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Quote:So kicking a field goal wouldn't have been rubbing it in too? Hell, total points could end up mattering as horrid as our division is. Screw 'em if they don't like it.

Since we can't punt from the 1 yard line, no it wouldn't. I have no problem going for a touchdown on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd downs. Once they stop us in those downs, take the kick and be done with it.
Quote:Who called them gay?

Some of you sure are obsessed with "homo sexuals" here. If you had a clue what the origin of the "twink" label was in relation to the colt fan base, you'd be very disappointed.

I get it. It's part of your schtick to whine about anything I post. It's like you're my own personal stalker around here. I think I'm starting to understand why.

This is the first time I acknowledge or even mention you in a long while and it was only to agree with a fellow fan that you go over board with your insults and are given preferential treatment on this board. The mods follow a double standard and are hypocrites when it comes to you.
Quote:Nah, I saw the reasoning for it. Go for it there on Fourth down, and even if you don't get it the Indianapolis Offense is operating with their Third String QB in his own goalpost' shadow. Besides, your Kicker is having an up and down day so why pressure him even more?


I'm as much of a fan as seeing 51 as the next guy, but the decision to go for it on Fourth and Goal made perfect football sense to me.
 It was 44-16 with less than 2 mins. left. We're already up by 4 touchdowns. What kind of miracle are you expecting from the Colts that you even care to back them up "on his own goalpost' shadow"?


I can see the Myers excuse being valid had he continued to struggle, but since he booted every single kick since his miss, it really isn't.
How many points did the Bills put up unanswered before we scraped back? (we led 27-3 and gave up the lead)


That wasn't "running up the score."


It was insurance for our struggling defense. 

Quote: It was 44-16 with less than 2 mins. left. We're already up by 4 touchdowns. What kind of miracle are you expecting from the Colts that you even care to back them up "on his own goalpost' shadow"?


I can see the Myers excuse being valid had he continued to struggle, but since he booted every single kick since his miss, it really isn't.

I'm not worried about a "miracle" play or outcome, I'm simply saying that the scenario as it laid out made sense to me to go for the extra half yard and subsequent touchdown. If you kick that Field Goal, there is a chance that he misses. If he misses, the ball will be spotted around the eight yard line for Indianapolis to take over. However! If you go for the Touchdown and miss, then the ball is spotted wherever Bortles was stopped, most likely on the one nth line.


I'm simply looking at it as you want to make the scenarios your opponents face as difficult as possible. Going for the touchdown accomplishes that from my perspective.

Quote:Since we can't punt from the 1 yard line, no it wouldn't. I have no problem going for a touchdown on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd downs. Once they stop us in those downs, take the kick and be done with it.

Why not have him take a knee then we really wouldn't have to worry about hurting their feelings.
Quote:How many points did the Bills put up unanswered before we scraped back? (we led 27-3 and gave up the lead)


That wasn't "running up the score."


It was insurance for our struggling defense. 

Very different scenario...let's look at worst case here...we kick...and Myers misses. They get ball at maybe 30 yard line? Since you know, we're up by FOUR touchdowns with less than 2 minutes left...we play soft coverages. We leave middle of field open, they burn 3 timeouts and they score. 1 minute left. 


Hurrah now we're only up by 3 touchdowns. They have to onside kick. And recover. Then score. Then onside kick. Then recover. Then score again. In a minute. With no timeouts.


Like, seriously? You guys are really trying to validate us going for it on 4th and 1?


I get its fun scoring 50. And even more fun to thump on the colts.


But emotional reasons aside...there's really no reason to go for it at that point. The game was practically over regardless of what we do with that 4th down play...
Quote:I'm not worried about a "miracle" play or outcome, I'm simply saying that the scenario as it laid out made sense to me to go for the extra half yard and subsequent touchdown. If you kick that Field Goal, there is a chance that he misses. If he misses, the ball will be spotted around the eight yard line for Indianapolis to take over. However! If you go for the Touchdown and miss, then the ball is spotted wherever Bortles was stopped, most likely on the one nth line.


I'm simply looking at it as you want to make the scenarios your opponents face as difficult as possible. Going for the touchdown accomplishes that from my perspective.


Quote:Very different scenario...let's look at worst case here...we kick...and Myers misses. They get ball at maybe 30 yard line? Since you know, we're up by FOUR touchdowns with less than 2 minutes left...we play soft coverages. We leave middle of field open, they burn 3 timeouts and they score. 1 minute left. 


Hurrah now we're only up by 3 touchdowns. They have to onside kick. And recover. Then score. Then onside kick. Then recover. Then score again. In a minute. With no timeouts.


Like, seriously? You guys are really trying to validate us going for it on 4th and 1?


I get its fun scoring 50. And even more fun to thump on the colts.


But emotional reasons aside...there's really no reason to go for it at that point. The game was practically over regardless of what we do with that 4th down play...

Future tie breakers aside, Deacon makes sense.
I couldn't care less if you scored 300 points and were still heaving the ball around. There is no such thing as running up the score, defense should stop you.


I find more humor in watching you guys post. Some of you are so incredibly arrogant after finally having your team have a resemblance of life in the NFL (against a beat up Hasselbeck & Clipboard Jesus, for that matter). 

Quote:Very different scenario...let's look at worst case here...we kick...and Myers misses. They get ball at maybe 30 yard line? Since you know, we're up by FOUR touchdowns with less than 2 minutes left...we play soft coverages. We leave middle of field open, they burn 3 timeouts and they score. 1 minute left.

Hurrah now we're only up by 3 touchdowns. They have to onside kick. And recover. Then score. Then onside kick. Then recover. Then score again. In a minute. With no timeouts.

Like, seriously? You guys are really trying to validate us going for it on 4th and 1?

I get its fun scoring 50. And even more fun to thump on the colts.

But emotional reasons aside...there's really no reason to go for it at that point. The game was practically over regardless of what we do with that 4th down play...
You make perfect sense. Can't argue.

But, damn, this 50-burger tastes so friggin good right now that I don't care.

Quote:I couldn't care less if you scored 300 points and were still heaving the ball around. There is no such thing as running up the score, defense should stop you.


I find more humor in watching you guys post. Some of you are so incredibly arrogant after finally having your team have a resemblance of life in the NFL (against a beat up Hasselbeck & Clipboard Jesus, for that matter). 
So the game doesn't count because you suck?


Maybe you wouldn't have a beat up 40 year old Hasselbeck & clipboard Jesus in the game if you had better protected Luck.


Maybe you would have protected Luck better if you had drafted better.


Believe me, we here in Jacksonville know all too well about the inevitable results of bad drafting.


Just take your lumps and like it.

It is even sweeter because DC worked for you guys and I'm sure his input was ignored.

Quote:So the game doesn't count because you suck?


Maybe you wouldn't have a beat up 40 year old Hasselbeck & clipboard Jesus in the game if you had better protected Luck.


Maybe you would have protected Luck better if you had drafted better.


Believe me, we here in Jacksonville know all too well about the inevitable results of bad drafting.


Just take your lumps and like it.

I never said that. The game counts 100% (for some reason you guys also like making up things I've never said). The way you guys act is genuinely hilarious to me. It's clear the reaction is from a fan base that doesn't see success often.


Luck did not get hurt because of the OL. He got hurt when he didn't slide, which is his own fault.

no reason to agrue. its simple. Jags were just the better team all around yesterday,espailley in 2coned half. 

Quote:Who called them gay? 


Some of you sure are obsessed with "homo sexuals" here.  If you had a clue what the origin of the "twink" label was in relation to the colt fan base, you'd be very disappointed.


I get it.  It's part of your schtick to whine about anything I post.  It's like you're my own personal stalker around here.  I think I'm starting to understand why.


What the heck is a twink?
Quote:What the heck is a twink?

A twink is a colts fan, similar to Twinkies.  Soft, full of fluff with a white creamy substance (usually consumed) on the inside.
Quote:I never said that. The game counts 100% (for some reason you guys also like making up things I've never said). The way you guys act is genuinely hilarious to me. It's clear the reaction is from a fan base that doesn't see success often.


Luck did not get hurt because of the OL. He got hurt when he didn't slide, which is his own fault.

1.  Clearly you included Hasselbeck and CJ to mitigate the loss.  Why else would you include that parenthetical?


2.  Any fan could be accustomed to success all the time if they bandwagon hopped like half the people claiming Colts fandom.  I remember the pre Manning era for you guys.  Newsflash:  You were horrible for nearly two decades, and no self respecting person outside of senior citizen Baltimore Colts fans and the few football first fans in Indy claimed Colt allegiance.


3.  Luck was banged up and ineffective long before hurting his kidney,and that was a direct result of neglecting the OL.  Did you forget the early season pressers from Pagano?
Quote:1.  Clearly you included Hasselbeck and CJ to mitigate the loss.  Why else would you include that parenthetical?


2.  Any fan could be accustomed to success all the time if they bandwagon hopped like half the people claiming Colts fandom.  I remember the pre Manning era for you guys.  Newsflash:  You were horrible for nearly two decades, and no self respecting person outside of senior citizen Baltimore Colts fans and the few football first fans in Indy claimed Colt allegiance.


3.  Luck was banged up and ineffective long before hurting his kidney,and that was a direct result of neglecting the OL.  Did you forget the early season pressers from Pagano?

1. It once again shows that when you beat a team, at home, that is playing their 3rd string QB and you act like this that the Jags fan base is not use to success.


2. How is this relevant to the conversation we were having? You're grasping at straws. Plus, this does not pertain to me, at all.


3. Pagano is an a terrible head coach, I don't listen to his press conferences EVER. He just repeats the same old shticks and clichés. It's terrible. Overall though, the offensive line was terrible the first 3-4 weeks, then they started to gel until Castonzo got hurt and we had to move our whole OL around vs. Pitt & Jax this week.
Quote:As many times as we've been on the OTHER side of these lopsided scores over the past few years,I'd think lamenting about US running up the score is the LAST thing a Jag fan would do.


Correct me if I am wrong, but just last year, in our own stadium, the Colts beat us 44-17.


They had this butt kicking coming.

Funny thing was the scores just kept coming. 

It's really hard to stop scoring when they just seem to "happen".......what were they supposed to do.......just throw the ball to a clot?

We'd probably just intercept it right back the way the game was going....LOL.
I think we were worried they may unleash garbage time specialist Luck so needed all the points we could get.
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