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Just googled the ratings... Fortune magazine states that the dnc convention is beating up the rnc convention in terms of ratings...

Hmmmmm. Interesting....

And delicious...
I'm Putin this on the back burner for now and not Russian to any judgement.


The Olympic Drug Testing Committee.
Quote:Ahahahahaha no. You are very ignorant of what posted on the internet beyond this board. People on twitter, using their real name, demand police be murdered in the street and Christians firebombed in their churches, and literally nothing happens. On Reddit you will find Democrats demanding the Russians to hack the IRS to release Trump's tax returns. It is silly.
<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/olympics-terrorism-foiled-facebook-twitter/'>http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/olympics-terrorism-foiled-facebook-twitter/</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.policestateusa.com/2013/fbi-interrogated-man-after-comment-about-american-police-state-on-facebook/#prettyPhoto'>http://www.policestateusa.com/2013/fbi-interrogated-man-after-comment-about-american-police-state-on-facebook/#prettyPhoto</a>

These are just a few examples on just how big "Big Brother" has gotten. Free speech is one thing but if you choose to push the envelope with radical statements Facebook/Twitter/IG etc isn't going to come to your rescue.
Trump doesn't get that words have consequences.  


What does this mean to people and leaders in other countries, allies and enemies alike?


He also thinks he can just walk away from any comment and not care how it was interpreted.


It simply doesn't work that way, when you are speaking for a nation, and people are watching and preparing for their own interest.


When you say everyone should have nuclear weapons, that everyone in a nightclub should have had a gun.........


Going back....when you turn your back on your advisers for your own reasons, then try to cover up your mistake by creating a PHONY PR guy, and then admit it, then deny it.....
The FBI just spent months and months trying to find those emails.  They do not exist on US servers.  Therefore Trump was not asking Russia to hack US servers.   But..... because of Clinton's malfeasance, those emails are probably in the hands of every enemy of the US.   Trump is just asking one of those people "what do they say"?

Donald will do anything to WIN.


If Hillary did this, you'd all (including the libs) be calling her a traitor.


Shame on you.

Quote:I'm Putin this on the back burner for now and not Russian to any judgement.


The Olympic Drug Testing Committee.

You sir, you deserve a drink on me. Well played.
Quote:Trump is requesting Russia (who we don't have the best of relationship with right now) to hack servers linked to Clinton's email.


"In politics, Donald Trump said something incredibly stupid on the campaign trail today."

(cut to sound byte of Trump asking Russia to release any emails they have)

"And in other news, pictures of cats are still the most overrated thing on the internet, says a new poll from Barkley University."
Quote:Donald will do anything to WIN.


If Hillary did this, you'd all (including the libs) be calling her a traitor.


Shame on you.

Bingo, I for one would be lambasting Hillary as well. These actions are indefensible...
Sometimes I think u can't go any lower, and then u shock me.
Any one else notice that the majority of conservative posters lately have given up having a debate, and are just resorting to personal attacks? Sad really... It's like they have realized they have no argument to defend the indefensible...
I'm suprised Ol' Donnie didn't call on the same people to investigate the e-mails as he did to investigate The President's birth certificate.

Remember, he only hire's the best, the best he handpicked, just like he promised at Trump University

Bingo, I for one would be lambasting Hillary as well. These actions are indefensible...

I am still amazed by the lengths to which some liberals will go to criticize republicans.  I want us to just take a minute and think about the absurd level of intellectual dishonesty that is required to hold Anchorman's position. 


1.) The 33k emails in question were reportedly about Yoga a wedding a funeral and conversations with Bill Clinton (Who apparently doesn't even use e-mail.  To insinuate that they represent a threat to national security means that Hillary Clinton, in addition to violating the espionage act, would be a perjur and a liar guilty of many more felonies than she has already been implicated in and should serve time in jail, not just be disqualified from office.


2.) The e-mails weren't on any government server.  They were on a private server.  So that means that the action in question would not be against the United States it would be against an arrogant idiot politician. 


3.) He said Find not hack.  Why?  Because a.) The server in question no longer exists and the documents have been illegally deleted.  b.) The secretary of state who is supposed to be the smartest person to ever live and will overturn 150 years of proven economic fact because Bernie Sanders Said so put a private server with all her state department business in her basement with remote access in some kids bathroom.  I'm not making this up.  She then used the device synced to that server in foreign theaters with no security.  That's why everyone including the FBI director basically assumes that the Russians the Chinese and the Israelis probably have every email she ever sent anyway.  Trump talked about the fact that Russia probably has them.


Stay with this one for a second.  Hillary Clinton commits multiple felonies with deletion of state department documents and the negligent handling of classified information that the FBI director says has a high probability of being penetrated by state actors.  That's a real life compromise of national security that could have cost America lives assets in the field and set back our intelligence capability.  The Hillary camp says no big deal  Donald Trump makes a joke about it at a press conference and they want him prosecuted?  The world has gone stark raving mad!


4.) Not to mention that we are talking about a server that was set up because Hillary Clinton through her foundation and Bill's speech making had a clear conflict of interest while working at the state department.  Bill Clinton was off giving foreign interests speeches in exchange for 750k while his wife was approving the sale of 20% of our uranium capacity to Russia.  They received 25million dollars from Saudi arabia where the san bernadino couple was radicalized and a country that is under suspicion of having rogue elements in the Saudi family that funded 9-11 as well as exporting wahabiism to the rest of the globe contributing to Islamic Terror.  This all gets swept under the rug, but 5 seconds of a press conference disqualifies Donald Trump from office?


5.) And most importantly.  As rollerjag mentioned.  His comments came directly after he talked about this kind of intrusion being unacceptable, a show of great disrespect, and something that wouldn't be tolerated while he was president.  You can tell by the context of the words, his tone of voice, and his body language that he was being sarcastic and frankly funny. 


Some don't want to judge the left by what they actually do and only want to Judge the right based on what they SAY we said or meant.  Unbelievable. 


p.s.)  We are talking about a woman who began negotiations for a nuke deal with the most radical elements of the Iranian government and lied to the American people.  A woman who signed on to giving tanks and tax payer money to the Muslim Brotherhood, who was okay with the pull out in Iraq and the arming of Syrian rebels that lead to the creation of the most metastatic terror group in the history of the world...  And you want to talk about a joke at a @#$^ Press conference?


I need a drink...
I'd like to have a drink with you one of these days...
One of the more desperate grasp at a straw yet by the dems. Absolutely comical.


Oh, JJ's post above? That is the best damn post I have read for a long time on this board. Bravo jj82284.

Quote:Just googled the ratings... Fortune magazine states that the dnc convention is beating up the rnc convention in terms of ratings...

Hmmmmm. Interesting....

And delicious...

Lets be honest here. What % of those ratings tuned in only to see what a complete circus it would be? 
Quote:Lets be honest here. What % of those ratings tuned in only to see what a complete circus it would be?

What difference does it make? ;-)
Quote:What difference does it make? ;-)

For actual ratings, none, but for actual perceived interest, everything.
Anyone with half a brain would know he was being sarcastic.. Then again, many libs seem to have less than half a brain..
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