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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ New York Jets Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Quote:Watch them get onside kick then blow it. #becausejags
The Titans game last year we did that. Got the onside then missed the game winning FG.
Quote:You couldn't if you tried. Hard to take a Tebow fan boy seriously.

Is that your best comeback?
Quote:Bortles is great, sorry to those who can't see it yet

He is, but he screws up in the worst moments
we need a 3 and out

Quote:Bortles, almost 400 yards

Just imagine if he could actually read a defense more of the time.
Well executed kick
He needs to practice his onside kicks
Why would I have even thought the worst ST in the league could actually get the onside kick?

Bad kick.
Quote:Is that your best comeback?

Better than yours.
I dont like it... But I cant argue it really. EIther way u need to make a stop. SO we still get the ball with about 1:15 left if we make the stop with no timeouts. 

The punt turnover was the most costly turnover.

interesting onside kick.

should have squibbed it

why, 2 min warning and a time out. This is why we question this coaching staff

Gus looks defeated right before the commercial break.

Win or lose, the Jags are showing something today.