face of a dog or was a disgusting pig.

When he said to a former playmate on Celebrity Apprentice "It must be a pretty picture. You dropping to your knees." That was appropriate and professional.

Suggesting Megyn Kelly was only asking him tough questions because she was on her period isn't degrading or offensive at all. Even when he apologized it was fake "Over your life, Megyn, you've been called a lot worse (than a bimbo), wouldn't you say?"

Attacking Carly Fiorina on her looks (when her record is a much easier target - "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?") repeats his narrative that only attractive women have any place in society or have merit in the business world.

Saying women should be punished for abortion shows he really gets it.

Yeah.. he's a [BAD WORD REMOVED] champion for women. The hot ones.

I'm not touching abortion issue. That issue though doesn't matter since abortion laws aren't going to change.

No, he is not a champion for women. But all of those things he said can't compare to what Bill and Hillary have done. What people have done does not seem to be of any concern for the Democratic party. As long as you say the "right" things you can do whatever you want behind the scenes. Ignorance is bliss.

Bill has a what? And it shouldn't be so, like it is no big deal. Those two are tied together. It matters. It matters because Hillary is silencing these women. intimidating them with our Government. It should matter to the public, but they silence then in some ways and control the media as much as they can. The biggest stories out are Trumps hand size, telling a joke about a baby crying during his speech, eating fried chicken with a fork and his mental stability. Nothing about rigging of DNC (which is real news) or any sort of follow up reporting on how Hillary could hire the person who helped rig it (or concern) or how she lied to the FBI and on national TV told us that is not what she heard which media is like, oh yeah good enough. All those things are real news. There's a ton more like what the two have them have done to women which should have made headlines, but was squashed as it always is. This is journalism now a days. Like Ali holding up one hand in the air, look over hear! And us, The American People being hit in the gut while standing up for the person punching us.

This isn't a vote for Trump from me. I don't know who I'll vote for. But it is about focusing on things that really should matter and not be blinded by the easy distractions. If the news is pushing a story that is not real news you should be questioning why.
Quote:You are just as bad as the people you shun, and the worst part is, you can't even see it.

So Hillary supporters (I am not one) spread anti black, anti Mexican, anti Muslim and anti Jew rhetoric?

Or should we just ignore all of that in Trump's case like we ignore the fact he is completely clueless on the majority of things a president should know.
Quote:I'm not touching abortion issue. That issue though doesn't matter since abortion laws aren't going to change.

No, he is not a champion for women. But all of those things he said can't compare to what Bill and Hillary have done. What people have done does not seem to be of any concern for the Democratic party. As long as you say the "right" things you can do whatever you want behind the scenes. Ignorance is bliss.

Bill has a what? And it shouldn't be so, like it is no big deal. Those two are tied together. It matters. It matters because Hillary is silencing these women. intimidating them with our Government. It should matter to the public, but they silence then in some ways and control the media as much as they can. The biggest stories out are Trumps hand size, telling a joke about a baby crying during his speech, eating fried chicken with a fork and his mental stability. Nothing about rigging of DNC (which is real news) or any sort of follow up reporting on how Hillary could hire the person who helped rig it (or concern) or how she lied to the FBI and on national TV told us that is not what she heard which media is like, oh yeah good enough. All those things are real news. There's a ton more like what the two have them have done to women which should have made headlines, but was squashed as it always is. This is journalism now a days. Like Ali holding up one hand in the air, look over hear! And us, The American People being hit in the gut while standing up for the person punching us.

This isn't a vote for Trump from me. I don't know who I'll vote for. But it is about focusing on things that really should matter and not be blinded by the easy distractions. If the news is pushing a story that is not real news you should be questioning why.
The things that matter.. I agree. Hillary is gonna mop the floor with him there.

I'd love to hit the reset button on this election cycle, but this is where we are.

p.s.- you may wanna see the laws the right has passed since Obama took office. You'd think abortion was our nation's most pressing issue.
Quote:So Hillary supporters (I am not one) spread anti black, anti Mexican, anti Muslim and anti Jew rhetoric?

Or should we just ignore all of that in Trump's case like we ignore the fact he is completely clueless on the majority of things a president should know.

You are pigeonholing every Trump supporter into one anti-semantic category. Is that fair? 
Quote:Or the media and how they cover it. You are what you watch and don't question.

Where has this ever happened in America before? Ignoring the fact it's happening won't make it go away before or after the election.
There were Black Panthers outside of polling locations and rallies on the regular during Obama's campaigns and elections intimidating folks showing up. Does that count?

Quote:You are pigeonholing every Trump supporter into one anti-semantic category. Is that fair?

I'm not saying that at all. I am saying the candidate is aware of it and is not phased at all. Not condemning these outrageous comments when directly asked to in an interview is close to endorsing them. Indifference is just as bad. Land of the free unless.... that's unAmerican.
Quote:There were Black Panthers outside of polling locations and rallies on the regular during Obama's campaigns and elections intimidating folks showing up. Does that count?

I don't think that anyone should be intimidated at the polls. The details around that incident are sketchy and I wasn't there, but it was one incident. Not a countrywide tour of intimidation and bigotry.
Like I said, It sucks to be us. One candidate is not politically correct and has zero government experience. The other has a ton of government experience  but is politically corrupt.

Quote:Like I said, It sucks to be us. One candidate is not politically correct and has zero government experience. The other has a ton of government experience  but is politically corrupt.

But they're not the only two candidates! If everyone who thinks this just takes a look at Gary Johnson, I feel like the percentage that would like him more than Hillary and Trump would easily make him poll high enough to AT LEAST get into the debates. From there, it's all downhill.

(Not saying you haven't, just that most haven't)
Quote:Sorry my 10 year old isn't tough enough for you [BLEEP]. She is half Jewish and was scared random people wanted to burn her and her mother. She wasn't supposed to see the comments section, but hey.. there's nothing wrong with saying "Burn the Jews" at an American presidential rally, right? Totally acceptable. She should toughen up. Moron.

Watch the insults, please.  We don't want you banned.  You are really reaching if you claim Trump said this, or anyone at his rally said this.  You should know there are paid provocateurs on the internet and comments like that may be posted to make a candidate look bad.  Or it could be an actual bigot.  Either way, kids grow up and at some point have to deal with the world.  I hope you used it as a teaching point.
Quote:I never said it was racist. I said it was dumb. Because it's ineffective. Build it as high as you want. The tunnels won't care. It's a symbol. A very expensive symbol. Of ignorance.

So closing your front door is "dumb" because people will just come in the window?  But you will feed, clothe and house them no matter how they got in, right?  You don't want to be considered "dumb", do you? 
Quote:Watch the insults, please. We don't want you banned. You are really reaching if you claim Trump said this, or anyone at his rally said this. You should know there are paid provocateurs on the internet and comments like that may be posted to make a candidate look bad. Or it could be an actual bigot. Either way, kids grow up and at some point have to deal with the world. I hope you used it as a teaching point.

Yeah.. after she stopped crying I explained there are a lot of ignorant, hateful people in the world who like to blame everyone else for their problems (if you have been listening, it's basically been 90% of Trump's speeches - finished with a vague - "but I'm gonna fix it."). I don't believe for a second that the people who post hateful things on the internet, verbally attack minorities at rallies or dress in Neo Nazi gear and crash the local Clinton campaign office are paid provocateurs. The numbers are far too high for it to not be an organic response to a demagogue whose early platform was anti everything that isn't white/christian/American. He fanned the flames of racism and bigotry that have long existed in this country and won the candidacy for the GOP with it (what does that tell you?). As for name calling. I took offense to the idea my 10 yr old daughter should be tougher than that. I have no fears of being banned over calling you a [BLEEP], dingus or any other name because of it. I never claimed Trump said this. If you cannot read, I cannot help you. Yes. Kids need to grow up and learn the harsh realities of the world. This campaign has been a great learning tool as I have not had such occasion to hear the slurs I have mentioned so casually volleyed around at each and every stop this hatemonger hits before this election cycle.
Quote:So closing your front door is "dumb" because people will just come in the window? But you will feed, clothe and house them no matter how they got in, right? You don't want to be considered "dumb", do you?

I think if we're gonna spend a billion dollars on anything, it should work. A billion dollar wall won't work. And Mexico's not paying for it. It's a pipe dream that people like you obviously believe in. Mexican drug cartels have tunnels all along our southern border today. A wall will just create a new revenue stream for them.
Quote:I don't think that anyone should be intimidated at the polls. The details around that incident are sketchy and I wasn't there, but it was one incident. Not a countrywide tour of intimidation and bigotry.

Correct.  I owned FBT on this lie when he tried to float it a few months back.  There was no black panther intimitation campaign during the 2008 elections.  That was a lie that fox news floated and some suckers fell for it.  IT WAS NOT TRUE AND NEVER WAS TRUE.
Quote:I never claimed Trump said this. If you cannot read, I cannot help you.

Your denial is a little Clintonesque.  I guess it depends on what your meaning of is is.


"This guy is the great unifier. He's gonna make America great again. Has there been any other presidential candidate where this type of overt hate speech has been so rampant?"


Sure sounds like you're talking about Donald Trump and not some random comment on a website.


And in a subsequent post you claimed the remark was made "at an American presidential rally".  This is simply not true.
Mark and Luis – digital created a fake craigslist jobs post for women who want to apply to jobs one of Trump’s organizations. This will be a microsite and we still need to send it to Perkins. Since we will be pitching this, need your approval please. Thanks

Multiple Positions (NYC area) Seeking staff members for multiple positions in a large, New York-based corporation known for its real estate investments, fake universities, steaks, and wine. The boss has very strict standards for female employees, ranging from the women who take lunch orders (must be hot) to the women who oversee multi-million dollar construction projects (must maintain hotness demonstrated at time of hiring). Title: Honey Bunch (that’s what the boss will call you)

Title: Honey Bunch (that's what the boss will call you) Job requirements: * No gaining weight on the job (we'll take some "before" pictures when you start to use later as evidence) * Must be open to public humiliation and open-press workouts if you do gain weight on the job * A willingness to evaluate other women's hotness for the boss' satisfaction is a plus * Should be proficient in lying about age if the boss thinks you're too old Working mothers not preferred (the boss finds pumping breast milk disgusting, and worries they're too focused on their children). About us: We're proud to maintain a "fun" and "friendly work environment, where the boss is always available to meet with his employees. Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table. Interested applicants should send resume, cover letter, and headshot to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

Response from Luis Miranda Communications Director of the DNC on approving it: "As long as all the offensive [BLEEP] is verbatim I’m fine with it."

That was from DNC email hack. Not gonna lie, it is funny, but the amount of fake internet people trying to make opinions sway on a topic or vote on polls or paid to go to rallies or paid to be protestors, etc... Makes it hard to believe anything anymore.
I never said Trump said "Burn the Jews." Trump has made several other inflammatory, derogatory or misleading comments about Muslims, Mexicans, etc. And although I want to believe most of his supporters are not racists and bigots there is an overwhelming silence from these crowds when someone yells overtly racist and bigoted comments.

I have full confidence if when Hillary was running against Obama last round someone in her base yelled "Kill that n word!" it would have been shot down by her supporters in a heartbeat. Had Hillary heard it herself, she would shut that garbage down.

I have heard countless such comments at Trump rallies. To the point I ask myself what country and decade I am living in now. Not once have I seen or read of someone from the Trump base tell these angry audience members these words and outbursts are inappropriate or unacceptable. Hell.. nobody in this whole damn thread has condemned these statements. This is following Trump's lead when he refused to condemn the KKK. That's a reflection of the candidate.

If I hear a random stranger throw out the n word, I shut it down. I loathe the word. I don't want to believe that his whole base is ignorant and racist. But they sure as Hell aren't condemning these comments and they occur at every single rally I have seen. Every one.
Quote:I never said Trump said "Burn the Jews." Trump has made several other inflammatory, derogatory or misleading comments about Muslims, Mexicans, etc. And although I want to believe most of his supporters are not racists and bigots there is an overwhelming silence from these crowds when someone yells overtly racist and bigoted comments.

I have full confidence if when Hillary was running against Obama last round someone in her base yelled "Kill that n word!" it would have been shot down by her supporters in a heartbeat. Had Hillary heard it herself, she would shut that garbage down.

I have heard countless such comments at Trump rallies. To the point I ask myself what country and decade I am living in now. Not once have I seen or read of someone from the Trump base tell these angry audience members these words and outbursts are inappropriate or unacceptable. Hell.. nobody in this whole damn thread has condemned these statements. This is following Trump's lead when he refused to condemn the KKK. That's a reflection of the candidate.

If I hear a random stranger throw out the n word, I shut it down. I loathe the word. I don't want to believe that his whole base is ignorant and racist. But they sure as Hell aren't condemning these comments and they occur at every single rally I have seen. Every one.
One would have to wonder why do you keep watching?
Quote:One would have to wonder why do you keep watching?

To see what's really happening and being said so I don't need to read some journalist's interpretation the following day. Haven't you heard? "They're all bad."

And I'm hardly the first guy to stop and look at a train wreck.
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