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Full Version: Mike Pence says Trump will bring Jobs to Jacksonville, but how?
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Quote:It's already been pretty well documented in this thread regarding your ignorant comment.  However, let me take this a step further.  Imagine the single mother or the struggling family that might have the mother or father working at Wal-Mart or some fast food place because that is the only employment around.  Imagine that a place like this opens up and imagine what it means for those families struggling to get into the "middle class".



You know what?  Not everyone that lives around here wants that kind of environment.  The "more attractive and diverse job market for highly trained professionals" is pretty much a code-phrase for snooty liberals that want to change the culture of the city and surrounding area.


Most people around here just want to earn a good living and just "do what we do".  Earn a decent living, raise a family, go hunting and fishing or maybe go play golf every now and then.  Perhaps go to a Jaguars game, the Gator Nationals, a NASCAR race in Daytona, etc.  I would bet that most people don't want to be another "silicone valley", especially seeing how messed up that place is.


I would bet that many of the users on this forum, and particularly the people that post to this part of the forum are probably from a diverse background.  There are some that are "blue collar" workers as well as some that are "white collar" or "professional".


Take a good hard look at San Francisco, particularly around the "silicone valley" area.  Do we really want this city to be like that?

SILICON Valley is the envy of the free world. (BTW, a LOT more silicone in Jax, smart chicks are earthy or don't give a damn about fake breasts)


I'm going to repeat the first part of that:


Silicon Valley is the envy of the world. France, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Scandanavia, the U.K. and Canada are rightfully in awe of the place, and wish they had something that could compete.


The only part that's bad about it is that it's expensive as hell, because everyone wants to live there.  Jax has plenty of smarts, and would be much better served embracing their brain power instead of running away from it.  There's nothing wrong with a silicon based powerhouse investing in Jax, but they won't.  Not if we keep an attitude of exclusion and fear of smart folks.
The part were people said he was a fast food worker as a means of insult, last I checked fast food workers were in the service industry. The fact that you didn't notice probably means that you don't hold people in food industry in high regard. That's fine neither do I, but then again not what most people would consider to be a nice person.

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