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Quote:I saw the quote in context, and Trump was clearly being sarcastic. Still, he's certainly not above accepting any help he can get to win, even if means a foreign, mostly hostile nation hacking email servers in the U.S.

Whoa....Defending Trump? Is that you rollerjag?
Quote:Whoa....Defending Trump? Is that you rollerjag?

Yeah, it lasted all of a sentence followed by a low blow.
Quote:Yeah, it lasted all of a sentence followed by a low blow.

You work with what you got. We will get rollerjag to come around :yes:
he's gone. there is no helping him.

Quote:You guys would be having a collective aneurysm if HRC stood up at a press conference and suggested to Syria to hack sensitive information from the US government.

Can you point out where Donald Trump suggested that any foreign government should hack sensitive information from the U.S. Government?
Quote:BTW I am no Hillary fan. I just don't hate her so much that I will blindly accept whatever Trump does as infallible like most of you clowns.

Trump says a lot of stupid things, but I respect the fact he doesn't need a think tank and test everything he says. How tirering to hear the same stuff that's been tested to see which will give you the most votes. He is funny and much of that comes in the moment. He actually says a lot of stuff democrats say, but they just do it privately or so they thought (emails). He has been a failure in business, but also a big success and he has never been scared to try a new business. He has failed a lot, but successful people typically do and his failures never kept him down. He is a master promoter.

He also has probably done many shady things. Maybe even illegal things. I think Trump University is one of his worst black eyes. He is a shrewd business man and egomaniac. He has no experience in the Govenrment which is both a positive and a negative and he is unpredictable which is both a positive and a negative.

The depiction of Trump as Hitler though is where people lose me.

I've been saying the Trump is the wolf and Hillary is the wolf in sheep's clothing. I personally think the wolf in sheep's clothing is the most dangerous.
Quote:You guys would be having a collective aneurysm if HRC stood up at a press conference and suggested to Syria to hack sensitive information from the US government.

So Hillary's personal emails contain sensitive US information? If there are only personal emails there how could he be asking them to hack the US Government? Finally, how does one hack something that doesn't exist and has been destroyed?
Quote:So Hillary's personal emails contain sensitive US information? If there are only personal emails there how could he be asking them to hack the US Government? Finally, how does one hack something that doesn't exist and has been destroyed?

Stolen from Reddit:


<a class="" href='https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4uvvsc/the_msm_just_created_a_catch22_re_hillarys_emails/'>The MSM Just Created A Catch-22 re: Hillary's Emails & Russia</a>


"As soon as Trump ended his Press Conference, the NY Times was publishing headlines saying Trump called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails.


Well, Hillary Clinton's server is likely in an evidence locker in Quantico. I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is not plugged in and connected to the internet.


Anything that Russia releases would be something they already possess, meaning they would have had to have stolen information while Hillary's server was operational.


Here's the Catch-22. If Hillary Clinton is telling the truth and she only deleted emails pertaining to yoga lessons and Chelsea Clinton's wedding, then Russia hacking that information is purely a civil matter. It would be nothing but a foreign government hacking a private citizen.


But if Hillary Clinton lied... if she violated the Federal Records Act and destroyed government documents that she had an obligation to preserve... if she violated the Espionage Act and removed classified information from a secure environment, making it available for foreign hackers to steal... then anything Russia puts forward would be evidence of Hillary Clinton committing a crime.


So which is it, Mainstream Media? Is Hillary Clinton innocent of wrongdoing and Russia hacking her is largely a civil matter and one to be left to local law enforcement? Or is this prospect of Russia releasing Hillary's emails a threat to national security?


You can't have it both ways."

Quote:Whoa....Defending Trump? Is that you rollerjag?

Defending the truth. Trump has said and done enough to earn legitimate scorn, no need to make up stuff.
Quote:That is completely false and so misleading just like the headline. If you actually bothered to read the article here is what he said.

From the article.

Both the headline and the article itself are so misleading.

Not really even if he was joking.

He knows Edward Snowden is being given political asylum (sarcasm) in Russia and he could hand over the docs to a third party.
Quote:So Hillary's personal emails contain sensitive US information? If there are only personal emails there how could he be asking them to hack the US Government? Finally, how does one hack something that doesn't exist and has been destroyed?



The E-mails in question were destroyed by Hillary before the FBI investigation. They can not be "hacked." The only thing that could be done would be if Russia was already in possession of the E-mails and released them. But according to Hillary they contained no government information.


But I wonder if they contain negotiations of the cash deals between Hillary and foreign officials.

Quote:That's called treason. 


Won't hurt him though...

Treason. That's exactly what it is. Treason.
Quote:Treason. That's exactly what it is. Treason.

How is demanding Russia return what they may have taken illegally "treason?"

Quote:How is demanding Russia return what they may have taken illegally "treason?"

How can Russia hack server that has been destroyed and the emails were erased from existence?


How is it treason if the emails that were stolen were totally unclassified and only related to yoga and wedddings? Wouldn't it be a civil case?
Quote:How is demanding Russia return what they may have taken illegally "treason?"

The implication is treasonous... Sorry, but you don't do what he did. But spin away.
Quote:How is demanding Russia return what they may have taken illegally "treason?"

What would happen to you if you went on social media and said the same thing Trump said? You'd probably get a knock at your door from a couple of guys in black suits and a personal escort to the interrogation room.

The Democrats just fell for Trump's Russian email-hack bait
Grand Theft Convention.


No, that's not a new video game. But it is what we just saw Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump do to the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats and Hillary Clinton are helping him do it!

During about an hour-long news conference earlier Wednesday, Trump was asked repeatedly about allegations that the Russian government is behind the hacked and leaked Democratic National Committee's emails that embarrassed the party on the eve of their national convention in Philadelphia. Trump quickly pivoted to also discussing Clinton's private email-server controversy and the 30,000-plus emails the former Secretary of State had deleted from her private server under questionable explanations and circumstances.


Advantage Trump.


Then came the money quote, or the bait, when he said: "Russia, if you're listening,I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing; I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

That comment was sure to grab headlines all on its own, but then the Clinton campaign incredibly took the bait and had a top policy advisor respond with this statement: "This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent."


Advantage Trump.


Yep, the Clinton team actually said that. Instead of ignoring Trump's already deft stealing of the headlines away from their convention, the campaign hyped the distraction even further. Sure, they meant to make Trump out to be some kind of dangerous traitor. And Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller has indeed issued a series of Twitter statements insisting Trump did not literally ask Russia to commit espionage. But the real result is that the words "Hillary Clinton," "emails," "hacking," "espionage," and "national security" are back in the headlines again.



Lol. Sorry, not buying it. Trump is treasonous.
Quote:What would happen to you if you went on social media and said the same thing Trump said? You'd probably get a knock at your door from a couple of guys in black suits and a personal escort to the interrogation room.

Ahahahahaha no. You are very ignorant of what posted on the internet beyond this board. People on twitter, using their real name, demand police be murdered in the street and Christians firebombed in their churches, and literally nothing happens. On Reddit you will find Democrats demanding the Russians to hack the IRS to release Trump's tax returns. It is silly.

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