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Well, considering we fumbled on a simple qb sneak, Wiz getting explicited and the titans ability to drive down the field on us, I'd say overtime would not have benefited us.
I've gone back and forth on this a few times. Ultimately, I agree with Bradley's call. Take the three points, let Myers bang it out the back of the endzone, then force an inconsistent, banged up offense to go 80 yards with no timeouts. If the Jaguars had gone for it and come up short (which, let's be honest, they would have after rolling D-Rob out), the Titans would only have needed 50 yards or so to force it to overtime, and I'm of the opinion that if a game goes to overtime because of a last-second score, the team that scored holds the momentum and the edge.


I could see the argument for going for it, but in Bradley's shoes, I'd probably have taken the three and forced them to go all the way for a win instead of halfway for OT.

If we could have any trust at all in our short yardage offense it would be an easy go for it, but we don't, so kicking it is fine imo.
Wiz got owned, his man whipped him all game.
If they'd gone for it and failed - and have you seen our short yardage offence? - then the tacks would have taken it to overtime. Would that have been a better call than showing confidence in our defence not to concede a touchdown? Of course not. It was the right call here.
The Tacks burning their last TO basically made the call an easy one. Take the chip shot and make them score a TD with a minute left and no TOs. The defence was playing well enough, I was confident that we'd stop them.

Going for the first down would have been too risky. But as many have said, Hurns really should have got the 1st. Even if he's been pushed out of bounds we'd have another set of downs to run the clock down
Quote:If they'd gone for it and failed - and have you seen our short yardage offence? - then the tacks would have taken it to overtime. Would that have been a better call than showing confidence in our defence not to concede a touchdown? Of course not. It was the right call here.

Exactly the situation isn't the same for all teams. Our short yardage game stinks.
It was the right call for this team. We have been struggling with 3rd and 1 all year.
I agree it's the tough decision, but I disagreed with the call.  It worked out in favor, so Bradley's decision obviously worked, but I think we should have just gone for the game right there.  Granted we've sucked at short yardage, but it basically shows a lack of confidence with the offense (totally understandable).  In a few years when we're much farther as a franchise, I think we definitely go for the kill, but maybe this year we're just not there yet.

Quote:Wiz got owned, his man whipped him all game.


For no other reason, look at how Wiz was getting worked and that should tell you. Take the kick, put points on the board and make the rookie QB with very few weapons drive the field for a TD.

It was the right call in my opinion.
The right call. We had failed on short yardage conversions and even fumbled on one of them.

Imagine if we failed? The game would have almost certainly gone to overtime. Instead we forced a team who had one redzone drive (comprised mostly of penalties) to go 80 yards with no timeouts.
Quote:I agree it's the tough decision, but I disagreed with the call. It worked out in favor, so Bradley's decision obviously worked, but I think we should have just gone for the game right there. Granted we've sucked at short yardage, but it basically shows a lack of confidence with the offense (totally understandable). In a few years when we're much farther as a franchise, I think we definitely go for the kill, but maybe this year we're just not there yet.

This makes no sense to me. If you're not good at something, then why try it when there is a better option available?

Try something you have failed at repeatedly or put points on the board?

Give me the points
Quote:This makes no sense to me. If you're not good at something, then why try it when there is a better option available?

Try something you have failed at repeatedly or put points on the board?

Give me the points

I just like the mentality of going for the win right then and there.
1. We suck at short yardage.

2. It was a low scoring game.

3. The Titans were out of timeouts.


I agree with the decision to kick the FG.   Make them go the length of the field with no timeouts left.   That is a major major challenge for any rookie QB.   I would put the odds of making a 1st down on 4th and inches in this game- less than 50%.  


So, at the time, I agreed with the decision and I still do. 

Must good coaches try to go ahead and win the game when they can. If you have the ability to win the game with 6 inches, you do. Belichick, chip Kelly, Sean Payton, gruden.....good coaches- you think any of those guys kick a field goal? No! Almost cost us the game.
Quote:1. We suck at short yardage.

2. It was a low scoring game.

3. The Titans were out of timeouts.

I agree with the decision to kick the FG. Make them go the length of the field with no timeouts left. That is a major major challenge for any rookie QB. I would put the odds of making a 1st down on 4th and inches in this game- less than 50%.

So, at the time, I agreed with the decision and I still do.

This. Plus the only touchdown the Titans scored all night came after a bogus pass interference call.
Quote:I just like the mentality of going for the win right then and there.

I get that, and I would love for the team to have all 80 yard TD drives by only calling one running play right up the middle time after time, but it's not a path to success.

The team showed that to go for the win there was not the best choice. Kicking was the best choice.
3 runs from the 2 yard line led to a field goal! You kick that ball 100% of the time with this short yardage offense.
I too wanted them to go for it. Hindsight now says it was a good call. We have been terrible in short yardage situations. We also pinned them back inside the 10 wit no timeouts. Our defense was playing pretty well up to that point (outside of penalties)
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