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The new amphitheater/practice facility/upgrades look gorgeous, state of the art.
Quote:I said nothing about tickets. It's just easy to divide up the total revenue into games since there are 10 of them

I just believe that almost all the other forms of revenue could still be made here in Jacksonville at roughly that 2.5% discount.

But why would you do that? While ticket sales correlate directly to a game, merchandise sales, corporate sponsorships, et al do not. It doesn't seem like a logical connection to make.
Quote:I said nothing about tickets. It's just easy to divide up the total revenue into games since there are 10 of them.


You didn't have to say anything about tickets.  Your math was based on it.
Quote:But why would you do that? While ticket sales correlate directly to a game, merchandise sales, corporate sponsorships, et al do not. It doesn't seem like a logical connection to make.

You're right. But the remaining 87.5% of local revenue does include all that and it averages out to be 9.7% per game. So the real difference between here and London is more like 2.8%.

(I'll admit, I didn't get much sleep, so it's possible my brain isn't functioning completely optimal.)

Also, heaven forbid someone have a little civic pride.
Quote:You didn't have to say anything about tickets. Your math was based on it.

The math was based on average total local revenue dollars per game.

Also, if you see the above post. I realized my calculations weren't perfect.


Does anyone else think that with all these new buildings and developments, that Khan is trying to prepare Jacksonville to host another Super Bowl down the line? it would not surprise me.

Quote:Does anyone else think that with all these new buildings and developments, that Khan is trying to prepare Jacksonville to host another Super Bowl down the line? it would not surprise me.
  Nor me.
Quote:Does anyone else think that with all these new buildings and developments, that Khan is trying to prepare Jacksonville to host another Super Bowl down the line? it would not surprise me.

I think a college football playoff game us more likely.
Quote:Does anyone else think that with all these new buildings and developments, that Khan is trying to prepare Jacksonville to host another Super Bowl down the line? it would not surprise me.

Shad Khan can do all he wants to prepare the stadium for another Super Bowl but I remember the city needed to use a docked cruise ship as a floating hotel.


The video for the practice facility/amphitheater... WOW




The video for the practice facility/amphitheater... WOW
I saw it too. My jaw dropped.
Did they mention when work would be started and completed?

Quote:The math was based on average total local revenue dollars per game.

Also, if you see the above post. I realized my calculations weren't perfect.

[Image: 172636.gif]
I like the man, and he's obviously doing a good job, but energy-wise Mark Lamping is the the polar opposite of Gus.


If the Shipyards project moves forward, I can see a Super Bowl in the medium distant future.
Quote:I like the man, and he's obviously doing a good job, but energy-wise Mark Lamping is the the polar opposite of Gus.

If the Shipyards project moves forward, I can see a Super Bowl in the medium distant future.

Shad shot down the idea of bringing another Super Bowl here, said there wasn't nearly enough hotels.
Quote:Shad shot down the idea of bringing another Super Bowl here, said there wasn't nearly enough hotels.

If the draft starts moving around each year, I could see that type of event being held there for sure.
Quote:If the draft starts moving around each year, I could see that type of event being held there for sure.

Absolutely. Would love to see them host the National Championship here too.
In this rendering, you can actually see Wiz snapping the ball over Bortles' head



[Image: tempPOPULOUS_Jaguars_V4_FINAL-V4--nfl_me...height=720]

An article with video and renderings for the SOTF is up on the main page:



Big plans every year.  And each plan is a piece to a larger puzzle.  Yeah he's definitely moving the team.

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