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Quote:Hillary still has a track record of DOING things Bernie is supposed to be against. I guess he really isn't that against it. Or at least he's willing to go back on all that just because Trump put a star in a twitter post or some nonsense.

Bernie: "Yes Hillary is corrupt and a classic example of everything wrong with Washington... but Trump is an egomaniac. We cant have that."
It's not the star on a Twitter post, it's an entire body of work. As bad as Hillary may be, Bernie has a better chance of pushing his agenda with her than he would on his own, and he knows nothing good will come from putting the buffoon Trump in the White House beyond the comedy.
Start buying precious metals.
Quote:Start buying precious metals.
Metals are greatly manipulated at this point. I guess silver and gold is fine if you are okay with that.
All that groveling he just did and he likely wont even get a cabinet position lol

Quote:It's not the star on a Twitter post, it's an entire body of work. As bad as Hillary may be, Bernie has a better chance of pushing his agenda with her than he would on his own, and he knows nothing good will come from putting the buffoon Trump in the White House beyond the comedy.
So after months of outlining, correctly I might add, why Hillary isn't qualified to hold the office, he's going to back her in order to keep his agenda alive? That's not selling out? The areas where he was opposed to her were pretty specific, and nothing about that has changed. By endorsing her, Bernie will irritate the millennial voters who were fully on board with his free stuff for everyone, Occupy Wall Street mentality. My guess is thatcher majority of these voters will take a pass on casting a ballot in November because they at least recognize now what a disingenuous nominee they're being asked to support actually is.

He built his entire support base on being the anti establishment candidate, and effectively laid out the case for why Hillary is the embodiment of the establishment. That's what won him votes. To endorse her now isn't going to inspire those who want nothing to do with establishment types to suddenly change their minds, in my opinion.
Just listened to Hillary speak. She sounded like she's feeling the bern...
<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/Snowden'>Edward Snowden ‏@Snowden </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/703733273504018432' title="8:07 PM - 27 Feb 2016">Feb 27</a>

<p class="">2016: a choice between Donald Trump and Goldman Sachs.

Quote:Just listened to Hillary speak. She sounded like she's feeling the bern...
If she is, we know she didn't get it from Bill.
Quote:So after months of outlining, correctly I might add, why Hillary isn't qualified to hold the office, he's going to back her in order to keep his agenda alive? That's not selling out? The areas where he was opposed to her were pretty specific, and nothing about that has changed. By endorsing her, Bernie will irritate the millennial voters who were fully on board with his free stuff for everyone, Occupy Wall Street mentality. My guess is thatcher majority of these voters will take a pass on casting a ballot in November because they at least recognize now what a disingenuous nominee they're being asked to support actually is.

He built his entire support base on being the anti establishment candidate, and effectively laid out the case for why Hillary is the embodiment of the establishment. That's what won him votes. To endorse her now isn't going to inspire those who want nothing to do with establishment types to suddenly change their minds, in my opinion.

The only card he has left to play is influence on the platform. As far left of the mainstream party as he may be, he's still a Democrat. He's not going to break ranks and potentially put Trump in the White House. And if he gets a job in her administration, how is that not adding his voice to policy discussions?


Primary candidates attack each other until the outcome is decided, then bury the hatchet and unify. It happens every election.



(endorses Hillary)


Bernie: SYKE

Quote:The only card he has left to play is influence on the platform. As far left of the mainstream party as he may be, he's still a Democrat. He's not going to break ranks and potentially put Trump in the White House. And if he gets a job in her administration, how is that not adding his voice to policy discussions?


Primary candidates attack each other until the outcome is decided, then bury the hatchet and unify. It happens every election.
He's not a democrat. 


He may have been running for the Democratic nomination, but he's an Independent. 


He had another card to play, but I'm sure Clinton and Co. offered all sorts of concessions to assure he doesn't run as a third party candidate. 
Quote:He's not a democrat. 


He may have been running for the Democratic nomination, but he's an Independent. 


He had another card to play, but I'm sure Clinton and Co. offered all sorts of concessions to assure he doesn't run as a third party candidate. 

No concessions needed. Why would he run third party? So he can claim he helped elect Donbo? That would only negate his entire life's work.


Don't think so. 
He was the only honest candidate on that side.  Then goes all credibility by backing someone so dishonest and untrustworthy.


But... they are the D.  Resistance is futile.


Where have all the good Democrats gone like Lieberman?  Most I suppose have gone rino as they've been absent of conservatives for forever.


What a void in "leadership" all around.  Yet some want more of the same backwards movement.  Asinine.

Quote:Just listened to Hillary speak. She sounded like she's feeling the bern...

She was pandering to what was his rally and not hers.  She seemed a bit miffed about that, too.  But then, she's always angrily shouting at everyone.
Quote:She was pandering to what was his rally and not hers. She seemed a bit miffed about that, too. But then, she's always angrily shouting at everyone.

Yes, she does seem to shout alot.

If this is all pandering, she'll be a one term president. Hopefully she's wise enough to know who her base is. If not, it'll be one and done for her.

As fur Bernie, he's clearly a smarter person than any mouth breather that thinks it would be better to whine and cry instead of driving the candidate closer to your political views.

Conservatives are doing it with trump, don't act as though this type of political compromise is only five by one side. It makes you look naive to how politics works.
@realDonaldTrump Bernie sanders has abandoned his supporters by endorsing pro-war pro-TPP pro-Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Welp, looks like after that trump tweet I'm gonna have to change my vote over to the guy that thinks he can make a sovereign country pay for a wall we build and also thinks that by driving up debt you can negotiate the payback schedule on a national level.

He's my guy now!
we already know Hillary is your guy

Quote:Welp, looks like after that trump tweet I'm gonna have to change my vote over to the guy that thinks he can make a sovereign country pay for a wall we build and also thinks that by driving up debt you can negotiate the payback schedule on a national level.

He's my guy now!

Me too! While Trump curries favor with all the politicians he said he hates. Hmm, which one to select for VP?


I enjoy his speeches using a teleprompter. I guess, like Obama, he's just a empty head who has to read what's given to him by his handlers.


Isn't this cool when it can go both ways?
let's vote for the PROVEN corrupted candidate. Real smart. Expected from Adumb i guess

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