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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ New York Jets Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Good challenge, looked ok to me
Stupid challenge
If we had a good coach I'd think we would be ok
No, Bradley...Nooooooo

if Gus loses this challenge, should he be fired?

THATS ACATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like a catch to me
That's a catch
Finally a challenge I can get behind.
He may have tapped that right foot. Hard to tell
You imbecile. You probably iced your kicker as well
That referee was a little too excited when he called it out of bounds
He caught it, toes were down
What a crock of [BLEEP] by these refs letting the Jets contemplate a review. Plus the Meyers shank is coming.
That's a catch
Its a good challenge from the point that the clock was winding down and they were going to take a timeout anyways... so WHY NOT?

Can someone tell me Gus' record on challenging??

Can't be good
Quote:Gus Bradley, still hasn't learned... 3 years...

Dude, the guy is a moran

Looks like a good challenge.
Blake that dude line trash he just making it happen
Quote:Hurns looked like he was running wide open in the middle of the field.
He was, BB missed him