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Quote:That's called treason. 


Won't hurt him though...

No it isn't.
Quote:unless Trump is secretly a Russian operative then this whole thing is fake outrage

I agree. Right now they are trying to do what they can to do away with this email scandal. But when do they have to answer to it? They can't keep Trump from bringing it up and I imagine it'll have a lot of value in the debates.
In other news, Donald Trump just got HRC to admit her lost emails are a national security issue. I thought her emails were just personal fluff about yoga and weddings? Another Hillary lie? (Yes).


But in a press release issued on Wednesday, Clinton’s top campaign spokesman suddenly declared those e-mails to be a “national security issue”:


Quote:This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent. That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security.


Sullivan did not explain how the e-mails, which Clinton said were about nothing more than her “yoga routines” and wedding planning for her daughter, could possibly pose a national security risk to the United States. Sullivan also failed to explain how unclassified e-mails “private personal e-mails” wholly unrelated to her work as Secretary of State — Clinton [url=]declared in an infamous 2015 press conference[/url] that she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email” — could compromise American security.



Quote:In other news, Donald Trump just got HRC to admit her lost emails are a national security issue. I thought her emails were just personal fluff about yoga and weddings? Another Hillary lie? (Yes).

But <a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy/status/758339961489854464'>in a press release</a> issued on Wednesday, Clinton’s top campaign spokesman suddenly declared those e-mails to be a “national security issue”:

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent. That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security.

Sullivan did not explain how the e-mails, which Clinton said were about nothing more than her “<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/03/10/transcript-hillary-clinton-addresses-e-mails-iran/'>yoga routines</a>” and wedding planning for her daughter, could possibly pose a national security risk to the United States. Sullivan also failed to explain how unclassified e-mails <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/03/10/transcript-hillary-clinton-addresses-e-mails-iran/'>“private personal e-mails” wholly unrelated to her work as Secretary of State</a> — Clinton declared in an infamous 2015 press conference that she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email” — could compromise American security.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/27/donald-trump-just-got-hillary-clinton-to-admit-her-e-mails-are-a-national-security-issue/'>http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/27/donald-trump-just-got-hillary-clinton-to-admit-her-e-mails-are-a-national-security-issue/</a></blockquote>

Interesting point...
Quote:Trump is requesting Russia (who we don't have the best of relationship with right now) to hack servers linked to Clinton's email.


That is completely false and so misleading just like the headline.  If you actually bothered to read the article here is what he said.


From the article.


"They probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you'd see some beauties there. So let's see," Trump said at a news conference, referring to emails that Clinton judged as personal and did not hand over to the State Department from her private server, which she used to conduct official business.


Further on in the article.


"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press," Trump said during a news conference in Florida.
Both the headline and the article itself are so misleading.
BTW I am no Hillary fan. I just don't hate her so much that I will blindly accept whatever Trump does as infallible like most of you clowns.
Quote:I have no problem with the MSM reporting his comments, but to say with a straight face that "Trump is calling espionage" or "Trump wants Russia to hack the DNC" is just absolute smearing and ultimately yellow journalism. Truly sad what has become of journalism in the US. We live in a banana republic where the mainstream media is almost completely controlled by a single party who will straight up lie to the American people.

I usually don't agree with you and you know that I'm not a Trumpette like you, but you are spot on.
Quote:BTW I am no Hillary fan. I just don't hate her so much that I will blindly accept whatever Trump does as infallible like most of you clowns.  falsehoods are put out my the MSM without researching the facts for myself.

Fixed that for you.
he's not infallible. he's simply an outsider and that's a good thing. would i like the candidate to be a normal guy who probably doesn't have mob ties in his past? ya, but there is no chance of a regular joe like that taking down the establishment.  it has to be a very powerful ego maniac like Trump to do it, and let's just hope he actually does care about this country.


I'm personally not a big fan of Trump, but I've got to stand with him on this one. I watched the presser today and just thought of his comment as tongue-and-cheek humor; but in all seriousness, the Russians and Chinese most likely already have Clinton's "deleted" emails and will use it as blackmail in the event that she is elected POTUS. How can anyone honestly claim that we have a "free press" in this Country anymore, when the MSM is so blatantly biased towards one candidate?

You guys would be having a collective aneurysm if HRC stood up at a press conference and suggested to Syria to hack sensitive information from the US government.
Quote:You guys would be having a collective aneurysm if HRC stood up at a press conference and suggested to Syria to hack sensitive information from the US government.

Yeah, because it is clearly the same thing.
Quote:BTW I am no Hillary fan. I just don't hate her so much that I will blindly accept whatever Trump does as infallible like most of you clowns.

You don't have to be a Trump supporter to recognize the corruption in the media and the smearing in the headline. What the media is insinuating is that Trump should be arrested right now and sent to trial for crimes against the United States over his simple statement. The statement which has probably been said and thought by millions of Americans. If the Russians have the emails, why not release them for transparency? Is that really a treasonous thing to say? Is that really calling for espionage?
shady dealings by our government are being uncovered and you're mad about it

Quote:he's not infallible. he's simply an outsider and that's a good thing. would i like the candidate to be a normal guy who probably doesn't have mob ties in his past? ya, but there is no chance of a regular joe like that taking down the establishment. it has to be a very powerful ego maniac like Trump to do it, and let's just hope he actually does care about this country.

I have been saying for a year that this is the only thing I actually appreciate about Trump.

This is a pretty level-headed, thoughtful way of approaching a Trump presidency. Unfortunately, there are many (look around this thread) who act like he can do no harm and will make excuses for him at every turn.
Quote:I have been saying for a year that this is the only thing I actually appreciate about Trump.

This is a pretty level-headed, thoughtful way of approaching a Trump presidency. Unfortunately, there are many (look around this thread) who act like he can do no harm and will make excuses for him at every turn.

You make excuses for HRC. What's the difference?
I saw the quote in context, and Trump was clearly being sarcastic. Still, he's certainly not above accepting any help he can get to win, even if means a foreign, mostly hostile nation hacking email servers in the U.S.

Quote:You make excuses for HRC. What's the difference?

I do?
Quote:I saw the quote in context, and Trump was clearly being sarcastic. Still, he's certainly not above accepting any help he can get to win, even if means a foreign, mostly hostile nation hacking email servers in the U.S.

Yes, because you clearly know him well and do not have a biased opinion whatsoever. 
it's been hacked... you know? when Hillary had emails stored in her UNSECURED basement server

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