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Quote:My opinion of Trump has gone unchanged since his days of ruining the USFL. He cannot join the big boys on merit so he blusters and tries buying his way into their club. He is a narcissistic egomaniac who thinks putting his name on everything will convince people how great he is. I don't even think he believes half the excrement he throws against the wall but he knows some of it will stick.

Bernie didn't sell out, he realized he got plowed by a machine and is trying to get what he can into the platform.

That is kind of selling out. He is endorsing the very thing Bernie Sanders supporters dislike. She embodies what is wrong with politics and is an up for sale politician like most that have gone through our system almost without recourse. She will owe lots of favors if she wins and politics based on favors is not for the people. Bernie had that and was the main reason I was going to vote for him. Disappointed, but it is what it is. Yuck.
Quote:There seems to be a lot of ill will towards a defeated candidate from those who would never vote for him in the first place.

News Flash: Most, if not all, politicians compromise.

Okay and when does change happen if we just accept things as the way they are? Most if not all will accept money from SuperPacs. Most if not all owe favors because of this. Most if not all find security within the establishment. If you want most if not all type of politics than Hillary is who you should vote for. Trump is simply a wild card who isn't Bernie in terms of "not your typical politician", but isn't part of the establishment. All of the promises apart from this mean absolutely nothing.
Jt$--- change will absolutely but happen with a trump presidency. At this point, Bernie has said he received 80% of the concessions he wanted on the democratic platform. I would say that's pretty good.

It's not perfect, or ideal, but the perfect/ideal should not be the enemy of the good.
Fun fact -Hillary has promised to campaign on reversing citizens United.

The next scotus will be nominated by the next president. I trust Hillary more than trump to get a judge in that will tip the balance away from the pro citizens United court.

That, in of itself, should be reason enough to vote for her.
Quote:Fun fact -Hillary has promised to campaign on reversing citizens United.

The next scotus will be nominated by the next president. I trust Hillary more than trump to get a judge in that will tip the balance away from the pro citizens United court.

That, in of itself, should be reason enough to vote for her.

Absolutely, we must have a court that will decree that citizens may not intervene in the coronation political process.
Quote:Absolutely, we must have a court that will decree that citizens may not intervene in the <del>coronation </del>political process.

Money is property. Money is not speech. The total amount of money one had should not allow for greater access to the coronation process, as you call it.
"I dont think you're qualified if you accept 15 million dollars from Wall Street in your super PAC."


(two months later)


"Nobody is more qualified..."


hahaha. frickin fraud

I support an assault weapons ban -- written in his book to sell to a bunch of rubes

I will protect your second amendment rights, believe me -- spewed to a bunch of Indiana rubes last night.

Haha!! He's trustworthy :-)
Bernue says Hillary will put a stop to all the wealth going to the 1%..and she's a 1 percenter.....
Quote:I support an assault weapons ban -- written in his book to sell to a bunch of rubes

I will protect your second amendment rights, believe me -- spewed to a bunch of Indiana rubes last night.

Haha!! He's trustworthy :-)

Difference is we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary is a liar and corrupt politician.  The person you want to vote in.  With Trump I admit he could be FOS and actually pro-TPP. But with him there is at least a chance he's isn't completely useless to the people.


But no, go vote Hillary. The proven scum. Idiot.

Quote:Bernue says Hillary will put a stop to all the wealth going to the 1%..and she's a 1 percenter.....

Oh jeez... that's a dumb one.

Based on that logic, trump won't stop free trade because all his clothes are produced in China where labor is cheaper. Actually, I'm pretty sure trump won't stop free trade for this very reason!!

But I guess we should believe trump because he's never flip flipped...

Your ar-15 is safe under trump... unless he changes his mind again.
So Bernie sold out so he could get his ideas added to the platform?  LOL.  Both Bernie and Hillary claim they are anti-TPP but they won't put it on the platform.  The both claim they are for free education for all but neither wants it on the platform. 


Bernie sold his soul so he could add stuff to a grocery list nobody reads, and then didn't add anything.  Great bargain, Bern.

One plus for Bernie - I at least had respect for him...

Quote:I support an assault weapons ban -- written in his book to sell to a bunch of rubes

I will protect your second amendment rights, believe me -- spewed to a bunch of Indiana rubes last night.

Haha!! He's trustworthy :-)

Yup, the "party of inclusion" that is so PC has a name for people not like them.  Let me guess, you probably use the "n" word to describe blacks and probably use some other derogatory word to describe Hispanics that don't agree with you.


Since you support an "assault weapons" ban, care to list what qualifies as an "assault weapon"?  Why should "assault weapons" be banned?
Quote:Money is property. Money is not speech. The total amount of money one had should not allow for greater access to the coronation process, as you call it.

The use of money for expression is speech.
Quote:Yup, the "party of inclusion" that is so PC has a name for people not like them.  Let me guess, you probably use the "n" word to describe blacks and probably use some other derogatory word to describe Hispanics that don't agree with you.


Since you support an "assault weapons" ban, care to list what qualifies as an "assault weapon"?  Why should "assault weapons" be banned?
Yup the poster of "logic". Calling out a poster that has ideas he disagrees with for a thing nearly everyone does. I wonder what has prompted you to get all ruffled over his post and not say a half dozen of your conservative brethren on here who never miss an opportunity to name call, insult and generally demean people because that's all they know and understand. The hypocrisy would be delicious if it wasn't such a shame. 
Quote:Yup, the "party of inclusion" that is so PC has a name for people not like them. Let me guess, you probably use the "n" word to describe blacks and probably use some other derogatory word to describe Hispanics that don't agree with you.

Since you support an "assault weapons" ban, care to list what qualifies as an "assault weapon"? Why should "assault weapons" be banned?

You're right, I'm not a rube. And I'll call anyone that is duped by a charlatan like trump what they are, rubes. Well, rubes and racists. See, I can generalize just like the best conservative!!! :-) Also, I'm not PC. That's why I call bad cops, "pigs". I'm so sick of tired of the PC police like you conservatives telling me what I can and cannot say. You sensitive little snowflakes are what's ruining this country.

As for how to define an AR-15. I know it was hard to comprehend, but based on the context of my post and who I was responding to, it should have been clear I was quoting another person. That person I was quoting is idiot trump. (Is idiot too harsh? Am I upsetting your PC sensibilities?)

You may want to email trump and ask him what he thinks defines an assault weapon, cuz that's what he supported in HIS BOOK he wrote before he decided to dupe the entire GOP.
I'm sure he's the only candidate running ever to switch stances on an issue.


Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever and you're voting for her.  But no, tell us more about how Trump was this but now he's that. Nobody cares. There are bigger issues here... like GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION that Bernie talked about before he sold his soul to the she devil.  

You familiar with trumps pro choice position before he decided to dupe gop rubes?
How bout the one where his kids, the kids that the media are saying are his highest advisers were registered democrats as recently as the ny primary?

But, no, I'm sure every thing will work out for the gop...
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