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Look at it this way...the corrupt Democrats hate Trump, the corrupt Republicans hate Trump, the lying whore media hates Trump, the clueless special snowflakes at University hate Trump.  Isn't that all we need to know?

Quote:Huge success. Objectively huge success. I just bought my tickets for the NJ Generals versus Jacksonville Bulls USFL game!!


success... Perfection. See how the terms are different?
Quote:A Proven track record of objective success successes and failures... Campaign rethoric...

Decisions decisions



We hear you talk a lot about how Trump isn't a Washington insider, he's not beholden to donors, how he speaks the truth...


...then pass off what he actually says and accept him at his word that he knows what he's talking about.


He's a political fraud and a showman, and you've been duped.
Proof... Rethoric.... Ok.
Quote:He's against the "forever war". Was first guy to come out strong against our destabilization of middle east while other candidates seem to indicate we don't do enough. I dont know exactly what you're talking about. He's anti-TPP.

He's not an isolationist but he's the closest thing to it that's left.

He's not anti-trade deals he says the tpp isn't a good enough deal. He's saying the tpp doesn't go far enough not that kn principle the trade deals are flawed. His solution isn't to regin in government power but to tax the American populace in the form of tarriffs. Come on man he's a globalist always has been always will be.
Quote:He's not anti-trade deals he says the tpp isn't a good enough deal. He's saying the tpp doesn't go far enough not that kn principle the trade deals are flawed. His solution isn't to regin in government power but to tax the American populace in the form of tarriffs. Come on man he's a globalist always has been always will be.

Have you listened to him talk about the skating rink?
Cruz sounds like a broken record, but then again at this point they all do... learn some new material politicians!

I understand constitutional libertarianism, I think its essential to both our national way of life and building an effective conservative coalition at the national level.

Having said that, may I remind you that one of the reasons we abandoned the articles of confederation for our current system was to have a central voice representing our business interests abroad. Negotiating trade is an inherent function of the executive.

Also, before the passage of tge 16th amendment one of our chief drivers of revenue was taxes on foreign goods.
Actually, your description of the articles of confederation is confused and misleading. Remember, the articles were weak and granted very little power to the federal government.

As a matter of fact, congress was unable to regulate interstate or foreign commerce. Those powers were held by the states.

See the reason the articles failed was because a strong centralized government is necessary for a nation's success...

I mean, it's history.... sorry libertarians, dems da fax. :-)
I said we abandoned them to adopt a stronger central voice in negotiating trade. No confusion.
Don't mistake centralized trade policy for the abolition of federalism or the concept of limited government.
Quote:I said we abandoned them to adopt a stronger central voice in negotiating trade. No confusion.

Yes, there is now no confusion because I made sure to clarify your misleading statement.
Quote:Having said that, may I remind you that one of the reasons we abandoned the articles of confederation for our current system was to have a central voice representing our business interests abroad.

How is that misleading?
Quote:How is that misleading?

Was that your entire post? There wasn't s paragraph before or after that?

Lol! You're funny
constitutional libertarianism still recognizes the intrinsic functions of the state and or the executive. I pointed out that our current constitutional form of federalism was adopted to include more centralized trade policy.

It also includes enumerated powers the tenth amendment etc. Its not some back door blank check to post modern statism.
Quote:Look at it this way...the corrupt Democrats hate Trump, the corrupt Republicans hate Trump, the lying whore media hates Trump, the clueless special snowflakes at University hate Trump.  Isn't that all we need to know?

Well, all of us hate [BLEEP], so what does that prove? 
Quote:constitutional libertarianism still recognizes the intrinsic functions of the state and or the executive. I pointed out that our current constitutional form of federalism was adopted to include more centralized trade policy.

It also includes enumerated powers the tenth amendment etc. Its not some back door blank check to post modern statism.

Uh huh... I'm just keeping you honest, my friend.
You want honesty? Tell me about the twinkie
Cruz has spent over double the amount that Donald Trump has in the media.

  <b>Ted Cruz has spent $112,064,426 </b>

<b>Donald has spent close to 50 million</b>


<b>Donald spent 20 million in the last few weeks, and it showed as He dominated the East Coast.</b>

Quote:You want honesty? Tell me about the twinkie

Gus switched from ice cream to twinkies?

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