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Quote:What other three points?

He gets support from Bush only because Bush sees him as the only alternative to Trump, and Bush hates Trump more. That doesn't make Cruz an establishment type, any more than support from David Duke makes Trump a racist.

His wife's job? That proves nothing; I know some Atheists married to clergy.

He sat on a committee? I'd want to sit on the Global Warming committee, that doesn't mean I buy into that scam (although Trump apparently does).

Cruz voted AGAINST the TPP.

Really, at least come up with something logical.

And Trump conveniently has NO voting record. He does have a long record of huge donations to Dem candidates. He's really a lot like Hillary. If you want a race between Hillary Clinton and Hillary Trump, then your support for Trump makes sense.

He only down voted it because they're going to tweak it. Then pass it. He voted for TPA. Look that one up.

Here's a statement from his staff:

"Sen. Cruz has not taken a position either in favor or against TPP," the statement said. "He will wait until the agreement is finalized and he has a chance to study it carefully to ensure that the agreement will open more markets to American-made products, create jobs, and grow our economy". Oh ya he's against it alright.
"In fact, in anticipation of that vote, Cruz joined with current House Speaker Paul Ryan to publicly urge Congress to vote in favor of fast-track authority"

Hahaha the anti-establishment myth is exposed
Quote:If your hero couldn't bother to check the rules in Colorado long ago, then he's not fit to be POTUS.

"Putin has nukes? Why didn't someone tell me that?"
Hey rules are rules. What we need to do is make a new rule saying slavery is ok. Hey it's the rules, now it's ok.

Hero? Please. I'm a Rand Paul voter and I'm just not stupid enough to think anything Cruz says is true.
Quote:Cruz throws a hail mary in Colorado, incomplete... but wait! the refs called a phantom pass interference penalty.  Cruz gets the ball on the one yard line and scores the easy touchdown.  What a gift.


Cruz gets all the Colorado delegates without a vote.  That's definitely the way these things need to be done, right?  We don't need a vote of the people.


Can we finally dispel this myth that Cruz is "anti-establishment"?  The guy is getting backed by the Bush family, he has ties to TPP, his wife works for Goldman-Sachs and sat on a globalist committee, Colorado GOP just gave him all the delegates.... ya man, he's clearly an OUTSIDER.

He is a libertarian and most of the GOP doesn't like the guy, but that being said they know he won't get enough delegates to win out right against Trump so the establishment is using him to get to a contested convention to ensure that Donald Trump can't win..


basically they are rigging it, and he should run as an independent.  They never intended to give him a fair shot it would seem.
Quote:Hey rules are rules. What we need to do is make a new rule saying slavery is ok. Hey it's the rules, now it's ok.

Hero? Please. I'm a Rand Paul voter and I'm just not stupid enough to think anything Cruz says is true.

Every politician lies, Cruz less than most from what I've seen. But I look at the voting record. And if Cruz were prone to lie about his positions then he surely would have come out in favor of ethanol in Iowa.


Rand Paul was my first choice, but Cruz is the only other candidate who would cut spending. Trump won't. The Dems certainly won't. Kasich is a proven big spender.

Quote:He only down voted it because they're going to tweak it. Then pass it. He voted for TPA. Look that one up.

Here's a statement from his staff:

"Sen. Cruz has not taken a position either in favor or against TPP," the statement said. "He will wait until the agreement is finalized and he has a chance to study it carefully to ensure that the agreement will open more markets to American-made products, create jobs, and grow our economy". Oh ya he's against it alright.

As I said, he voted against TPP. You are speculating a reason, but only Cruz knows why he voted against it. A politician should be judged by his votes. Rhetoric is meaningless if it's not backed up with a voting record. Among the final candidates, who's voting record do you like better? Hillary's?


I have no problem with TPA. It just means that congress must vote on trade bills without amending them. That means that there can't be last minute vote buys in favor of the bill by tacking on "Louisiana Purchase" type amendments, as was done with the ACA. The bill has to stand on its merits. IMO, that's a good thing.

Quote:Every politician lies, Cruz less than most from what I've seen. But I look at the voting record. And if Cruz were prone to lie about his positions then he surely would have come out in favor of ethanol in Iowa.


Rand Paul was my first choice, but Cruz is the only other candidate who would cut spending. Trump won't. The Dems certainly won't. Kasich is a proven big spender.

I tend to lean towards Libertarian myself liked the Pauls, and I would be okay with Cruz as President.  That being said I don't think he will win the GOP nomination (won't have the delegates to win on the 1st vote, but Trump might not either) if it goes Contested I think they'll pick a person like kasich or Jeb Bush even.  I would not be shocked if it was Paul Ryan or Rubio for that matter.


If Cruz strikes a deal and is the GOP nominee I doubt he can win in a general election.  I mean Trump knows how to take it to them, and win the popular opinion.  He is going against the GOP & Democrats and yet still has record breaking voter turnout.  The Wisconsin election has me thinking of foul play because Scott Walker the Governor hated Donald for making him lose.  

Trump & Cruz is what the people want anyone else isn't acceptable.
Quote:As I said, he voted against TPP. You are speculating a reason, but only Cruz knows why he voted against it. A politician should be judged by his votes. Rhetoric is meaningless if it's not backed up with a voting record. Among the final candidates, who's voting record do you like better? Hillary's?

I have no problem with TPA. It just means that congress must vote on trade bills without amending them. That means that there can't be last minute vote buys in favor of the bill by tacking on "Louisiana Purchase" type amendments, as was done with the ACA. The bill has to stand on its merits. IMO, that's a good thing.
Cruz co-authored with Paul Ryan on the benefits of these trade agreements... There is no way around that. He is obviously not anti-trade agreement if an entire article written by him is all about how wonderful they are for American businesses.
Mods, please change title to "Cruz Dominates Colorado"

“They offer them trips — they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said, of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked." - Donald Trump

It is crooked, hey say what you will about Donald but he brings to light what many are thinking and sometimes let us know of stuff that we didnt really know about the behind scenes of the parties.

I have been saying for decades about how the Republican & Democrat party are too powerful & corrupt.  They need real competition in a 3rd party or do away with the parties all together would be best.


<div>“They offer them trips — they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said, of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked." - Donald Trump

It is crooked, hey say what you will about Donald but he brings to light what many are thinking and sometimes let us know of stuff that we didnt really know about the behind scenes of the parties.

I have been saying for decades about how the Republican & Democrat party are too powerful & corrupt.  They need real competition in a 3rd party or do away with the parties all together would be best.



Excuses, excuses, excuses. 
I can already hear Hillary! shrieking, "Why would you vote for a Republican candidate who Republicans wouldn't vote for?" That #feelthebern could say those same words about her won't matter because he'll be gone, it'll be a perfect sound bite.
There are 4 states I hear that have adopted this method of forgoing a primary vote of the people.  More states will probably follow suit until about half of the country just forgets the primary process altogether.  Wouldn't that be great?!!


Not only do the parties control the media with super PACs, but now they can gain even MORE control of the vote.  This is awesome!

Quote:There are 4 states I hear that have adopted this method of forgoing a primary vote of the people. More states will probably follow suit until about half of the country just forgets the primary process altogether. Wouldn't that be great?!!

Not only do the parties control the media with super PACs, but now they can gain even MORE control of the vote. This is awesome!

You've got three options

1. Fight it in your home state make your state party accountable

2. Don't support the party if you view them as corrupt

3. Accept the party is going to control their own selection process and work within the party to influence that selection process.

I opted for option 2 years ago when I changed my registration from GOP to libertarian. We also elect our candidates without a primary the delegets meet in Orlando and deciede the parties nomonie.

In the libertarian party any member can fill out the paperwork to become a delegate and attend the convention in Orlando.
Quote:You've got three options

1. Fight it in your home state make your state party accountable

2. Don't support the party if you view them as corrupt

3. Accept the party is going to control their own selection process and work within the party to influence that selection process.

I opted for option 2 years ago when I changed my registration from GOP to libertarian. We also elect our candidates without a primary the delegets meet in Orlando and deciede the parties nomonie.

In the libertarian party any member can fill out the paperwork to become a delegate and attend the convention in Orlando.

I've been a registered independent since I was 18.  I just find it ridiculous how people's hate for Trump now has them defending the Republican party cancelling elections.


"It's their party, you can't tell them what to do."  What a brain dead argument.  Both parties have complete control of the election process superseding the true will of the people when necessary, and somehow that's just fine because Trump is satan.  Ok.
The mental and philosophical gymnastics of the anti trump movement are pretty hysterical.
In football terms, this is equivalent of the Calvin Johnson rule. It is a rule, but everybody knows its a bunch of crap.

Quote:The mental and philosophical gymnastics of the anti trump movement are pretty hysterical.

The whining and excuse making by infantile Trump supporters for anything that goes against their boy is hilarious.
Hey America, we know England is imposing unfair taxation, STOP WHINING.  It's the rules.  Can you believe these infantile Washington fan boys throwing tea around?  I guess they didn't know the rules.  Idiots.

Quote:Hey America, we know England is imposing unfair taxation, STOP WHINING.  It's the rules.  Can you believe these infantile Washington fan boys throwing tea around?  I guess they didn't know the rules.  Idiots.

lol ... what are you, 12? Are you taking lessens from Trump on how to cry? Everyone's out to get me! Boo hoo.


Feel free to start your own political party or work from within a current one.


I didn't vote for Trump in the Florida GOP primary, but he got all of the delegates. How is that fair? Did I miss your post bemoaning that fact?
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