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Full Version: Why is Jason Myers still here? How inept is this franchise?
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oh lord.... we're tanking now...
Losing intentionally for draft position, yes, that is known as tanking
Luck out, Houston with no QB, Tenn with rookie Mariota. Division will never be this easy again
Quote:Losing intentionally for draft position, yes, that is known as tanking

There is no reason to think the Jaguars are doing that. If we wanted to lose, how do you explain scoring 39 points at Tennessee?
Quote:Losing intentionally for draft position, yes, that is known as tanking

Thanks, Webster...

I wasn't requesting a definition. I was scoffing at the idea that Dave Caldwell, Gus Bradley, or 53+ professional athletes and numerous coaching staff members are trying to lose in order to maintain a top 5/10 draft selection.
Quote:Luck out, Houston with no QB, Tenn with rookie Mariota. Division will never be this easy again

Houston does have a quarterback. His name is Brian Hoyer.


The Colts are playing better without Andrew Luck than with him.
Quote:Houston does have a quarterback. His name is Brian Hoyer.

The Colts are playing better without Andrew Luck than with him.
Excuses like this will get Bradley an unearned fourth season
Quote:Excuses like this will get Bradley an unearned fourth season

If you have been paying attention, you should know there is zero chance Bradley will get fired after only three years.
they're dug in. refuse to admit mistake

Quote:If you have been paying attention, you should know there is zero chance Bradley will get fired after only three years.

Not totally. They said there's no way he gets fired mid season. There's still no guarantees he gets a 4th even though it sounds like he will.

Better believe of we get blown out these next 4 games he'll be gone.

I'm expecting him to stay and Babich to be let go and for DC to revamp the defense like we did the offense
Quote:If you have been paying attention, you should know there is zero chance Bradley will get fired after only three years.
The "momentum" wins when we're out of the playoff hunt will save him

Gus admitted he did everything he could and still got spanked by a rookie! There is no hope for him. It's time to find a real headcoach
Quote:If you have been paying attention, you should know there is zero chance Bradley will get fired after only three years.

[Image: 2337cf0fa4b9df18dcad350b7c589c79f889230c...2b5172.jpg]
Quote:23-29 on extra points.....so embarrassing. Kickers have better FG stats than that
Myers has better FG stats as well.

Look on the bright side...  If this was the last few years, he probably only misses around 3 extra points because we aren't scoring any TDs.
Ahh...   he's a rook.  Kickers are developed over time.  We weren't going anywhere this season anyway.  I am not an apologist, but my vote is to see how it plays out the rest of the way, and even thru next year.  He's doing alright considering they moved the extra-point back.  Lots of guys miss from the 30's early on in their career.   


Here's the test..  if we dump him, will he get picked up?   Yes, is my answer.  We have to stop training players for other teams.  Unloading Scobee was the right call.  


I'm okay to stick with him for now.  What we need to unload is all the boo-birds on here..  Philly needs some new fans.  You don't trash a guy DURING the game.. (you know who you are)  negative waves,, bad karma,, miss...    ya'll would do better to just close your eyes and hope, than trash the guy mid-game.  Save that for after if that's what you need to do..   flame away 

Quote:I bet he is still with us next year

I'll take that bet.
Jason Myers has become somewhat emblematic of this franchise, don't you think? 

Inept thread is inevitably inept.
Quote: We could easily find a better kicker


Maybe in the offseason, but as of now if it's so easy... start naming name. I'm waiting.

Quote:Losing intentionally for draft position, yes, that is known as tanking


Let me guess... Caldwell told Wiz to snap it over Bortles head.

Quote:Jason Myers has become somewhat emblematic of this franchise, don't you think?

Quote:Maybe in the offseason, but as of now if it's so easy... start naming name. I'm waiting.

Morton Anderson - retired

Gary Andersen - retired

John Carney - retired

Nick Lowery - retired

Jan Stenarude - retired

Mark Mosely - retired

Olindo Mare - retired

Neil Rackers - retired



They're all retired. You actually have to name names that can be signed.

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