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The French are one of my least favourite nationalitys. Topped only by the Italians and the English.
Quote:The French are one my least favourite nationalitys. Topped only by the Italians and the English.

Lol, sounds like you don't like white people...
Quote:Walk into any emergency room and you get triaged just the same: Not life threatening and not in acute pain? To the back of the queue you go.

Three times I went to the emergency room last year for a shot that could have waited a day or two. There was no urgency involved.


The total wait time summed over all three visits was less than a minute to get to a room, and less than two minutes once I was in one. The total time I was there was about a half hour each time, and most of that was afterwards to make sure I didn't have an adverse reaction to the shots.


That was in the United States of America.


In a private hospital.

Quote:Lol, sounds like you don't like white people...

He loves the sweet, sweet Scandis.
Quote:Lol, sounds like you don't like white people...

The only European country I enjoy being in or to have as company is the Spanish. I feel a close bond with them. The rest can go [BLEEP] themselves.
Quote:Three times I went to the emergency room last year for a shot that could have waited a day or two. There was no urgency involved.

The total wait time summed over all three visits was less than a minute to get to a room, and less than two minutes once I was in one. The total time I was there was about a half hour each time, and most of that was afterwards to make sure I didn't have an adverse reaction to the shots.

That was in the United States of America.

In a private hospital.

Nobody is saying you can't get good health outcomes in the US. Just the average Joe pays way more for less coverage. My girlfriend works in health management and they look to the UK to learn as they have the most efficient service in the world. Look at the costs per head, it is far cheaper and will be superior to the average Americans experience who can't afford the top coverage. Hey nothing stopping you going private in the UK or Australia. All the best equipped hospitals however are public.
Quote:The French are one of my least favourite nationalitys. Topped only by the Italians and the English.

You should be thankful for the English, they fill up a much bigger stadium and help keep the jags viable in Jacksonville. Any reason for hating the other 2 or could you just not converse with them?
Quote:You should be thankful for the English, they fill up a much bigger stadium and help keep the jags viable in Jacksonville. Any reason for hating the other 2 or could you just not converse with them?

My last few posts are mostly due to a bottle of jemmybut its also true.Should say dislike rather than hate too I suppose.

Been to France and Italy many times and I generally find them all quite aloof with a high opinion of themselves. Huge generality I know but I can never seem to get a grasp on their culture ,I find them odd and completely different to my own kind.

The Spanish on the other hand are an extremely similar kind of people. Generally quite out going and fun loving people.I've made many Spanish friends throughout the years despite speaking only a small amount of Spanish.
Quote:Nobody is saying you can't get good health outcomes in the US. Just the average Joe pays way more for less coverage. My girlfriend works in health management and they look to the UK to learn as they have the most efficient service in the world. Look at the costs per head, it is far cheaper and will be superior to the average Americans experience who can't afford the top coverage. Hey nothing stopping you going private in the UK or Australia. All the best equipped hospitals however are public.

I paid way more for essentially NO coverage thanks to Obamacare. All of those shots fell under the deductible.


Lower medical costs in other countries are partly enabled by the US policy of supporting high drug prices. The alternative is to regulate drug prices as is done in every other country. If the US did that then pharmaceutical research would come to a halt. I personally favor a rule that limits the price charged to the lowest price charged among the ten (or more) other countries with the highest GDPs. The drug companies would then have to spread the cost among the rich nations, and not just soak the US.


The UK has some good health care places and some bad ones too, just like everywhere else. There are typically very long wait times, and Brits die waiting for medical care, just like veterans in the US. The US veterans can go to a private hospital and pay for their own care too. Maybe some of the survivors did do that. Under single payer they shouldn't have had to.


Using systems in other countries with different demographics to show how the US would fare under a single payer is not nearly as accurate as using an actual US government single payer program as the example. Based on the VA, if the US followed the British/Australian model, millions would die waiting to see a doctor.


BTW, Canada's system does not allow private for-pay medical care. Canadians who find that their medical system has failed (and I know of one unfortunate victim) come to the US.

Quote:Nobody is saying you can't get good health outcomes in the US. Just the average Joe pays way more for less coverage. My girlfriend works in health management and they look to the UK to learn as they have the most efficient service in the world. Look at the costs per head, it is far cheaper and will be superior to the average Americans experience who can't afford the top coverage. Hey nothing stopping you going private in the UK or Australia. All the best equipped hospitals however are public.

How long to see a specialist again?
Quote:I paid way more for essentially NO coverage thanks to Obamacare. All of those shots fell under the deductible.

Lower medical costs in other countries are partly enabled by the US policy of supporting high drug prices. The alternative is to regulate drug prices as is done in every other country. If the US did that then pharmaceutical research would come to a halt. I personally favor a rule that limits the price charged to the lowest price charged among the ten (or more) other countries with the highest GDPs. The drug companies would then have to spread the cost among the rich nations, and not just soak the US.

The UK has some good health care places and some bad ones too, just like everywhere else. There are typically very long wait times, and Brits die waiting for medical care, just like veterans in the US. The US veterans can go to a private hospital and pay for their own care too. Maybe some of the survivors did do that. Under single payer they shouldn't have had to.

Using systems in other countries with different demographics to show how the US would fare under a single payer is not nearly as accurate as using an actual US government single payer program as the example. Based on the VA, if the US followed the British/Australian model, millions would die waiting to see a doctor.

BTW, Canada's system does not allow private for-pay medical care. Canadians who find that their medical system has failed (and I know of one unfortunate victim) come to the US.
Quote:Daily Mail not the most respected. But French workers stand up for themselves, isn't that a good thing?

Yes, I have a dream that one day, instead of being able to fill up my car otw to work, the gas station will b barricaded with burning tires.  Please, make America French again.
Quote:Lol, sounds like you don't like white people...

he fits right in at the anti-Trump rallies
Quote:Yes, I have a dream that one day, instead of being able to fill up my car otw to work, the gas station will b barricaded with burning tires. Please, make America French again.

I'd rather a few burning tyres because workers want decent pay and conditions than riots because cops like shooting black kids. No country is perfect...
I also hear life is a living hell in those Scandinavian countries - lousy economies, precarious work, high numbers of children and seniors living in poverty, high violent crime rates. Clearly social-democratic policies just cannot possibly work.

Quote:I also hear life is a living hell in those Scandinavian countries - lousy economies, precarious work, high numbers of children and seniors living in poverty, high violent crime rates. Clearly social-democratic policies just cannot possibly work.

No, you're talking about the US of A. This is where hell is. EVerywhere else is straight heaven.
Quote:I also hear life is a living hell in those Scandinavian countries - lousy economies, precarious work, high numbers of children and seniors living in poverty, high violent crime rates. Clearly social-democratic policies just cannot possibly work.

The long term prospects seem to be rather dim, especially if the passive acceptance of immigration invasion continue apace.
Quote:The long term prospects seem to be rather dim, especially if the passive acceptance of immigration invasion continue apace.

We'll see how it plays out. Doesn't change the fact that those are some of the better performing economies in the world by a number of measures and they've managed to be competitive with leftist policies.
Quote:No, you're talking about the US of A. This is where hell is. EVerywhere else is straight heaven.

I actually like the US. I just don't think people should turn to single situations as proof of their theories when there are examples to the contrary. There is no single model that offers all the solutions. Have to borrow from different ways of viewing things and keep an open mind.
Quote:I also hear life is a living hell in those Scandinavian countries - lousy economies, precarious work, high numbers of children and seniors living in poverty, high violent crime rates. Clearly social-democratic policies just cannot possibly work.

If only there were a global system of interconnected computer networks that you could use to back this up
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