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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ New York Jets Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Dude ain't worth the money this year
45 million dollar man can't catch a pass
jimmy graham would have jumped up and caught that

So what does it take for the jags to get a PI call?
Every time I think we're done, Bortles and the receivers do something awesome.

Jags receivers are getting mugged - no call.

Another PI not called. Bailey didn't turn around and was all over Thomas...

Does JT not know how to jump?

Why does JT look like an offensive lineman?
Quote:Jags receivers are getting mugged - no call.

These missed Pi calls are going to cost us
Quote:Why does JT look like an offensive lineman?
Because he is obese. 
Didn't turn to see where the ball was, and no PI call.   These refs need to be suspended like the NCAA did to those ACC Refs.

Quote:Jags receivers are getting mugged - no call.

Well. it is New York after all.
The refs have decided to put the flags away if it's Jet DBs are mugging our receivers.
Let's face it the Jags are the Washington Generals to the other 31 teams
Quote:Does JT not know how to jump?

His extra girth is struggling with Earth's gravitational pull.
Cmon Jags don't be allergic to TDs
Come on man.  Just get a damn TD.

Wow oline
Kick the fg