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Quote:If only there were a global system of interconnected computer networks that you could use to back this up

The networks exist. The back up does not.
I'm so sick of people trying to compare our economy to the Scandinavian economy and saying look social democracy works there we should do it here!


Finland GDP 224 Billion

Iceland GDP 14 Billion

Norway GDP 351 Billion

Sweden GDP 467 Billion

combined that's 1.05 Trillion


The united states GDP is 18.5 Trillion last year, to put in perspective last year Texas GDP was 1.1 Trillion more than Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden COMBINED.


You can't compare the two economies for that reason alone. 


Compare the populations the Scandinavian countries have what roughly a population of 25 million compared to the United States 318 million? 


Sure socialism can be relatively successful for a period of time on micro scales but the argument because it works in countries with populations and GDP smaller than States we have over here is a fallacy that doesn't hold water.


You want to evaluate socialism on a large scale venture on over to the old USSR. 


You want to evaluate socialism on a large scale venture on over to the old USSR. 

The Nordic countries have a free market economy with regulations put in place by their governments. The USSR was a state run, centralized economy. Comparing the economies of Finland and the USSR is even more futile than comparing the economies of Finland and the US.
Quote:The Nordic countries have a free market economy with regulations put in place by their governments. The USSR was a state run, centralized economy. Comparing the economies of Finland and the USSR is even more futile than comparing the economies of Finland and the US.

Fair enough but I'd argue when you try to duplicate Nordic policies on a scale this size you end up with USSR centralized control.
Quote:The Nordic countries have a free market economy with regulations put in place by their governments. The USSR was a state run, centralized economy. Comparing the economies of Finland and the USSR is even more futile than comparing the economies of Finland and the US.

Then they aren't socialist andshouldnt be used to justify socialism.
Quote:Then they aren't socialist andshouldnt be used to justify socialism.
What socialism actually and what Americans think socialism is are not the same thing.
Very true. But when someone claims to be a SOCIALIST And we point to examples of it not working then the examples are valid
Saying that the US debt probably would be far less if you had dealt with your oil and gas like Statoil in Norway.
Socialism/Capitalism isn't binary, guys. 


We have quite a few social programs in the mix, (that uber-capitalists wish to quash), mixed in with one of the most capitalist systems on earth.  I can't think of a single person, no matter how liberal, that wants the failed systems of the Soviet Union or North Korea.


Bernie is right to look to the Scandinavian nations as an ideal.  They're healthy, wealthy, and smart. Oh, and for those interested, they've also got a well-armed public. Where the right-wingers have a point is that it would be hard to implement that system in a nation as populous as the US, with so many disparate cultures.  What works for Denmark probably won't work for the US, and unlike Bernie, I'm not really interested in wasting the time giving it a shot.

Quote:Socialism/Capitalism isn't binary, guys. 


We have quite a few social programs in the mix, (that uber-capitalists wish to quash), mixed in with one of the most capitalist systems on earth.  I can't think of a single person, no matter how liberal, that wants the failed systems of the Soviet Union or North Korea.


Bernie is right to look to the Scandinavian nations as an ideal.  They're healthy, wealthy, and smart. Oh, and for those interested, they've also got a well-armed public. Where the right-wingers have a point is that it would be hard to implement that system in a nation as populous as the US, with so many disparate cultures.  What works for Denmark probably won't work for the US, and unlike Bernie, I'm not really interested in wasting the time giving it a shot.
What exactly is "The Redneck Netherlands"?
Quote:Socialism/Capitalism isn't binary, guys. 


We have quite a few social programs in the mix, (that uber-capitalists wish to quash), mixed in with one of the most capitalist systems on earth.  I can't think of a single person, no matter how liberal, that wants the failed systems of the Soviet Union or North Korea.


Bernie is right to look to the Scandinavian nations as an ideal.  They're healthy, wealthy, and smart. Oh, and for those interested, they've also got a well-armed public. Where the right-wingers have a point is that it would be hard to implement that system in a nation as populous as the US, with so many disparate cultures.  What works for Denmark probably won't work for the US, and unlike Bernie, I'm not really interested in wasting the time giving it a shot.

They also have the US providing the big guns for their national defense, and subsidizing their medical care. Maybe we should abandon NATO and insist on paying the same price for drugs as western Europe and then see how well the Scandinavian system works.


Of course had we abandoned NATO in 1960 Denmark would have the same system the Soviet Union had.

Quote:What exactly is "The Redneck Netherlands"?
Southern Louisiana.


AKA the dredging capital of the U.S.  So it's about as far under sea level as Holland, and believe me, redneck as hell.
[Image: armbern_thumb.png]

Quote:[Image: armbern_thumb.png]

So Justin Beaver is a Bernie supporter?
Quote:So Justin Beaver is a Bernie supporter?

C'mon now, you should embrace the feels of that poor...boy? girl? 


That was genderist of me, I hereby denounce myself!
Quote:C'mon now, you should embrace the feels of that poor...boy? girl?

That was genderist of me, I hereby denounce myself!

We used to be able to just watch from a distance and see what bathroom they use..

Gone are the good ole days..
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