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Quote:Me too! While Trump curries favor with all the politicians he said he hates. Hmm, which one to select for VP?

I enjoy his speeches using a teleprompter. I guess, like Obama, he's just a empty head who has to read what's given to him by his handlers.

Isn't this cool when it can go both ways?

Trump has the best words put on the teleprompter!! You can tell the words are also very large based on how you can watch his eyes scroll slowly as he tries to sound out those difficult phrases like, "believe me, folks".

His state of the unions will have so much winning, you'll get tired of all the state of the union winnings you'll see.
Quote:Yes, she does seem to shout alot.

If this is all pandering, she'll be a one term president. Hopefully she's wise enough to know who her base is. If not, it'll be one and done for her.

As fur Bernie, he's clearly a smarter person than any mouth breather that thinks it would be better to whine and cry instead of driving the candidate closer to your political views.

Conservatives are doing it with trump, don't act as though this type of political compromise is only five by one side. It makes you look naive to how politics works.

I can assure you I'm much better versed in history and politics than you are, so sorry to burst your "creative" bubble.  Truth is so hard to grasp from that skewed viewpoint, I suppose.


Where do you think "never Trump" was born?  It certainly wasn't with the left, and it certainly hasn't gone away.  But pretend whatever you like, as you must.
Quote:I can assure you I'm much better versed in history and politics than you are, so sorry to burst your "creative" bubble. Truth is so hard to grasp from that skewed viewpoint, I suppose.

Where do you think "never Trump" was born? It certainly wasn't with the left, and it certainly hasn't gone away. But pretend whatever you like, as you must.

??? Yeah, that never trump thing is working as well as the never Hillary thing.

That's my point...
"You've been #berned" - Sanders to his supporters.
Quote:let's vote for the PROVEN corrupted candidate. Real smart. Expected from Adumb i guess

Feel free to vote for the carnival barker. No problem. And yet he won't provide his tax returns. Looks like we have two fakes running.


(And about the Adumb thing: that the best you got? The height of wit. You must kill it in Home Room.)
Quote:??? Yeah, that never trump thing is working as well as the never Hillary thing.

That's my point...

Wrong, yet again.


By turning against his principles, he'll no longer be fighting for delegates as his financial supporters pleaded.


No such surrender has happened on the other side.  In fact a delegate won in court re: binding delegates for Trump.


The timeliness these events is rather fitting.


Truth can be fun, informative, and liberating.
Quote:Feel free to vote for the carnival barker. No problem. And yet he won't provide his tax returns. Looks like we have two fakes running.


(And about the Adumb thing: that the best you got? The height of wit. You must kill it in Home Room.)

difference is he's not actually a "carnival barker" while Hillary is by matter of fact a corrupt politician
Bernie did the right thing for the Democratic Party. Though why Bernie (an Independent when he wants to be) would want to help them is a different matter. No rational person would ever devry a failed candidate from endorsing the winner, that's the nature of party politics, ie "She's not a good as I would've been but she's our candidate now so vote for her."

I think there is a difference between "supporting the party" and doing the dog and pony show at a rally with official endorsements.


For example, Rand Paul has never approved of Donald Trump.  On the other hand, he's still on team Republican.

Quote:difference is he's not actually a "carnival barker" while Hillary is by matter of fact a corrupt politician

You never saw Celebrity Apprentice, did you?
Quote:You never saw Celebrity Apprentice, did you?

No, did you by chance catch the episode about Hillary Clinton's life? Check that one out, jackball.

Quote:I think there is a difference between "supporting the party" and doing the dog and pony show at a rally with official endorsements.

For example, Rand Paul has never approved of Donald Trump. On the other hand, he's still on team Republican.

That's a legitimate point. But then again, rand is an outcast on a lot of gop issues.

The dude has butt heads with el rato Cruz as well as join McCain.

Sanders, while he was an independent, caucuses with the dems. And, while the primary was contentious, Hillary and Bernie are close on all the major issues.

Minimum wage? Both want 15, but in different approaches.

Taxes? Both want increases on the wealthy.

Health care? Both are pro Obama care. Hillary is actually beginning to move slightly back to single payer.

College tuition--both want to address the rising costs, Bernie is just a lot more aggressive.

There's more these two have in common than they have opposed to each other.

The idea that Bernie is selling out our naive, he's making the best out of a campaign he lost to an opponent that has campaigned on policies very similar to his, and who is willing to concede some things to him.

It's the smart move.
Quote:That's a legitimate point. But then again, rand is an outcast on a lot of gop issues.

The dude has butt heads with el rato Cruz as well as join McCain.

Sanders, while he was an independent, caucuses with the dems. And, while the primary was contentious, Hillary and Bernie are close on all the major issues.

Minimum wage? Both want 15, but in different approaches.

Taxes? Both want increases on the wealthy.

Health care? Both are pro Obama care. Hillary is actually beginning to move slightly back to single payer.

College tuition--both want to address the rising costs, Bernie is just a lot more aggressive.

There's more these two have in common than they have opposed to each other.

The idea that Bernie is selling out our naive, he's making the best out of a campaign he lost to an opponent that has campaigned on policies very similar to his, and who is willing to concede some things to him.

It's the smart move.

huh? Bernie doesn't want single payer health?
Quote:huh? Bernie doesn't want single payer health?

Lol, no he does. Hillary was campaigning during the primary that she wanted to keep Obama care, while Bernie was pushing for universal healthcare.

They were in essence arguing two sides of the same coin, with Hillary taking a more moderate position than Bernie's "revolution"

That's really the difference between what the two of them were campaigning on. Hillary was taking a more deliberate approach to policy change, Bernie was pushing for radical change. That's what got all the young kids excited. Fast change is a lot more exciting than slow, methodical progress...
Quote:But Trump gots people, really good professional people, who's gonna looks at it. Confusedarcasm:

I feel a bit like the man sold out, but he had no choice like, he's having to pick the best of the worst.
To quote an unknown source:  "Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil."

Quote:You never saw Celebrity Apprentice, did you?
Do you believe everything you see on TV?
There seems to be a lot of ill will towards a defeated candidate from those who would never vote for him in the first place.


News Flash: Most, if not all, politicians compromise.

Quote:Do you believe everything you see on TV?

I believe hosting a TV reality show should be the crowning achievement for a clown, not a springboard to the Presidency.

Just legalize pot and I'll be happy.
Quote:Just legalize pot and I'll be happy.

And can we just stop having war all day long?
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